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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Dean_

  1. Just now, Mr. Fierce God said:

    Thats fine and yes i have watched that many times

    not really looking for a default app looking Homepage


    Not being rude or a smarta$$ at all.............. just that i have seen prior IPS community websites literally using a landing page that wasn't a IPS make or marketplace theme...... i actually looked the theme/landing page up, and found that it was offered by a completely outside company, not IPS or Marketplace author

    One community even had a Themeisle Template Landing page


    just was wondering if there was a easy way to do this with template i provided above...............I thought you could make/input just about anything using pages app?

    I guess one other way is to again use pages, but set it to custom html. This way you could buy a landing page that uses html upload the contents to the server (this is usually the images folder and any other folders that are needed) and copy the index.html code into a pages template.

    You could try this using a free template/landing page to see how it works.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    I’m not able to test it today but probably someone already applied. If that’s the case, you can’t change. 

    If that’s not the case, reply back and I’ll take a look tomorrow. 

    This is a new application I've setup, again to test.

    First setup (restrictions on the right)

    After setup, but editing (no restrictions)

    Thanks! 🙂

  3. 3 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    If no one played yet, you should be able to edit any restriction. At least it should. 

    I’ll take a look tomorrow. I’m not able today, sorry. 


    Just found out that if you convert to study mode, and then Convert back to Graded Mode, it asks for a time limit. So this is one way which will help for now But would be easier if you could edit the quiz and have the options on the right. 🙂

  4. Just now, Adriano Faria said:

    Reset game and edit. Reset = delete all participations. It wouldn’t be fair to those who took 10 minutes. That will impact directly in the leadership. 

    This would be before I set it live (I like to test quizzes first, I'm not that horrible!).  🤣

  5. Hi, Adriano,

    I'm unable to change the restrictions a staff application. If I'd like to go back and add 'you must have at least 50 posts', I can't do this. It can only be done when you first set-up. Would be useful to change these, instead of deleting the whole thing and re-doing it. 🙂

  6. Adriano,

    Could you make it so we can alter the times on a quiz. I've set some to 15mins, tried it myself and I know that it could easily be completed within 7 mins.

    Just as a side note, this is the same for your Staff Applications, you can't edit restrictions (which I'll post now).

  7. 13 minutes ago, All Astronauts said:

    Do-able? Yeah, but kinda complicated. Members often have MANY secondary groups. So which takes precedence? No matter what would need to account for multiple secondary groups and then determine which over-ride which for formatting. That and all the userlink templates would need to be over-written to account for the new stuff (they only account for primary groups when determining applying colors). 

    I can see a path but its work and not a lot of reward... I'll mull it some more.

    Ah I can see how that could be a problem. I wasn't accounting for multiple secondary groups, be surprised if you need more then 1 but I guess people do.


  8. On 2/25/2019 at 4:51 AM, All Astronauts said:

    Alright, V14 going up momentarily. All it does is specifically mods out those forum post bits (both desktop and mobile views). Otherwise that global group option covers the rest BUT there may still be exceptions. The way the code works for these is if nothing is specified when these link templates are called, it checks to see if the global setting in the ACP is on, and if so then formats, BUT if the template is already being specifically passed in TRUE or FALSE for the formatting bit in these link templates, those take precedence - like this forum bit where they figure the group name is already there and being formatted so no need to format name. 

    No settings for now, it's only this single bit now so no need. 

    Been using this plugin for years, but quick question for 4.4.

    Is there a way you can choose to target secondary groups instead of the main group? This way in the settings I can choose to show the colour of the secondary group. The reason being is that I have some main groups but they also inherit a second group which is their colour. I use group promotions on a yearly basis, so year 1 is just a standard colour, but their secondary group is a set colour, and this is what I'd like to show across the forum.

    Is it do able?

  9. Hi Fosters,

    Wondering if version (2.0) could have the option to seperate medals into different categories on the trophies/medals page? I have different groups set up in ACP but obviously all of the medals show under the medals group.  A rough example below so it makes sense as to what I'm asking. (each group in ACP would make the same on the front end)

    - Trophie 1
    - Trophie 2
    -- Medals
    - Medal 1
    - Medal 2
    - Medal 3
    - Medal 4
    -- VIP Medals
    - VIP 1
    -- Outstanding Members
    - OS 1
    - OS 2


  10. To award members points they are all plus, e.g 10 points, 50 points, 100 points, once awarded it will turn red to revoke. You can't setup + 10 points AND - 10 points


    Here I've awarded someone 10 points, once awarded, the button turns red and I can revoke them. 🙂

  11. Hi Adriano,

    Just purchsed this, thanks very much for your continued work on the app.

    Quick question, is there a way to make the categories larger on the quizzes page, I've only got small boxes and would like them to stretch the across the page?
    I've found the percentage and changed it to 30%

    .ipsApp .ipsGrid > .ipsGrid_span2 {
        width: 30%;

    Would this be correct in order not to cause any css issues? It would be better if the title stretched the box size to a certain amount, ie to the sidebar or edge of wrapper. (I use full width)


    Another one, would you be able to add a button to dissallow plays, so we can make them and then set to allow plays when we're ready to do so?

    Many thanks!

  12. @Mike John are you currently looking for more ideas for this app? Hope to release my site at the end of the month and it would be good to know if a new version is out in the coming months? Happy to support app to get some extra features. :)

    I'd really like to be able to show / select which usergroups have the most points and display it on the global page.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Fosters said:

    What do these 2 features say


    • bw_is_admin :
    • bw_is_mod :
    • bw_has_avatar :
    • bw_no_avatar :
    • bw_best_answer :
    • bw_show_postbit :
    • bw_show_profile :
    • content_count : 0
    • repcount : 0
    • registration_time : 0
    • repgiven : 0
    • groupcheck : 18


    • bw_is_admin :
    • bw_is_mod :
    • bw_has_avatar :
    • bw_no_avatar :
    • bw_best_answer :
    • bw_show_postbit :
    • bw_show_profile :
    • content_count : 0
    • repcount : 0
    • registration_time : 0
    • repgiven : 0
    • groupcheck : 18

    Member Group 18 is correct. However I cannot see the award in the post bit, nor profile. And it's been awarded to ID4 (Admin).

  14. 29 minutes ago, Fosters said:

    That's already possible.

    @Fosters I've just tried this, set it to one group - the only option I selected on the settings was the usergroup. When I saved and reloaded the option was ticked to say disabled and the group was blank. I selected the same options and clicked save and reload and it saved the settings. But, I was then as an admin awarded the trophy, and the usergroup I had selected wasn't awarded...?

  15. 22 minutes ago, Fosters said:

    That's already possible.

    Ah... That's what I first I thought it did, but it didn't work. I will try and test this again to see if it works, as this could be me...


    24 minutes ago, Fosters said:

    Can't you already use the "registered  for x days" criteria?

    Going by them settings I will only be able to award from 1 day, unless it can use '0' and it detects as soon as they've registered?

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