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Posts posted by Dean_

  1. I’ve been in talks with Adriano about this and we haven’t found a way to successfully add it with out (I think) a big change to how the quizzes work. It doesn’t also seem that popular either as I think only 3 of us have asked and it’s a lot of time to invest for such a niche feature.

    Of course that may change over the course of the year. I think we’re lucky to even have a quiz app as we’ve been asking for one for years!

  2. Request: Points -

    Could we have a notification when users earn points. If you join a forum and start earning them you have absolutely no idea. Just a simple notification ‘You’ve earned 5 points for signing up’ / You’ve earned 2 points for replying to the topic’. Maybe in a pop up or using the notification system.

  3. Got this today while trying to add a pure editor box

    Error: Call to a member function save() on null (0)
    #0 /home/------/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\landingpage\modules\admin\main\_blocks->editorBlock()
    #1 /home/------/public_html/system/Node/Controller.php(62): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #2 /home/------/public_html/applications/landingpage/modules/admin/main/blocks.php(25): IPS\Node\_Controller->execute()
    #3 /home/------/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\landingpage\modules\admin\main\_blocks->execute()
    #4 /home/------/public_html/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #5 {main}


  4. 1 hour ago, Fosters said:

    This shouldn’t happen. What criteria didn’t work for you? 

    no there’s no way to remove it, I guess this would be handy for such cases.

    what about a Trophy rebuild feature, which would check it for every user and remove the trophy for everybody who doesn’t meet the criteria. This way the criteria from existing trophies could be changed and then the rebuild triggered.


    i actually like this a lot.

    I think both ideas would be good, having control to remove it would be hand for any such case.

    For one of the trophy’s I was testing member shop with a random trophy.

  5. Another bug with this update, longer titles are not truncated.


    And the issue with the image url


    As you’ll see it’s not showing as it should.

    Just found another


    CSS issue with topic blocks with images? (mobile view iOS)

  6. Requests to improve the GOALS addon -

    Run goal every hour, Run goal every three hours, Run goal every six hours, Run goal every twelve hours, Run goal once a day, Run goal once a week, Run goal once a month.
    Could we have the option to achieve the goal just once? Example; member has reached 100 posts, etc, etc. As you wouldn't have this option every hour. (basically 1 time goals)

    Member Goals

    • (As above) Member has achieved X amount of posts, topics
    • Member has achieve X amount of reactions & reputation from other members
    • Member is in a selected group
    • Member is Staff (Admin, Super Mod, Moderator, helper, etc)
    • Member has joined the community
    • Member has uploaded an avatar
    • Member has completed profile information
    • Member has a signiture
    • Member is a club owner, joiner, etc.
    • Member has been registered for X days, months, years
    • Custom member goals (to be able to use fa icon or image and be able to award points)
    • The option to use fa-icons, images for Select Reward (currently only have points or membershop)

    Really opens up the possibilities of achieving goals within the forums and clubs and the rest of the IPS suite.


  7. And the above bug report. It effects other blocks too? I went to add something else but the images I had uploaded in the previous block were showing in the editor.

    Not sure if that was saved editor content ...

    2 hours ago, TheJackal84 said:

    You can request anything :biggrin: I love new ideas ( especially good ones )


    With this request could we have it so there are no title boxes that are required for the whole block or individual image blocks. I don’t mind having them but I won’t use them.

  8. Could I request image blocks with URL links only.

    Just like the Content Blocks ( Multiple Selections ) but no text, and have an option to show maybe 5-10 in a whole block? I don't want an image carousel, but 3/4 seperate boxes that I can upload an image to. But have it so I can set custom URLs so when people click the image it will take them to a desired link.

    On my home page I'd like to show it like this -

    I don't want to use the editor as it wont be responsive. And I really like how the forums/topics blocks is layed out currently. As I set it to 4 boxes on desktop view.

  9. Found a bug -

    Using - Content Blocks ( Multiple Selections ) - if you have no text and just use pictures (I used 3 blocks and 3 pictures) it duplicates all 3 images into all of the blocks. This mean each box shows the same 3 picstures, so in all it shows 9.


  10. 1 hour ago, Makoto said:

    It's a fair concern. I know the way IP.Gallery does this now is that you can enable/disable watermarks on an album basis.

    I was going to mention how the albums did this but it wasn't quite the same. I like the idea of a forum based option. But my original idea would suit much better.

    Just wondering if anyone else using this would have a similar concern or anyone looking to buy it to add some feedback for this concern... Or is it just me? :happy:

  11. Just now, Makoto said:

    Hey @Dean_!

    Thank you for your feedback! This currently applies attachments to images uploaded by all members, but I can work on implementing a group based permissions system.

    Adding an option on whether or not to add watermarks during the actual upload will be tricky however, but I'll note the feedback and see what I can do.

    At the very least, I can have it where only groups you select will have their images watermarked!

    You're most welcome, I'm sure some may have the same worry? So I thought it maybe worth mentioning it.

    Maybe something like this could be achived with IPS 4.5?

    Many thanks!

  12. Is there an option based on permissions on whether you can add a watermark to an image. Interesting app but I'd be worried if one of our users uploads an image that is not their's (just grabbed from Google) and then we watermark it. Have the option before image attachment upload and maybe a small message which we can add warning them would be a nice feature.

  13. On 2/13/2020 at 6:22 PM, Fosters said:

    There's no awards tab;) You're probably using the wrong application, the tab from this app is called Trophies and Medals.

    Sorry for the confusion, I changed the name in languages on mine. However I can still award medals to people on their profile.

    As seen here, I have the button.

  14. Is there a way we can grab articles (pages) into the same layout as topics (with grabbing pictures from the first posts) with a selection box to pick what categories we'd like to show.

    Also, with calendar events too?

  15. 4 hours ago, kmk said:

    Is possible change the application as homepage when I have all blocks set up? I need more time to have it finished, before that I don´t want show it public.

    Yes, I did this first.

    ACP > Applications > Select the application (landing) > then click the arrow > this will show another 'landing page' > click the padlock and choose your permissions.

    You can then access the page using this link (with our own url) - https://MYSITE.com/index.php?app=landingpage&module=main&controller=landingpage

    Obviously then set the app to default and change the permissions to set as home page.

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