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  1. No I believe it has to do with CKEditor. The same browser function of copying in a way that doesn't work here with CKEditor does work in other places such as the browser itself, apps, other websites, etc. So I would say it's isolated to CKEditor and how it handles the Paste functionality of whatever is being pasted in that respect (i.e. whatever the "object" is that the browser copies with that copy function, it's not just text).
  2. @Claudia999 can you reproduce this the way I described above as well?
  3. OK, I was finally able to reproduce this! I asked the user to perform these exact steps (which is how I and I imagine many copy urls as text from the address bar) In Safari's address bar, press and hold on the URL address bar at the top of the screen until the "Select/Select All" options appear. Tap "Select All" to highlight the entire URL. Tap "Copy" to copy the URL to your clipboard. Go to where you want to paste the link, such as in a post or comment, and press and hold to bring up the paste option. Tap "Paste" to insert the URL without any additional text. He responded with his steps which were to Tap and hold on the address bar which will pop up a menu Select Copy from that menu Paste into the IPS CKEditor for a PM, comment, or reply does not work Paste into another app or a new Safari tab, etc does work I tried his steps and confirmed it indeed does not work in the IPS Editor and does work in other places. I then came across this Reddit topic talking about a change to Safari's Copy Links behavior related to multiple tabs, which isn't exactly the same but tells me that something changed in the behavior of the Copy Links function might also apply to the Copy function of a single link whereas there is the Title and URL as part of an underlying object schema. If CKEditor does operate in a way that doesn't recognize this object (versus the first way of simply copying and pasting text), then it would make sense nothing gets pasted:
  4. It's happened to two users that I know of, both with iPhones and one also has an iPad. Same behavior. Very weird as there are many iPhone users that do not have this issue (myself included). Seems to be tied to CKEditor (?) as the same copy and paste from address bar works to other places (sites, apps, text messages, email, etc).
  5. I think for that one user, he has narrowed it down to ONLY copying from the address bar into the IPS editor (CKEditor) is not working on both his iPad and iPhone.
  6. I had my one member test these scenarios, and he said Copying the link in the address bar and pasting it into the editor does not work for him. Definitely something unique about his devices and another members device that somehow isn't allowing this but it's only on the IPS site. The same technique of copying and pasting works elsewhere on his phone: other websites with the same browser, apps, email, text, etc. Edit: He also said he can use the share menu on youtube etc and it works on his iPad as well as my iPhone. When he clicks share the window doesn’t show it copied, but when he pastes, it does come up correctly .
  7. That's beautiful! Really well done! Great video identifying the limitations of v4 and addressing enhancements to close those gaps. Looking forward to giving this a try!
  8. Confirmed no VPN running. Waiting on iPhone and iPad models. Both running the latest iOS. OK, yeah that's the same exact behavior they are seeing. Thank you!
  9. On your iPhone does copy and paste work to other sites but just not IPS/IC sites?
  10. For one user, it happens on both his iPad and his iPhone. For the other on his iPhone but not on his desktop. Latest iOS for both users.
  11. Two of the affected users said it happens with every URL they try. Given the majority of Apple product users have no issues on the site, I would think that eliminates the site software or third party IC apps or a CKEditor plugin. It has to be something specific with these two users' devices but I don't know what it could be. They've cleared website data, restarted their phones, etc. Only other thing I can think of is a corrupt Safari install?
  12. Just some more info. Users tested under a Private Safari tab and same behavior. Also tested under default theme and same behavior. The issue applies to both Topic and PMs so it's tied to CKEditor in some way.
  13. Yes, they are using the latest iOS 17.5.1 which also includes the latest Safari and they are testing with Safari.
  14. Verified they don't get any extraneous characters or line returns after pressing Paste, the options bar simply disappears after pressing it.
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