Incorrect session data path in 4.7 upgrade
Thanks! If anyone else stumbles over this issue: the session path was overwritten in the .htaccess file. How the line got in there, I have no idea. But I doubt that it was done by Invision.
Incorrect session data path in 4.7 upgrade
I'm getting error 4S109/5 during upgrade: We were unable to start a PHP session. You will need to contact your host to adjust your PHP configuration before you can continue. The error reported was: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php72) I noticed that the path is incorrect though. It should be ea-php74, since PHP 7.4 is installed. I did check in php.ini, and directly on the server, and can confirm that ea-php74 is correct. It looks to me that the upgrade routine fetches the path from somewhere else, and not from php.ini. I already tried re-installing PHP 7.2 with the same config as I now have on PHP 7.4, but it still doesn't work (server error 500, likely due to depracated PHP functions). My next idea was to find the location where this path is configured, and overwrite it manually to ea-php74, but couldn't find it. So unless there's some other idea how to fix this, I could need some help finding the place where to overwrite the path. (It would still be a workaround though. To fix properly, the upgrade routine needs to fetch the session data path from PHP configuration.)
Fix "share by email" feature
Excellent, thank you! I'm looking forward to re-enabling it.
Fix "share by email" feature
No, it's not like a post!! A post gets distributed to all users who are subscribed to that category, who can unsubscribe from such messages as they like. The "share by email" feature on the other hand allows submission of random content to random email addresses. I did send two very nice messages to support. If the best they can come up with is suggesting to disable the feature, I don't see how asking nicely for a third time is getting me anywhere. (And just a hint: disabling the feature was nothing I couldn't think of myself before getting in touch with support.) A feature that allows spamming random email addresses without giving them the option to unsubscribe violates CAN-SPAM, GDPR and probably evey other anti spam regulation in any other legislation too. And this is a feature currently provided by InvisionCommunity.
Fix "share by email" feature
I don't really care whether it was done by a guest, or a forum member, or a hacked forum member. The system should neither allow replacing the share message with a random message, nor tolerate sending of hundreds of identical messages per minute. This is very simple common sense.
Fix "share by email" feature
Hi, This morning I woke up to find that tens of thousands of spam emails were sent through the "share by email" feature. The support's brilliant suggestion was to disabling that feature. So instead of taking the responsibility to fix or remove a easily abusible feature, it's the customer's responsibility to disable it. Bravo! If the content that is to be shared can be removed and replaced by a spam message, then the feature is clearly broken. If this happens tens of thousands of times, and the system doesn't catch that, then the system is broken too.
Donate Sidebar Support
Yes, it's confirmed 😞
Donate Sidebar Support
Sorry about the confusion. The donations that came in without fees were done by users sending "personal payments". Payments coming through the button, although they're donations, are subject to fees in the Netherlands. 😠 Shame on PayPal.
Donate Sidebar Support
Netherlands. I can receive donations with a manually created button though.
Donate Sidebar Support
It would be great to have the donations actually sent as donations, so that the recipient wouldn't have to pay any PayPal fees.
Donate Sidebar Support
Hello Mike, I have just enabled it back so you can test it. Thanks.
Donate Sidebar Support
Paypal is setup to convert every currency to US Dollars. Default currency is US Dollar. Do you know what will I get/loose with Business account? Paypal isn't very clear about that..
Donate Sidebar Support
If I remember correctly I had this issue while I was using v3.x of IP Board and your donation sidebar. I think that I was able to receive funds when I was using my primary e-mail address, but this time I am unable to receive funds through Donation Sidebar no matter what e-mail I choose. All emails are confirmed. But, I was able to use subscriptions on IPB 3.x without any issues. I have found out on the Google that some accounts have the Donate option when creating a paypal button, but I don't. I have subscribtions and that's probably the reason why subscriptions work normally. Here is both screenshots, one from the user that has subscriptons and the other screenshot from my paypal. Do I need Business instead of Premier account on Paypal.? Can Donates Sidebar be changed so it has link to subscriptions instead? From the info found here, it seems like I need a business account.. https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/paypal-payments-standard/integration-guide/donation_buttons/#id08AAF0F104Y
Donate Sidebar Support
Hi, my account email is validated and as mentioned I can receive funds if you use Paypal to send me funds (Send money) without issues. It is a premier account.. I quite don't understand question 3. I have also checked link you provided but it didn't help
Donate Sidebar Support
Thanks for the move AndyF. I presumed I've posted it in the wrong section.