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  1. After all that 🤣 How would I get it to show then? Obviously I would need to edit something but can you explain how it's done please?
  2. It shows number of posts but not reactions.
  3. Yes but they're not showing in the post bit, profiles in posts.
  4. Updated now. I thought I had done that last week.
  5. Which part am I supposed to change? and is that part where the arrow is, is that my server?
  6. It happens on all profiles including my own. https://talkfootball.org/index.php?/topic/31-gday/#comment-116
  7. Ok. I have just followed the steps that you have told me to do but they still won't show. I also disabled the plugins that I have.
  8. Hi again 🙂 I can't seem to get the reactions to show up on the postbit. I don't know what I am doing wrong. any help with this please?
  9. Yeah we have checked a few times. we're using 2.0
  10. We entered the keys that Twitter provided though and this is the error it gave us.
  11. I am trying to link my forum to X. but I am getting an error. Do you know what I am doing wrong? This is what I am seeing,
  12. I know, I have no patience. Thanks for resetting it for me 🙂
  13. We tried to reset the URL but we get that message and yeah I did use the contact form.
  14. Hi I emailed your department but not heard back yet. I am getting the following error License Key Invalid The license key in use is not valid for this site. Please contact support for further information.