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Posts posted by Dean_

  1. 1 hour ago, opentype said:

    It’s not public yet. But if you run a 4.5 beta, you can find the links for Android/iOS test versions in the ACP


    19 minutes ago, Archimed said:

    On iOS you need "TestFlight" to get the beta version of Invision Community.

    And you need to have 4.5 Beta on your board to send your board for approval on this app.

    As said in my first reply I’m on the Beta and using test flight. 😂

    What is with technology hating me at the moment!

    Oh I may not be on the latest version? I’m currently using 0.1.17 of the IPS Community app?

    (Edit) - I must be using the original beta App and not the public beta app which links to the Beta IPS Forums, as when you click that it says it’s not accepting of new testers.


    5 minutes ago, opentype said:

    The sites are being approved and usable already. There is a search bar and a category overview to browse the communities. 


    @Rikki The way that “Entertainment” is shown is such an evil OCD trigger. 



    OK, I don't have this at all, I was using the Beta app, and that's all I can seem to find on the AppStore from Apple. All I can do is login via the app to this community, I can't find the other to search communities.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Stuart Silvester said:

    Not directly, however the original bug report was reporting a different 'issue' where _Dean couldn't log in to the Marketplace.

    This is correct, but now having been told that I cannot login via a localhost (obviously, my mistake), I went to download or EVEN redownload some apps to test, but I cannot... I don't want another live test install on my server. I now prefer to do it in a localhost.

    I do not have a live test of 4.5, so how am I meant to install files now that I cannot access them... I really don't think it's such a big ask to allow us to download files directly in the marketplace.

    So now you have two issues, 1 people can't inspect files, and 2 you cannot download locally.

  4. As recommended, I'm creating this topic to reinstate the option to download files manually from the Marketplace.

    It's bad enough you don't allow the download of apps we purchased when our licence has expired. But, to completely change the way file downloads are handle is a little much.

    Please don't get me wrong, I love the idea that we can now do it all with ACP, but you shouldn't disable/change the way that a lot of us download files for localhost setups to test our sites before going live.

    Please, please, please allow the option to download files manually like we've done for so many years!


    (Edit: Happy 600 posts to me, woo!)

  5. 13 hours ago, breatheheavy said:

    I’m using it now. Wow!

    What does this mean for our Invision communities? How can I get my own app 😬

    You don’t that app allows you to browse communities just as Tapa did. So you must request for your site to appear in the list.

  6. 6 hours ago, Michael.J said:

    I know it's a bit confusing and I will be clearing it up but you need to enable the "create topic" setting as well. Even if only using the post reply feature.

    I will be looking through the beta soon but so far I haven't had any reported issues.

    I'm not sure what else to suggest at this point. Are you planning to upgrade to IPB 4.5 soon? As they may have improved the position I can hook into new signups.

    I know it’s a weird one, especially after you patched it. And yes I will be upgrading, I see no point in renewing my license right now and wasting months when 4.5 is around the corner. I will update when it’s out and then fully test the apps.

  7. 4 hours ago, kmk said:


    Cheers same issue, so you should’ve added yours here as a reply!
    But, this isn’t related to this new beta it’s always been here on this site, on support and more you just have to scroll up so it’s not actually missing, but for an average user they would think it is.

  8. When you’re in the menu and you go to a sub menu, you have to scroll up in order to see the text/links.

    Menu > Support and More > (empty, scroll up to see the links).

    I was meant to post this a while ago as it’s really annoying. This is also relevant to the current beta (but my feedback relates to the currently stable edition of IPS). Could this please be improved?

    Also can the market place have it’s own link and submenu rather than being hidden behind support and more, as it took me ages to find the Marketplace link on mobile (cell phone).

  9. 11 minutes ago, gm101526 said:

    I need to cancel this service as well and cannot find where to submit a ticket. Despite having a recurring charge each month, there is nothing listed under the Manage Purchase section. Can you please help?


    On 4/28/2020 at 11:16 PM, Jim M said:

    Please submit a ticket in the Client Area and we can help you with the cancellation.

    Do the above, create a support ticket.

  10. 1 hour ago, Pescao6 said:

    Has anyone done a major upgrade like this before?

    I'm a bit confused on how this is done: What do you upgrade first? The plugins or the board?

    Most do who are self hosted, from v2.x.x -> 3.x.x -> 4.x.x - Ideally if your board is dependent on plugins/apps you'd wait till every single one is fully updated and test. You'd then disabled all the plugins/apps, upgrade the board, upload new version of them.  Again, ideally offline on a local install or a secondary install on your server so you can test it all before going live.

  11. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Jackal's app - Landing Page.

    Few of us are now using this, and he's happy to add any features. I use this to explain about our site and how to login, get started and tell the user a bit about us.

    Is this of any use?

  12. Might suit some but as I said with Zapier, I refuse to pay yet another subscription to which I think could be a core feature in IPS. I’ve looked into a lot of mail services but it’s far to expensive for my needs and would be wasted on me.
    Even more so with the recent spam problem with email sharing were me and few others had over 1M emails sent... God knows how much that would’ve cost me!

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