Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,503 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
It should be much, much easier to skin CKEditor than it currently is. I am very experienced with CSS and I am having an unnecessarily difficult time changing the appearance of the two rows of options at the top. I don't even think the default images in the editor can be changed, at least not without editing the CKEditor source files. I'm not sure what to suggest other than "make it easier". :/ IP.Board 3.2 improved skinning in so many ways, but this is one area that is noticeably lacking. I don't know the specifics, but I feel like it would be better if IPS went back to using their own editor created specifically for their products, rather than some 3rd party applicat…
Last reply by Taylor J, -
- 3 replies
I have an IPB license, and I'm running a community right now, I was wondering, would my license allow me to install a second instance of it on a sub-domain?
Last reply by Taylor J, -
- 1 reply
I love the consistency that you guys are pushing for in 3.3. Going along with that, I'd like to point out a few areas that need slight tweaking that I've noticed while skinning my own forum. .ipsBox and .ipsBox_container contain most forum elements, but there are quite a few pages where simply a table or plain div is used, making the page look naked and unrefined. These areas include: Almost all tabbed sections in the Mod CP, namely: The Report Center Manage Members Deleted Content Current Announcements Unapproved Content [*]View New Content Page [*]"The Moderating Team" Page [*]Today's Top 20 Posters [*]Mini Calendars on the Calendar Page (Debatable, but I think they…
Last reply by MageLeif, -
- 4 replies
Really just wondering what the opinions of the IPB devs are about the advantages of sticking with Prototype. I'm not asking for a change but I'm just wondering what thoughts are considering Prototype.js/Scriptaculous lack of updates recently and jQuery's seeming market domination?
Last reply by Rikki, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I would like to see something like this in a future release - Guests see the profanity filtered therefore the search engine bots don't see the profanity. Members have a choice to have the profanity filtered or not. It can be controlled in their settings. Is that possible?
Last reply by DeRealDeano, -
- 3 replies
My boards currently have the 5 user limit. Yet, I go in, and I'm the only one on the chat, and I get this error message: Would it be possible for IP Board to upgrade the free version to 10 users? I mean 5 just seems too little anyway. Why give a free version if it doesn't work? Or is there something that's wrong on my end - memory, cache, what? I don't know what there is to fix.
Last reply by miraclesun, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I have no idea how long the current email/password page has been in effect in a users control panel, but I can honestly say as a regular user, it left me confused. I want to change my email, fine, understand that no problem, but the wording and layout for changing a password is just not what I expected. It used to be easy, enter old password > enter new password > confirm password > save, job done. Now I see a box where i can enter my current password but there are no boxes for changing it. Oh, I see what you did there, you have these 2 new swanky boxes for allowing me to make a new password for mobile logins but hold on a sec, there's no mention o…
Last reply by Richard.C, -
- 0 replies
ITALIAN Ho notato appena oggi che l'applicazione Translations non è ben configurata ... ovvero se utilizzo una "à" questa vi viene trasformata in "Â" ... a questo punto ho provato a cambiare methodo di lettura dei caratteri da UTF-8 a ISO 8859-16 ma non è stato risolto ... poi ci sono molti altri problemi sempre parlando di conversione di caratteri "speciali" () potreste cercare di sistemare anche questa conversione per creare dell'html?? e e non posso andare avanti con la traduzione vedendo questo grave problema :nuke: ENGLISH (Translate of italian) I just noticed today that the application is not properly configured Translations ... ie if I use an "…
Last reply by BomAleold, -
Facebook Twitter Connect
by Guest Reystar- 0 replies
People using Facebook and Twitter connect should be prompted to choose a Display Name for the forums (instead of being forced to use their Real Name) Plus they should also choose a local password, so they will be able to use both internal and Facebook/Twitter connect to log in with (in case you disable external login on the future) Seriously, just do it :D
Great news to hear that 3.3 is in the works. Just wondering if there will be another bug fix release for IPB 3.2 before 3.3 will be available?
Last reply by Michael, -
- 1 reply
Lots of settings for re-sizing but still missing the most important one. To really re-size the image including file size. I'm gonna throw this out there because it was the 1 feature I liked the most using another software. Other than this one feature I am not a fan of the software or developers involved. MyBB has a feature that does this when uploading images and has a admin feature set to control output of course. Please look into this. I'm not asking anyone to copy code of course, just implement something similar. This is well over due and is a must. Regards
Last reply by SubStrider, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I would think that most non-English speaking customers really only need to translate the words presented to the forum members. Admins and mods will prefer to keep it in English. It would then make the translation job easier if the words for admin/mods are kept separate from the words that need to be translated. In some way it's already done, but there are still files that are a mess. Like the one I'm translating now, forums_public_forums.php.
Last reply by bpn, -
- 13 replies
I am now seeing a big green "Welcome to IPS" box every-time I visit the site, when I'm logged in. I'm logged in, so I don't need to be reminded about the free demo's, or to log-in with my email address and password to access client-only areas. I find the box annoying and obtrusive, and it lacks a personal feel, because it's not smart enough to tell I'm already logged in. Also, on the frontpage (IP.Content) I cannot see a link to the "Support Forums" anymore in the drop-down box. I had to use the link in the footer to get here. It's been like that for at least 24 hours so I'm not sure if it's a mistake or intentional. I believe most customers will agree with me tha…
Last reply by Freeborne, -
- 16 replies
Hello, I think this board is really something! It breathes professionality. But there is one thing it lacks. Beautiful, clean and modern looking templates! I found one in the marketplace that I liked and that was this one http://community.inv...attlefield-p4f/ It's a little different and does not look like the regular 3rd party template where people just changes colors here and there. There are some really clean and modern joomla/wordpress templates out there, but no ipb template that can match them design wise. This is a wordpress template I just stumbled upon http://www.templatem...demo/36392.html Clean, simple and modern, but that is just one of many good looking tem…
Last reply by Breadfan, -
- 6 replies
When translating the chat app with the translation tool on these sites I noticed something, there are two different sets of strings for some error messages. Any specific reason for this? Let me pick out examples: No username was supplied to connect to the chat room. Please notify an administrator. (connect_error_2) VS No username was supplied to connect to the chat room. Please notify the administrator. (connect_gw_error_2) The room ID supplied was invalid. Please notify the administrator. (connect_gw_error_4) VS The room id supplied is invalid. Please notify an administrator. (connect_error_5) The IP.Chat room limit has been reached. You will not be able to join …
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 2 replies
smf allows a cleanup schedule to be set per forum and its very useful. for example for forum 1 run cleanup every x weeks/days/hours and delete anything older then x week/days/hours, while sub forums could have their own schedules or follow the parent. its actually set during the creation of each forum, and of course can be edited later. this is super useful. while the m32 delete old topics mod is very nice it does not allow multiple schedules.
Last reply by Dmacleo, -
- 1 reply
thought there was post on this already but I don't see it. if possible insert a larger space between ] [ so people don't have to manually space when manually adding a quote. present:
Last reply by marklcfc, -
- 35 replies
It'd be nice if IPB have an autosave feature when writing replies or pms. Gmail has one and it's awesome.
Last reply by Dmacleo, -
- 1 reply
I have so many users who have problems with board time... many of them over 50 y.o and not the smartest (sorry :D). I believe there should be an option for administrators to disabling users setting their timezones or board time. I have nation-wide board only and my country has only one timezone. I believe it could be useful for many boards.
Last reply by AndyF, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
I have converted from UBB.threads to IP.board and even though my members are having a hard time adjusting, I am quit happy I made the conversion. There are however a few things that where (much) better in UBB.threads. What is mis the most is the synergy between the ACP and the forums/board. For example. If I want to know more about a 'naughty member' and I click on a members name on the forums, I have no administrative features. I first have to login to the ACP, look the member up again and then I have administrative power over this member. Why so complicated? Why would you not just add a button 'manage this member' if logged in as a admin that takes you right …
Last reply by Lindy, -
- 4 replies
When deleting inactive or permanently banned members, their posts are often left on the forum, as they have usually posted something that the admins might want to keep on the forum. However, sometimes, in cases when inactive deleted members come back, we want to re-assign their posts back to their newly registered account. Please add this feature. It is crucial! For banned members who are deleted, we could assign their posts to other members, such a moderators, so they can be notified about anything related to those abandoned topics. This already exists on other forum software, and it is incredibly useful, as it allows manipulations of posts and topics, so they are always…
Last reply by paw, -
- 24 replies
what is this? :)
Last reply by Woodsman, -
- 19 replies
I changed my avatar in My Settings and it shows the different avatar, but that avatar isn't showing in my posts (old or new). Yet when I go back to my User CP, the new avatar is showing up. This is happening here on the company forums.
Last reply by RidinHighSpeeds, -
- 0 replies
good evening I do not find how to enable pdf for members Here is the message he received Thank you in advance See you on the forum.
Last reply by pavero, -
- 0 replies
When making a post in IPB 3.2.3, at the bottom of the post, i can upload files and attach them to the post itself. Currently, the max single file size is set to 64MB on my forums. However, while looking for the correct file to upload from my computer, quite often, i make the mistake of selecting another file and then i have to wait until the upload is complete before i am allowed to discard that wrong file. This can be a real problem if i have already typed all the information or am editing a reply, so i cannot just close the window and open a new one, as i would lose all the text and tag edits. In that case, i am forced to wait until the attachment upload is complete. T…
Last reply by shaks,