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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Dean_

  1. 5 hours ago, Jordan Invision said:

    Circle back and let us know what that experience was like! I'm excited to do that, too. 

    First bit of feed back on achievements. While I see an option to manually add a badge, it has to be done via AdminCP? Wouldn't it make sense and save time to be able to manually add a badge while on the front end via the members profile? Seems very long winded to have to sign in to ACP, find the member, go to profile, press badges and then add badge.

    Also, there is no badge box on a user profile when first setup under 'Your Achievements'.

    However, once a badge is added the box appears. But, I believe that a box should already exist, that you can press to go into (like the rep box) and there we could have a button to add badges.

    And to add.

    I think a few sites will have a lot of badges (I believe I will) so, instead of having to scroll forever to find the badge. Could it be fed back that we could setup categories and add badges under each one (ACP)?

  2. I questioned the same just a few posts down. And was answered within.


    46 minutes ago, Meddysong said:

    Got it: sign out here, then go to the Client Area and sign out there too. This will bring up a pop-up for you to log in. Once you've done this, return to the Community, click "Sign in with email", and it will use the details that you logged into the Client Area with.

    There's probably some room for improvement in this process. That was a frustrating few minutes wasted.

    It’s because they use SSO now.

  3. 1 hour ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Where? In the results? You have the Feedback for this matter.

    Yeah as the results. A few members thought it might be better than showing a percentage at the end of the quiz. 

  4. 4 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

    Many thanks for your input above @Dean_, I think putting money into some solutions if its your hobby is absolutely fine because you do it for love of what your hobby is to you. My above reply to Brady though is trying to say there clearly is a line where it shouldn't be ridiculous money.

    Agreed, I've sunk some in to mine, but I refuse to any more. The most I'll do is update and hosting. I have visions of mine and what I'd like it to be but it would cost into the 1000's and it's just not worth it, when everyone gets a similar experience on Reddit/Facebook.

  5. 31 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:

    What would you suggest as some good alternative strategies to the Apple stance Dean? Be really good to know how others combat this.

    I think we're lucky that most of our existing members and their friends have shifted towards Android more and more over recent years.

    A brilliant question, but I fear no one really has an answer to it. I've trialled the APP, but for my reasons above, it's of no use to me.

    For mobile use, it's a lost cause in my eyes. I'll always prefer to sit at a desktop/laptop and browse that way. But, we can't forget the x amount of people who prefer to do everything on their phones. I usually try to tell users that for the best possible experience, use a desktop. But, even this has backfired. I know people personally who don't even have a computer/monitor. They simply use their phone or tablet for everything as that's all they require. A little search of Google here and there and FB for everything else.

    Personally I don't think forums are for phones... You just don't have the space. So, I hope we do another transition in years to come and go back to PC's or bigger screen that make use of a desktop view.

    For now, I plan to do nothing as there is nothing that can be done that would cater for my needs. I'll just have to take the hit and hope it passes, as I won't be sinking any money into a hobby. If I were a business I'd make my own forums/app and have it all in house.

    IPS are certainly in a pickle. But if you only use IPS applications, then their app will bridge some of that worry. But then you've got to get people to download the app in the first place. I'm very interested to see what is done, and see if we can fight back on the social media aspects.

  6. 4 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

    I've been trying to do this for a few years and I used TapaTalk own branded App in replace of this (which is a shambles btw) so I am absolutely looking forward to 4.6 and mainly because of this. This should mimic what an App does anyway so I'm expecting communities that have lots of people viewing them via mobile more so to be overjoyed at this update.

    I would probably expect people to request some support in terms of how to push an option to the user to make their website a Homepage on their phone once we get 4.6. It's certainly what i'll be looking into so you won't need to spend huge amounts of money supporting your own app that would need dedicated experts to build and maintain.

    Be careful as this will not support iOS/Apple. Which accounts for over 45% of the market.

    On 2/24/2021 at 6:05 PM, Rikki said:

    It will "just work" on self-hosted, but only for users who have supported browsers/devices. That's basically all of them except Safari/iOS. Apple has its own web push notification system for desktop Safari but we have decided not to support that right now, and of course iOS doesn't support web push at all.


  7. The problem is that it isn't as simple as making a mobile app. Each community is different, and hosted elsewhere. The best we can get is a generic app which all of our communities connect to. Which is what IPS done, a lot of tested it, but I kept finding myself personally preferring the browser experience. The biggest drawback was that it only supported IPS app and not 3rd party. So it makes my site redundant as 80% is run using plugins and apps for the experience.

  8. Could IPS implement a notification on the front end to remind users of any expiring memberships either through commerce or subscriptions?

    • Notification saying user has X amount of days remaining (possibly with a direct link to renewal).
    • Notification alerting user that their subscription has now lapsed.
    • Notification of user changing user groups (user reverting to the original group).



    I'm aware of users getting an email invoice, but if they're anything like me and don't check email all that often it can be missed/overlooked.

    Thanks 🙂

  9. 1 minute ago, Rikki said:

    The badge system we're discussing doesn't interact with member groups right now. We have spoken about tying the achievement and group promotion systems together in future, and that'd likely open up more possibilities along those lines.

    That sounds excellent and I'm sure a worthy integration and will probably be quite popular.

    2 minutes ago, Rikki said:

    Showing some recent badges is in the postbit is a good idea that we can consider. I'm wary of adding too much noise though, so it'd be a balance.

    Agreed. Maybe in ACP we could just highlight 4 badges to be shown in the postbit in the same overlapping feature as in our profiles. And/or just have the most recently earned ones shown as you say.

    4 minutes ago, Rikki said:

    You can do location based rules, so you could have one that awards a badge when a topic is posted in a certain forum, yes.

    Brilliant! 🙂

  10. 1 hour ago, Rikki said:

    Badges already support this - when you create the rule that awards the badge, you can enter a member-facing summary of the rule, e.g. "You posted 50 replies!".

    Can the rules be completely customisable?

    Could I for example, have someone be awarded a badge for creating a topic in a certain category and then also be awarded based on their specific group?

    User makes 10 posts, changes their user group *badge awarded*.
    User requests to be put into a certain group after x amount of posts, and each group can award the user who joins *badge awarded to represent their group*.

    While you currently show rank images, could we also have an option to display badges on the Authorpane in topic view?



    Or to be able to make a rule where only certain badges can be shown in the topicview?


    While we have user group icons, I'd like to show special badges as part of the user group.

    Just a couple of suggestions I had rolling in the head... As it's something I've been trying to do, as at the moment Fosters app allows you to manually award someone.

  11. 45 minutes ago, Charles said:



    I'm not sure what you mean about mobile viewing. Achievements should also show on mobile. Are you not seeing things?

    As not to confuse things, I see this achievements blocks.


    But as I’m only on the mobile today I don’t see the new feature that Matt has posted today. If that’s not live on the site then ignore this. As then I wouldn’t see the mobile version. 😌

    Second being what @CoffeeCake has posted above.

  12. 2 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Which error? Help people without crystal ball.

    Got that Crystal ball yet? 🤣

    4 minutes ago, AlienOrigins said:

    No e-mail error..It occurred after the install with a little message saying "fatal php" something or another....Been a while so I don't recall the exact line....

    That’s about as clear as mud, and now you only just mention this issue with absolutely no details. What on earth are meant to take from this?  😂

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