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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Before we continue any further, one more thing to check. Have you checked the space on your hosting?
  2. Could you please provide links to the 2 examples, then I can take a look at the differences for you?
  3. This being the case, go to System>Settings>Login & Registration, then click new. You can select OAuth 2.0 from there
  4. I have tagged this for our developers to see if they can advise
  5. We would need some examples of this, but the reality here is that these are not actually being added in the standard manner. You would need to test this with someone who has manually followed the forum, rather than automatically been added by external code, as it may well be that external code causing the issue. Feedback can be provided in our feedback forum, which you can find directly here https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feedback/
  6. I see you have found the issue now, but if you ever need this again, its in the support section of the admin CP, as indicated here
  7. Its indeed not really relevant to what you are asking there. Redirection from one domain to another shouldnt actually be that big a task by the way. If you ask your hosting company, thats something they are likely to be able to do for you quite easily
  8. You would upgrade it, after uploading the files, by visiting /admin/upgrade in the browser. It wouldnt be updated from the admin CP. I believe that may be where you are going wrong. 🙂
  9. Have those users actually been through profile completion? It may be that they have not yet filled them in, so would only see that screen
  10. Please update your access details. At present your admin CP detail is incorrect
  11. Glad to hear things are now working for you 🙂
  12. These can be affected by 3 different things. Either limits on your user group, limits on upload as a whole, or PHP limits. Have you checked all 3 of those items? If so, who are you logged in as when you are testing this? I can then take a look for you
  13. 3rd Party would be the only way in which to do this, if thats the question you are asking. There isnt anything within the core platform to allow for this.
  14. If your hosting is showing too many requests, you really would need to contact your hosting company on the issue, to be honest, as they would need to increase this if its not coping with your sites traffic
  15. When you say move to site one, what do you mean? Are you referring to changing its URL? If so, you can add redirects from your old URL to account for that
  16. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  17. Sorry, Im not sure what you are asking there. You would simply explain to them what is happening, and tell them your server is blocking it
  18. In addition, if you click the hooks button on the admin CP and look for hook 1, you should find the name of the app/plugin
  19. You need to check the redirect URL you are using in that case. What is the URL you have entered currently?
  20. The license itself you can indeed renew if you wish. There is no direct upgrade path though, as mentioned above
  21. What is the error message itself there?
  22. If you are unsure on the setup of this, you would need to contact your hosting company to ask the question. If you are unsure what redis does, you are probably unlikely to need it.
  23. That is indeed the only native way to achieve this. In honesty, I would be trying to find somewhere to restore it where you can upgrade, just to do the conversion.
  24. It was actually moved in the latest release, to not be overlaying. You would need to update your theme to be compatible with the latest release
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