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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. The self hosting section generally would be for items relating only to self hosting, rather than the software as a whole. Installation, permission issues, configuring server items and the likes. It does however seem to have been missed there, so can only apologise on that. I will take a look at that now for you.
  2. Im not sure what you mean here. iCalendar feeds you have added would automatically populate already.
  3. Probably not. Depending on what exactly the database issue is that is showing, you would need to perform that action on your server
  4. Please could you update to the latest release? If you are then still seeing the same issue, please ensure you have tested with no 3rd party items enabled, and on a default theme. Once you have done this, if you are still seeing the same, please update all access details on file
  5. Glad to hear you found the issue there 🙂
  6. We offer a forum first approach to support for all our customers. The support has in no way been diminished by this, I can assure you. We're still here 🙂
  7. I have taken a look at the ticket there for you, and see you have provided the backups already. I will respond there shortly and see if we can get you sorted out.
  8. No need. Ive moved this 🙂 If you are not seeing this then there is an issue somewhere. Could I ask if you are testing this on a default unaltered theme? It may well be your theme is not showing this
  9. There are of course many things we would like to do with the main theme, so not every area will have been touched. If you have suggestions for changes, you would be better to post in the feedback area. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  10. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  11. I would advise on contacting us via the methods stated above along with information stating your copyright to the item in question.
  12. What exactly is happening when you try to post in your blog?
  13. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  14. Please could you confirm the above is what you are doing there? Makoto is indeed correct. Please confirm if this is not the case and let us know which template
  15. Please could you respond to the ticket that was created for you on this with some examples? As this was transferred to ticket originally, it would be the best place for you
  16. As mentioned to my colleague, unfortunately using software designed for the latest technologies on older tech will have issues unfortunately. As apple is no longer supporting updating those with the latest browsers, they will fall further and further behind
  17. Ive move this to self hosting issues as this is clearly an issue hosting side here. If this is what you are seeing, your server is not seeing the new files. That being the case, it would be worth looking to see if the versions you are switching to are using opcache or something else that is caching the files
  18. I believe what opentype is saying is correct there. Are you saying there is some issue occurring when they are included? Or simply that you believe It may be incorrect?
  19. Moved this to feedback, as not at present, but I get the idea
  20. Probably not, as that wasnt the intention of the function in the first place. It was more an unintended use
  21. Glad to hear it. Thank you for the confirmation 🙂
  22. Looking at the console errors there, it appears you are getting an error from stripe due to using an old set of keys.
  23. Are you able to re-add that temporally so we can take a look? You really shouldnt have that issue, so would like to get it resolved for you if we can
  24. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  25. Please could you give me a link to the item you are looking at?
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