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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Dean_

  1. 4 hours ago, liquidfractal said:

    Hey everyone,

    OK, so I go to log in to my site and I discover that my adminCP CSS is broken.  No page formatting - everything loads as ugly raw HTML bullet-point lists and nothing works - I cannot do any back-end development as a result.

    I have not changed the adminCP theme at all (I never do).  THe only thing I've done is install a new 4.5.3 theme, which I do not use for the adminCP whatsoever.  The only other thing I think I've done has been to use the Support function, which cleared the cache (which has caused this problem in the past - it shouldn't, I know - but it always ultimately reloads until now).

    As one can no longer submit critical or important support tickets, and this current ZenDesk request has sat for 3+ hours with no response, I'm hoping someone who has experience this can be of assistance?  Perhaps there's a file in which I can set the default theme or something in the hopes that it helps?  Or something I can do to rebuild the cache (since it seems to be a formatting/CSS related thing!?!).  I'm really just guessing as I have no idea what went wrong (adminCP was working fine yesterday).  Rebooted my VPS as well, to no avail.


    It's the weekend so responses are delayed on SR.

    I'm going to guess this is still the same bug that has plagued the system since 4.x.x was released. So, with in mind, I'll try to replicate the steps I did in order to get the CSS back.

    If you can navigate pressing the highlighted links, go to Themes, and try to find the link that will enable 'DESIGNER MODE' let it run, and it should refresh the page. This should hopefully fix the issue, then turn off DESIGNERS MODE.


  2. 46 minutes ago, NAX said:

    Hi there

    We have started betatesting the app and users are signing up.
    Could'nt find out where we report findings. Any pointers?

    If you’re installing communities, it would’ve shown you how to send feedback via the TestFlight app.

    FF41965F-88B4-43C8-AF4B-6A49863C5DF1.thumb.png.446b333d6683c31a81bf3bdb6ef695b2.png 5B2F0083-C656-4A0F-8905-6D96B24D3D71.thumb.png.d6c0bfd85e3ac11b11b6c34f8249afd6.png

    Sending Feedback



    It was the same for Invision Community App. However this is now out of BETA on the TestFlight app, so I would imagine that you just contact them.

  3. Are IPS able to explain (if possible) how we can run two installations of an app or plugin (if the developer allows)? So, a few of us have the two accounts (for whatever reasoning) and I have a couple of plugins I wish to use but I cannot install via the Marketplace or receive updates. This wasn't an issue before 4.5, but is there a way around this for clients?

    Can purchases be swapped/moved over? Obviously, I don't see this being an issue if you have one account and several licences. However, I don't really want to buy the same thing twice.

    P.S. This isn't another bash at IPS & the Marketplace...

  4. 14 minutes ago, cofee_iv said:

    I have several people that have been using my forum for YEARS, typing in the code for their emoticon, instead of sorting through the little images. Since the update, this is no longer an option. The feedback is negative.

    So, check your within your AdminCP, and go to emotions and see if the codes are the same. 
    Because, using : - ) works fine here 🙂 (making sure you press the space bar to change it into an emoji) 😎 

  5. On 9/11/2020 at 6:39 PM, Dean_ said:

    I hope my problems are not returning... I had the previous version installed and updated yesterday and someone joined today and no welcome topic was created, yet it was working fine before the upgrade...

    I'll keep my eyes on it and see if it happens again.


    On 9/11/2020 at 11:31 PM, Dean_ said:

    OK, someone else has just joined, and it's certainly not working now, and I have no idea why.

    This is not working for me at all in 4.5.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Mercury5 said:

    Yes, as I said I saw that but when you try to set it up for post rank promotions it does not have post ranks in the set up. It is totally confusing.

    Following the settings you see you can set up min posts and you can select which group the user goes to upon setting that up. Under actions you can then select a group, so for example I have set content count to 10, and once the user makes 10 posts they're moved in to the select group.


  7. I hope my problems are not returning... I had the previous version installed and updated yesterday and someone joined today and no welcome topic was created, yet it was working fine before the upgrade...

    I'll keep my eyes on it and see if it happens again.

  8. Noticed something weird with my install recently.

    Guests are triggering trophies achievements? The widget displays new user in the list, with no name or display picture. When clicking on it profile it takes you to this link; 


    The profile is blank, and the user group is showing as 'guests'.

    After around 10 minutes, the link doesn't work and then the page displays this;

    Sorry, there is a problem
    We could not locate the item you are trying to view.
    Error code: 2C138/1

    There's no member, no spam accounts, and no logs...

    Very weird behaviour.

  9. 1 hour ago, Lindy said:

    Anyone has a right to be disappointed, of course. We are driven by feedback, but there are times when the feedback is not going to coincide with the majority interest or that of our overall vision. The same relative handful of people regurgitating the same thing over and over is not constructive and will not change the outcome in any way.

    - Answer Found - (Thank You) 🥰

    Appreciate yours and the teams time, and thank you for always stepping in and clearing the air.

  10. On 9/5/2020 at 9:34 PM, Dean_ said:

    I currently have an issue with guests earning points? They can't earn points but it shows in the stats?

    Also, I've reset everything, but it doesn't reset the stats, could there please be any option to reset them too?

    This is causing me a bit of a headache now, permissions are not making any affect. I only have selected groups earning points, yet everyone is earning them?

    Also, Show Points On Members Profile isn't working on default theme.

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