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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Dean_

  1. You can search directly in Downloads if that’s what you mean. Click the search box, then select Downloads from the drop down and it will only search in downloads. Remember to use quotes to search a direct word. “Change Post Date” for example, and not just use: Change Post Date as a search term as it will search each word independently.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    @Stuart Silvester Isn’t this changed? I have a user sending messages to me saying that can’t download marketplace files because his license expired a couple of days ago and support says he can’t download. 

    I too currently have a ticket in with support about this. It's currently a bug and will be fixed in 4.6, but for now they'll have to manually add the renewal to pay (if it doesn't show). I'm still waiting on being able to update apps, as I just renewed Quizzes yesterday but still unable to update as yet.

  3. 14 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    You mean the IMAGES WITH URLS block? Added 8 images and it's ok to me. It actually uploads the image and display them with a URL.


    Thank you, I'll look into my installation. Seeing as you've taken over I might remove it completely, start again fresh and I can test it. 😁👍

  4. Could you take a look at the PHOTO URL block? I noticed it slowed down my site a lot even with the smallest of images. There was another bug but I've since disabled it as I didn't think it was getting picked up (until Jackal had mentioned it to me). If nothing shows on your test server, I'll go through it all and test once again. 👍

  5. 10 hours ago, Michael.J said:

    I wasn't able to reproduce this. Can I either have the full error or further steps to reproduce this?


    BadMethodCallException:  (0)
    #0 /home2/<snip>/public_html/init.php(893) : eval()'d code(34): IPS\Content\_Item->container()
    #1 /home2/<snip>/public_html/applications/nexus/sources/Support/Request.php(875): IPS\Content\basicpoints_hook_itemSource->processAfterCreate(Object(IPS\nexus\Support\Reply), Array)
    #2 /home2/<snip>/public_html/applications/nexus/extensions/core/ContactUs/SupportRequest.php(105): IPS\nexus\Support\_Request->processAfterCreate(Object(IPS\nexus\Support\Reply), Array)
    #3 /home2/<snip>/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/contact/contact.php(87): IPS\nexus\extensions\core\ContactUs\_SupportRequest->handleForm(Array)
    #4 /home2/<snip>/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\core\modules\front\contact\_contact->manage()
    #5 /home2/<snip>/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/contact/contact.php(43): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #6 /home2/<snip>/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\core\modules\front\contact\_contact->execute()
    #7 /home2/<snip>/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #8 {main}


  6. It's certainly something a lot of us have been asking over the years, we had IP Points, then iAwards, etc for v2.x and I think even 3.x. It would certainly be welcomed, but I can't see it getting much traction within the team. But it would be something I'd use. I've had to stop using Jackals and gone back to Michaels point system, but both are very basic and doesn't suit my needs.

  7. When you promote a topic or post, it should auto detect any images and give you a choice to select one or more to be the main image on the forums or for social media links (or, upload your own image). The show original content will be the original post or topic text. The next box down (green +) will be a preview text of the post or topic. I usually keep this to two lines and no more, so it shows on the forum. If you have Twitter or/and Facebook then these too will be populated with the post. Again keep to no more than two lines, the links to the original post will also be in the box.

    So you really shouldn't have to do much, but trim down the text as you don't want half a page of text on your promoted page.

    *Note I deleted my URL in full link.

  8. I'm not sure if the soft does actually fix the above issue but, the main reason this happens is that people don't allow the camera to change its orientation before taking a picture.

    It's something I've had to explain to my members time and time again. Let's say you're in portrait mode and then quickly turn the phone to landscape and take a picture. If you look at the screen you'll notice the words/details on the screen are not at the right orientation. I still get caught out by this on my iPhone 8 and iPhone XS Max at times.

    So, if I have taken the picture and I've noticed it's sideways when uploading, I simply go to Photo's, edit the picture and rotate it once, save it and then rotate it again until it's in the correct orientation and then save it. Now when I go to upload it, the photo is facing the correct way. This issue has been around a very long time. It's even worse when the phone is actually upside down (buttons on the bottom of the phone) as you don't realise you've turned it this way and go to take a picture.

    I hope this helps others who face this issue as it's not IPS's software that is at fault. ☺️

  9. 2 hours ago, Morrigan said:

    This site uses SSO from the client area part of the site.

    This is what I gathered was happening, I went to the forum account settings and looked there in case it was like the Twitter/Facebook linking, but of course it wasn't.

    Thanks for clearing it up.

    I just feel this another unnecessarily complicated way to do simple tasks, even more steps now to simply log out of an account.

  10. @Michael.J Could you add 'groups' to the top point's widget, or have a separate one. I need a way to see how many points each group has so I can sort out prizes for the group the works at earning the most points.
    A global stats page would be even better that one can view on the front end or in ACP.

    Also, I need a way to disable points for certain groups, one being the admins/staff. Having an option in ACP to disable/select would be desirable.

    Please, please, please! I've been asking for a good couple of years now! 🥰

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