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Kirill Gromov

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  1. This looks like a secret migration of all community functionality to the cloud over time.
  2. Have you tried it? Can you show me some code?
  3. Don't forget form tabs! https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/480849-form-tabs/
  4. Hello. There were changes in the ips.ui.tabbar between beta 4 and beta 5. Should we adapt the html code of the tabs to the new js code? Or is it a bug?
  5. However, language strings are still exist: content_block_add_custom_type_php and content_block_add_custom_type_php_desc
  6. Kirill Gromov started following Default_photo
  7. @Esther E., is it possible to add more methods to the node listener?
  8. رسول started following Kirill Gromov
  9. Hello. We see the method onCreateOrEdit on the content listener, but the model does not have a similar method? Why?
  10. Hi, can I also take part in the closed testing?
  11. When can we test the developer tools?
  12. they have accumulated over a long period of time almost all of them are of course useless
  13. If I have 60 thousand tags now, what will I get after updating?