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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Dean_

  1. On 4/13/2020 at 2:24 PM, Dean_ said:

    I'm still facing issues with URL images, no matter the size of the image it's slowing loading time of the page by some considerable time. Once disabled the page loads instantly.

    This also happens on General Stats with Forum Posts displaying 'NaN' instead of a number.

  2. 49 minutes ago, Majbritt_merged said:

    And now I have to ask stupid, but how do I do that?

    I can get to the SQL Database though cpanel and can see there is some users and that you can change passwords. But how do I check in the config file?

    Either use FTP or use File Manager in cPanel and go to Public_HTML and if your community is in the root directory find 'conf_global.php' and edit the file and make sure everything is correct.

    Also double check that your user has still got access to your database - cPanel > MySQL Databases > Find your database and make sure you have a user under 'Privileged Users'.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Majbritt_merged said:


    I have an old version of the forum that I was supposed to have updated, but before I got to it, the forum stopped working. Invision don't know what is wrong although they did have a suggestion, but it appears not to be the problem according to the hosting company. But the hosting company doesn't know either and wanted to move the forum, but then they couldn't and I lost connection to the server for a while. Now I got that fixed and can now get to the server again, but I still don't know what is wrong with the forum.

    The forum is here: http://www.himstedtheaven.com/forum

    Is there anyone who has any idea what can be the problem? I can of course provide ftp and cpanel access now that it works again.

    I do have a somewhat recent back up of the forum on my laptop.


    Is the database name and password correct?

    You'd need to double check in the config file on the server and compare that to the password and user of the SQL Database.

  4. 7 hours ago, SC36DC said:

    Anyone able to answer if the guide is outdated? Does this still work? Thanks.

    I would suggest just giving it a try. You don't have to use the social media side if you don't want to. I share mine just on the forums as highlighted posts.

  5. Found some CSS issues on log page, again, not sure if it's theme related but the text overlaps the box.

    I think I've said it before or some of us have spoken about it, but can we get more notifications for things? Especially like bonus points; daily, weekly, monthly.

  6. @Lindy @Mark @Morrigan

    Could we get this topic/posts moved to the MemberMap support topic please?

    16 hours ago, CaptJeff said:

    How do I do that.  I clicked on the link you provided.  It took me to a topic about Zoom levels and API codes and a bunch of other stuff that does not apply to my question.  I saw no place to start a topic or ask a question. 


    Please keep in mind.  I do not understand how this whole place works.  I am just trying to get an answer to my question.  Please be moderate with your disgust for my lack of knowledge on how this place works.  It is set up way different then my community.  If you wish to have a look go to HotAirBalloonist.com.

    Please do not tell me what I am doing wrong.  Tell me HOW to get my issue fixed.


    As you have done here Jeff, within that topic there is a reply button or if you scroll down you’ll see the reply box. Just simply type your question as a normal post.

  7. 16 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

    They are not talking about my issue.  To that topic is of no help to me.

    That is the main support topic for that application. You need to state your error/issue and report it so the developer can assist.

  8. 53 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

    Yeah I can sort that, I have been working on updates to the members shop app and most of the add-ons for it but I have had lot's of custom work on lately and have not had any real time to finish them these up, but they are coming and I will add a section where moderators with permissions can add points on the front end

    Cheers, looking forward to the updates.

  9. 7 hours ago, Mike John said:

    What do you have set for your topic settings? Any other plugins or apps that might interact with registrations as well?

    I went through all the settings and saved it and it seems to be working, be awaiting for someone to join using Twitter or Facebook and I will update the post.

    No other plugins or app have been installed.

  10. On the points system we can donate points... Could we have a button next to that which says  ‘award points’? This could be setup only for staff admin, mods and selected users. I know it can be done in ACP but to save time having to login each time when it can be given on individual posts.

  11. On 5/21/2019 at 12:18 PM, Dean_ said:

    I don’t get any welcome posts for members signing up using Twitter or Facebook.

    Sometimes when a member registers it double posts, but not all the time, there was a difference of around 6 minutes between posts. Maybe a tasks issue?


    On 6/11/2019 at 5:08 PM, Dean_ said:

    It's set too;
    Send immediately after validation.


    On 8/19/2019 at 4:29 PM, Dean_ said:

    Just to updated, Twitter and FB are not being recognised with auto welcome on mine at all.

    I seem to be facing this issue again. I've changed from no validation to email validation and now when someone registers, no welcome post is added?

  12. 1 hour ago, Patrick Ewing said:

    I'm Going to go with @Davyc. It's exactly what I'm looking for. @Dean_ that's a nice one as well. But I'm going with @Davyc

    I appreciate everyone's time!!!!

    That's cool, I couldn't find anything I liked in order to make it work and look somewhat professional.


  13. I’ve changed the way people on my site register and now require them to validate their email address. But people that have not validated and still getting an award for registering? Surely you should only be awarded once the user have been fully validated?

  14. 21 minutes ago, Joy Rex said:

    I'm surprised Pages doesn't come with a built-in template for this already...

    Pages is meant as a stepping stone so you can create your own with ease. Leaving you to create whatever you can imagine.

    You could however use Invision's simple guide:

    Or use something like this:

    For people like me who don't know how to code then these two options have helped greatly. While not quite what you're after you can certainly set permissions and content to certain groups.

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