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Teddy Rogers

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  1. I checked and I do not have one. Improving the wording on the, "Prepare for v5", may help to make it clearer... Ted.
  2. "Prepare for v5" told me to come here. I am here to discuss! Does this mean "Prepare for v5" detected a Q&A forum? If it does that is interesting as I don't believe I have one! Ted.
  3. @Marc assume this did not get fixed in the latest update. I had another member email me today saying they could not login and reset their 2FA because of the issue identified above. Resolved by simply going to edit then save. Do you know if/ when this will be fixed? Ted.
  4. Please can you make this option accessible from a dedicated menu and/ or available in the search field, such as when entering, "rebuild", in the search box... "AdminCP -> Downloads -> Categories -> Forum Topics -> Rebuild topic content" ...it is not often I need to use it though when I do I always seem to struggle to locate it, like it is hidden on purpose! Additionally it would be nice to have an option to rebuild all topic content instead of having to individually go to each and every category to complete... Ted.
  5. It would be nice if this sign-up check can also be implemented when a member attempts to change their email address, after sign-up... Ted.
  6. I don't know why they do this, I can only describe what I have seen from past experience. My assumption; bypass sign up checks with a working email, change email with a disposable/ sacrificial address then post spam across the site. The account with disposable/ sacrificial email address are banned (and maybe sends a report to IPS Spam Defence?) as being a spammer... Ted.
  7. Flag/ block as spammer and/ or notify Moderator/ Administrator. Prevent the member from using the new email address. There was once a plugin/ application that checked emails and when changed did one or more of the above... Ted.
  8. @Marc when a member changes their email address is it checked against any spam and disposable mailbox's, similar to a new account registration? I see it happening where an account will be created using an email address, I assume, in an attempt to successfully register. Once the account is registered the email address is then changed to a spam/ disposable mail account... Ted.
  9. Thank you for reviewing, look forward to it being fixed up... Ted.
  10. I don't think this problem was ever properly fixed. Every once in a while I still have a member contacting me because they struggle with 2FA question not being visible. When I check their 2FA in AdminCP their security question has a reference, something like "SECURITY_QUESTION_5", that indicates it used to be one of the previous deleted questions. Sorry I have not been clever enough to take a screenshot of the exact text before I changed it. To resolve the issue I go to edit the security question in AdminCP and save, since I only have the one question on the site. After that the new security question is visible. One of the affected members did a screen capture of what they see and get when prompted for the (missing) 2FA question. SecurityQuestionProblem.mp4.1c824772f0b880bccf26629a060bfdb6.mp4 Is this a bug, should they be prompted to reset their 2FA automatically if the question is no longer available? Ted.
  11. Does it include any of the following languages: MASM FASM PureBasic If not, is it possible to include at least MASM and PureBasic? Any chance of seeing the current list? Ted.
  12. I assume there will be no issues with the new Tiptap editor quoting from existing content and tags within the forums? Regarding "code blocks" and "inline code", what languages will be supported in IC5 and how can we add additional language support? Can we make suggestions now to include for release in IC5? Edit... and a useful feature will be to have a button to copy to clipboard the code block... https://www.danielmarkavis.co.uk/blog/copy-to-clipboard-from-a-tiptap-codeblock-component Ted.
  13. I had a member not able to enter or reset their 2FA for account verification. A private message was popping up with its element overlapping the verification window, see image below. I was able to use uBlock's element zapper to remove it. This enabled entering in the answer to their 2FA question. Possibly a bug? Ted.
  14. I have a different opinion in that if it is important enough to create the redirect, and it shows up in other views, I don't see why it should not be an option to view whilst in fluid view. It is possible to bastardise the "Show Rules" and add the link in the forum header though this ends up excluding "(xxxx visits to this link)"... Ted.
  15. Can it be made visible again, whilst in Combined Fluid View, like it does at the top of a discussions forum? Ted.