Classic self-hosted technical help
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4,422 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Download links for Invision Community no working at Client Area. im getting this error:
Last reply by Marc, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys! Sorry, I use google translate. The question of optimization is ripe ... I want to convert all images to WebP Accordingly, the question is brewing: How "safe" is it? Will all our links break? If you did the conversion to webp on the server side, give a couple of tips please.
Last reply by Randy Calvert, -
- 5 replies
Sorry if this is the wrong area. I couldn't find a presale question subforum. Is there an index of Invision websites? In particular, websites that use Invision Commerce for web storefronts? I'm going to be launching an ecommerce site and would love to see examples of what Invision Commerce is capable of. I'm worried it might be a bit too simple for my needs but I love Invision in general so I'm hoping I'm just mistaken. Thank you.
Last reply by Computer Candy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello, i have the latest version of IPS forum but when i click on my user menu i dont see the information about rank as here! is there any option to activate ?
Last reply by Janyour, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Is there an easy way to create custom forms? Looking to do something like the attached
Last reply by Marc, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hey Guys I am using the IPB default theme. And in the backend, I am able to change the font size for desktop by using the scale font sizes option. However this does not seem to change the body font size on mobile at all (only on desktop). Could somebody please tell me how I can change the body font size, so that it will appear bigger on mobile phones as well! Kind regards, Marcel
Last reply by Łukasz Przechodzeń, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello everyone, Do you know of any plugin that will allow to create custom blocks of latest posts or topics where you can choose the forums that can be displayed? I mean, IPS allows that, of course. But once you drag such a block on a forum as a sidebar, ALL the forums display the same posts. There is no way to display a custom Latest Topics/Posts sidebar block that displays the latest topics/posts from the selected forum(s). There should be a possibility to do that. Display individual and unique custom sidebar blocks showing the latest topics and post that do not show on ALL the forums. Each forum should have (optionally) the possibility to display its o…
Last reply by TDBF, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Trying to work out with some things. sendgrid is setup and text emails are working as it should however bulk emails that I do not use often anyway comes back with an error: {"message":[{"message":"You have exceeded your messaging limits","field":null,"help":null}]} Also when emails do get sent, the images are missing... 😞 they are always missing. Weired part that one of my test emails sent and images did show, now the other times they are not.
Last reply by EmpireKicking, -
- 7 replies
Is IPS 4.4 compatible with MariaDB 10.5?
Last reply by sobrenome, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
So first off I'm still running 4.4.10. I don't really like the direction the software has gone since then to be honest and I feel pretty disillusioned with it, despite recognising that there are some good features that have been added since (which is a shame). It's also too difficult to keep upgrading the forum all the time and keeping compatibility with my existing themes, plugins and applications (some of which haven't even been upgraded for the newest versions now) among more and my own SSO setup. It's just not possible for me to keep making these large changes at the scale you're making them and keep my site actually running, unfortunately. I would have cont…
Last reply by Chris89, -
- 0 replies
I would like to include a text box to provide guidance on the purpose of a particular subdomain and the appropriateness of whether or not a member should sign-in to that subdomain. Here's an example of what I'm looking to accomplish: Does anyone know how this might be accomplished?
Last reply by Chris Anderson, -
- 1 reply
Can anyone tell me how to make the navigation bar as one bar? Like this forum has
Last reply by Ramsesx, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi guys, so I've have this annoying issue where even though there is enough space for this Unread Content menu, for some reason it ends up within More dropdown which is annoying as hell. Any idea how to fix this and whats the issue? Not sure is it worth to mention, but I am using Vala Menu Plus plugin! Thanks, Igor
Last reply by Core4D, -
- 0 replies
I wonder if this is a bug. I upgraded to 4.6.6 and kept my ranks system. But the Reputation Levels, that I've edited for the first time ever in order to add a few more levels, don't display the Title now in the Admin CP (except when you open them to edit). See the first 3 ones from the top I didn't touch and they keep the description/title, the ones below them, either edited or new ones, don't show it. However if you open any of them to edit, the Title is there. (By the way, if you add a badge there does it show anywhere?... if I kept the original reputation system in place instead of the new rewards one?) Anyway, the Tit…
Last reply by PPlanet, -
- 8 replies
I've dug into this and I have not been able to determine the cause. So far I have: Uninstalled the few plugins and hooks I had installed. Cleared caches Tried different browsers Tried using an older topics.php Resetting CKEditor toolbars Looked to reset themes, but they were already stock. Anyone have any ideas or know of something I should check that I have missed? This started as soon as I upgraded to 4.6.6. UnexpectedValueException: (0) #0 /html/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(555): IPS\_Theme->getTemplate() #1 /html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic…
Last reply by Tarun, -
Redis usage
by AlexJ- 1 reply
Is below usage normal? I was expecting a bit more.
Last reply by Randy Calvert, -
- 9 replies
A consideration that has been voiced here before by others but I haven't really found a solution to, is how can we best optimize IPS for Mobile usage such that we can maximize our PageSpeed Insights scores which directly correlate to potential ad revenue/rpms for those of us that are using Google Adsense (or similar)? Desktops scores are fairly high (85-95), but Mobile scores are very low (25-40). Some of this is impacted by factors outside of IPS (network, server, etc) but a lot of it is code sided (CSS, JS) that impact CLS, FCP, TTI, TBT, etc) and these are all directly tied to the score which is directly tied to ad RPM. We may not be able to reach Desktop score …
Last reply by Adlago, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
We have a cycling rite with 10 ranks. No one is even close to the top rank. I've like to manually adjust one member for a few days so they will show the top level. How do I manually add points, and can they be removed? Thanks
Last reply by Square Wheels, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, I'm hoping that I post in the right place, but I have seen this post from 2016: I tried to set all directories to 755 and files to 644, except for: /applications /plugins /uploads /datastore which I set to 777. I'm still getting funky errors related to permissions. Like if I try to set the /admin directory to 777, I'll get 500 Internal Error in AdminCP, but when I restore back to 755, no more 500 error, but it fails to render the page properly. This seems to be important for IPS to run correctly it seems, and since I couldn't find it properly document and it's now year 2021, I figured it makes sense to as…
Last reply by martin123ko, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, my community fell in love with the Xenon Landing theme (dark) 1.2.3 created by JCDesigns but its no longer available and appears they are no longer active. Would anyone have a copy of this theme that I can pay for a copy of?
Last reply by Mark H, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, some of you have an "About me" page in your profile. Can anyone tell me where it comes from? Is this an additional feature? Christine
Last reply by Christine35, -
- 11 replies
Hi all! I would like to create a subset of the Member group to which members can subscribe and unsubscribe independently. For example: "Holders of Picasso paintings". Which is the preferable way? Thanks!
Last reply by sofos, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by ava5ter, -
- 5 replies
Hello, We are under DDoS attacks from the company Expanse Inc. According to them these attacks on our servers are legal according to the CFAA-compliant. 😨 Google: Palo Alto Networks ensables your team to prevent successful cyberattacks with an automates approach that delivres consistent security across cloud, network and mobile. We have blocked IP addresses (,,,, but this is not effective, as it consumes resources that are not negligible given the volume of attacks. Curiously, not all websites are attacked by the same volume of connections. Have you ever had this type of problem? …
Last reply by Charles, -
IPS Forum bug
by Pjo-
- 1 reply
As a logged user I don't have access to half of the sections here - as a guest I do. 🙂 Guest: User:
Last reply by Marc, -