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4,426 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Hi, I need to use anchors in the long articles in Pages. There is a kind of table of content that is placed above the article. It should help to navigate through the article, like this: Part 1 Part 2 Part X Part 1 lot of text Part 2 lot of text and so on. Is it possible in editor or at least in Pages? I have searched through the community but it seems that it is not supported. Is it true or have I overlooked something? Thanks,
Last reply by Beomyong Park, -
- 4 replies
Just wondering why the label for Clubs still says 'New' on the homepage. It's been a while... no?
Last reply by Jordan Miller, -
- 10 replies
When I use the default pages templates with no modification and I create an article with an image, this is what i get when I open the article: The header image always is in the top left corner and there seems to be no way to make it bigger or smaller by default. Now I wonder what do I have to do in order to stretch it so that the complete header will be filled with the article image? Maybe the height can be fixed at 350px, but the width should definetly cover the whole header area. I assume I have to edit the templates? I went to AdminCP > Pages > Templates > HTML/Database Template > Display > record, because I assume that is the place to lo…
Last reply by Davyc, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I don't know where to post a problem with this forum in terms of posting.
Last reply by Matt, -
- 3 replies
I am finishing setup on a community for people who have only ever used Facebook Groups as their community platform. They have NO idea where to begin with a forum. Are there any existing documents for the Invision forum platform for people who only need to know how to use the front end? Everything I've found so far seems focused on the AdminCP. Thank you!
Last reply by Umaar, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi, Is there anywhere we can find a standard or default user guide for the front end? Thanks for any help 💭🤓 🗺️
Last reply by Umaar, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys, I remember that was a possibility to have a chat between members in a (very) old community version, don't we have this anymore?
Last reply by Fabio_Barbiero, -
- 3 replies
This got lost in the 4.5 upgrade.
Last reply by Adriano Faria, -
- 1 reply
Hi, is that possible to make secondary menu using standard features or some plugins from Marketplace? Something like this: Thanks in advance!
Last reply by SeNioR-, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi, Is this correct info? Is it under Commerce? Can't see it 🤓 Thanks ☺️
Last reply by SeNioR-, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
So, I've looked here and I've been through all settings. Is there a way to add moderators to support requests? As it is now when I create a new department I can only add administrators to Staff Permissions... Or is there a work around like adding limited users to the Admin role (which I rather not do)?
Last reply by Sirmadsen, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I have been using a cdn for so long that I cannot remember how to turn the CDN off. Due to coronavirus pandemic, I cannot afford the CDN and the payment has lapsed. My website is trying to call the the stylesheet from the CDN URL, even though I have turned off using a custom URL in System>Overview>Files>Storage Settings>Configuration. Is there another setting that the CDN is being called from? Thank you for your time.
Last reply by Peter Parker, -
- 22 replies
I remember disabling product license keys somewhere but now I wanna re-enable it and can't find it anywhere in ACP. Can someone point me where it is please?
Last reply by ZLTRGO, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
What would this entail, if I didn't want to lose any posts, members, data, etc. I am assuming a license purchase and installation, and then a Support Ticket asking for a copy of the MySQL database along with that databases login credentials to put in my Config File and in CPanel. Or is it simpler or trickier than that? Could I use WHM to copy everything from Invision's server to my own? - Bob
Last reply by Jim M, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hello, how can i add some text on Please confirm your email page? Thanks to my amazing host, now my IP is blacklisted (UCEPROTECTL3) and number of Member has not yet responded to registration validation email. increased a lot. I must somehow tell them to check spam folder.
Last reply by Jurgis, -
- 1 reply
Hello I am looking for a plugin like but which works with normal SMTP (not Amazon etc.). Often, users register an account on the forum through, for example, Discord / Facebook and if they have an inactive email address (on Discord/FB account), the email address is also incorrect on the forum (e.g. deleted email). As a result, my emails are rejected. What are you doing with it?
Last reply by Ibai, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I want to add a chatbot widget that will connect members of the community directly to one of our team members. Tools like livechat require you to add a script tag in the body of your html. Is there a simple and safe way to do this via the admin cp or is there a better approach that I haven't considered (aside from paid marketplace plugins). Thanks!
Last reply by Tris10, -
- 17 replies
Hi, Is Pages still a thing? I see it in my "manage purchases" and can buy it but no real mention of it on the wpb homepage. I asked in the support forum for advice on how to make an article homepage which drags content from a particular forum "News & Rumours" but from what I've seen on marketplace , cast see anything that would fit. Am I right in thinking that I could buy "Pages" and then have that as the homepage , have various blocks on the homepage which pulls from the forum I mentioned and purge them as new posts are available? OR.. Could I not buy "Blog" and have posts pulled from a particular forum as above that auto populate a blog post? If not…
Last reply by Jimi Wikman, -
Email hosting
by Pjo- 3 followers
- 15 replies
Hello Sorry if I wrote this in the wrong section. I have been managing the IPS forum for several years. I'm looking for a good email hosting (if it is important, I have almost 40,000 users, so I send a lot of messages per day). It is important that this offers to hide my web server's IP (in the header "received from") when sending messages via SMTP (the domain is managed by CloudFlare and the ip address is hidden).
Last reply by CoffeeCake, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi All, I am trying to identify a way to ensure the general public when accessing our store can't see the download files. Can I host the solution files into the custom emails? Does this need to be in a database and I setup separate categories but if I was to do this another member could just take the URL and take all the files. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Jim M, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hello, I have learned today that all the member mentions with @ symbol that were done in pre-4.4 days are suffering from one problem - those mentions feature the info of my test domain. For example when I click edit and turn on HTML code I see <p>@<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" href="<___base_url___>/profile/237-scalman/" data-ipshover-target="" data-mentionid="237" rel="">@membername</a> How do I run the post rebuild thing again to make it change to the real domain?
Last reply by Maxxius, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I'm wanting to add a snippet (no more than 3 lines) of the text that appears in a topic into the topic list: See below for example: This is a section of the topic list in a forum: Below is what is inside the topic: The orange arrow is pointing to the text I want to include in the topic list, but no more than 3 lines regardless of how much text is in the topic. Mock-up is below: This is going to be a template edit, but what do I put into which template to get this effect, if indeed it is at all possible? With thanks
Last reply by Afrodude, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hey guys I wonder if there is any way to create classifieds on the forum. Or some plugin that does that. I want to set up something like a showcase for job openings.
Last reply by Karina Harumi, -
- 28 replies
I'm not a admin or mod...just curious. Maybe I could find any info from page source?...😟
Last reply by aia, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I have disable 'Allow new registrations' under 'Login & Registration' to allow new sign up only via Facebook, Google & Microsoft. How do I disable the 'Sign In' form? In what case scenario would we enable the 'Sign Up' form when we only allow sign up via social login? Thanks for any help ☺️
Last reply by Afrodude,