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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Dean_

  1. 1 hour ago, Deathicated said:

    I had to pay a renewal on a file that hasn't been updated in over 2 years just to be able to reinstall the version I already paid for. The renewal was almost the same price as the file. What did I pay for exactly?

    This is what needs to be changed in the Marketplace. We should have the option to download the file version we paid for, and then if it doesn’t work or it needs updating we’ll pay for the upgrade.

  2. 1 minute ago, Paul E. said:

    Understood, @Dean, but I'm looking to search for content within those comments. For example, show me all reports by Dean, or all moderator comments in reports that contain the phrase "reported to FBI."

    Oh I see, sorry!

    You do have moderator logs within ACP, but it's not really what you want. But you can search/filter results.

    Might be for someone who can make an app/plugin as I can't see a way to do it.

  3. It's not even bloody funny anymore. Since this change to the Marketplace in the ACP and the rules (whatever they've changed) has screwed up 90% of my apps/plugins now. I've disabled nearly all of them and gone back to a vanilla community which has ruined the whole essence of the forums and engagement. Along with pissing a lot of money away.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

    Is there a way to search for reported content by reporter, or in the comments on reports made by moderators? A moderator asked and I'm surprised there's nothing obvious to do so.

    ModeratorCP and on reported comments you can press the comments tab on the report and leaves messages.

  5. Strange one and possibly an OCD thing... But, I hate seeing that members ID jump up quite a lot throughout registrations with accounts being banned/deleted, etc. Is there a 'safe' way or is it even possible to recount all the accounts and put them back in descending order? I get this may not work for larger communities or ones that use the member ID as their membership ID, etc.

    But, I thought I may just ask as it's probably just me that would want to achieve this.

  6. 36 minutes ago, bfarber said:

    What is wrong with a member following someone/something? What is there to report? We wouldn't take action on that anyways.


    30 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

    Profile information that is spammy or offensive.

    Imagine a new member registering and entering in something completely inappropriate in a free-text field. They never post, but maybe it's a link to something not okay for the community, or contains wildly offensive remarks about another member, or a group of people, etc. etc.

    We've seen it all. Absolutely should have a "report this member" option on the profile.

    Exactly this...

    The member I mentioned above, is just auto-following everyone. That in itself is spamming as I had a whole page of activity on here of the account following others. I've mentioned this a couple of times on here now and the account is still active?


  7. 50 minutes ago, kmk said:

    Flarum is a good example to get better result of UX and UI

    I've never heard of them, so I checked it out. And now I see why I never liked the GiffGaff forums... 😆 While it does actually look nice, and I see a forum vibe. But, it still misses that 'traditional forum layout/function' which we are all so used to. Interesting though.

  8. They're tied to your account. Simply make a new forum (making sure the old one is deleted) and access ACP and sign in to the marketplace to install the add-ons you purchased.

    1 hour ago, Greek76 said:

    So I can’t physically download the add ons that I purchased from the marketplace like you can do on vbulletin and xenforo? What if I get rid of my forum and want to start a

    new one? Do we still have access to the add ons that we purchased to install on a new forum?



  9. So, unless I'm having the worst blonde moment of day one in 2021. I cannot find a way to report/alert staff to a member? The only way is to report via topic/post, and I think a status update.

    What does one do when you need to report a member (from a members point of view) on IPS? As I feel this has been overlooked.

    My example is 'KiwiGym' who is clearly a spam account, but I can't report it... This has what made me think about such an option.

    P.S. KiwiGym is just spamming the follow button on random accounts today. 😊

  10. I see it pretty simple now.

    For years, we've asked for some sort of Wordpress like feature, drag and drop, auto update within acp, plugins within acp. We now have it and realise we don't like it much after being used to IP.Board/IPB/IPS for years. But, we're now stuck with it.

    If you want addons without being tied to ACP, then ask the developer for the files, so you can keep a copy. This is what IPS suggest doing, and they have no intension of taking that feature away from us.

    Happy New Year by the way!!

  11. Are you working through any of the previous requests once you've caught up as I've still got a few that I would really like integrated.
    I've basically had to give up most apps now on 4.5 which is a shame as it's taken away from the experience and I'm dubious about spending more money on 3rd party apps/plugins for them not to work or be updated months/years down the line.

  12. 11 hours ago, Michael.J said:

    Time delay or immediate welcome alert? Social media signups or normal signup? What is the exact version you went back to?

    It seems normal sign ups are working now, I’m just waiting to see if it picks up a Twitter login. These are all immediate welcome alerts.

  13. 41 minutes ago, Tom Bartels said:

    Can't seem to figure out where to go to reset admin password.  I have a working username and password, that today, for some reason does not work, 

    but couldn't find any way to get a password reset.  Anybody?


    On your own site:


    This is the normal way to reset a password, if you have any access to ACP then you can just go to any account and supply a new password.

  14. 5 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    What's new/fixed in v3.1.0?

    • NEW: Content in 'Preview' card is now hidden
    • NEW: Content in search results is now hidden, if configured
    • NEW: Content in profile activity is now hidden
    • FIX: Ajax pagination no longer breaks the hiding of content
    • MINOR: Slight language changes to remove some redundant strings

    This update has caused all my 'all activity' to be hidden, despite having 'ALL CONTENT' highlighted for only Guests?

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