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  1. Hi Are live topics available for forums, cloud or not? I can't see it anywhere in my settings.
  2. I'm getting this error message logging into the forums. Is this easily repairable?
  3. That's really helpful. Thanks.
  4. Edit: I've just changed away from the default theme and it's working for me. Which doesn't make a lot of sense to me?
  5. Should add I've already got the default theme and turning all plugins/apps off didn't help.
  6. Only issue is that I can get to the admin CP so it's not that I need rescue mode for that. From what I can see none of those files creating an error have been deleted. I've added new details in. I will set up alerts on this thread as I keep missing the replies.
  7. Apologies. Should now be there.
  8. Yes I have tried this and didn't get any progress. Very strange the cache files are missing, it was working up until last night, and I can still access the admin CP so it doesn't seem very widespread.
  9. Right I'm getting this message in system logs. I've tried adding a new default theme but no luck. 06/19/23 11:42 AM uncaught_exception Error: Class "IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global" not found (0) #0 /home/admin/web/unofficialmi... 06/19/23 11:42 AM template_error Error: Class "IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global" not found in /home/admin/web/unofficialmills.... 06/19/23 11:42 AM template_error Error: Class "IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global" not found in /home/admin/web/unofficialmills.... 06/19/23 11:42 AM template_error Error: Class "IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global" not found in /home/admin/web/unofficialmills.... 06/19/23 11:42 AM template_error Error: Class "IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global" not found in /home/admin/web/unofficialmills.... 06/19/23 11:42 AM template_error Error: Class "IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global" not found in /home/admin/web/unofficialmills.... 06/19/23 11:42 AM template_error Error: Class "IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global" not found in /home/admin/web/unofficialmills.... 06/19/23 11:42 AM template_error Error: Class "IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global" not found in /home/admin/web/unofficialmills.... 06/19/23 11:42 AM template_error Error: Class "IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global" not found in /home/admin/web/unofficialmills.... 06/19/23 11:42 AM uncaught_exception Error: Class "IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global" not found (0) #0 /home/admin/web/unofficialmi...
  10. Hello, Can't work out from the logs what's causing this - https://unofficialmills.co.uk/forums/ - to display an error 500. Nothing in the admin panel is pointing out what could be the problem either. I wonder if it's because the server was restarted, but again I can't see what I'd need to do. I'm a bit of a novice so any advice appreciated! Thanks
  11. Strange, it works for me clicking through.
  12. Are Instagram embeds meant to appear as embeds rather than links? I know that's the case with tweets. Just checking that it's not a fault. And if it's not, is there an easy way to make them appear as a post instead of link? https://unofficialmills.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/40287-radio-2-in-the-park/#comment-500724
  13. Would seem the chatbox is the main issue [Thu Jun 08 16:55:24.479738 2023] [php:error] [pid 7111] [client] PHP Fatal error: Declaration of IPS\\chatbox\\Rooms\\_Chat::getItemsWithPermission($where = [], $order = null, $limit = 10, $permissionKey = 'read', $includeHiddenItems = IPS\\Content\\Hideable::FILTER_AUTOMATIC, $queryFlags = 0, ?IPS\\Member $member = null, $joinContainer = false, $joinComments = false, $joinReviews = false, $countOnly = false, $joins = null, $skipPermission = false, $joinTags = true, $joinAuthor = true, $joinLastCommenter = true, $showMovedLinks = false) must be compatible with IPS\\Content\\_Item::getItemsWithPermission($where = [], $order = null, $limit = 10, $permissionKey = 'read', $includeHiddenItems = IPS\\Content\\Hideable::FILTER_AUTOMATIC, $queryFlags = 0, ?IPS\\Member $member = null, $joinContainer = false, $joinComments = false, $joinReviews = false, $countOnly = false, $joins = null, $skipPermission = false, $joinTags = true, $joinAuthor = true, $joinLastCommenter = true, $showMovedLinks = false, $location = null) in /home/admin/web/unofficialmills.co.uk/public_html/forums/applications/chatbox/sources/Rooms/Chat.php on line 131, referer: https://unofficialmills.co.uk/forums/admin/upgrade/?controller=upgrade&key=ff426687ba24603d6c294c27a8dc2313 [Thu Jun 08 16:55:24.590661 2023] [mime:warn] [pid 30260] AH01599: Cannot get media type from 'x-httpd-php71' [Thu Jun 08 16:55:25.093335 2023] [php:error] [pid 30260] [client] PHP Fatal error: Declaration of IPS\\chatbox\\Rooms\\_Chat::getItemsWithPermission($where = [], $order = null, $limit = 10, $permissionKey = 'read', $includeHiddenItems = IPS\\Content\\Hideable::FILTER_AUTOMATIC, $queryFlags = 0, ?IPS\\Member $member = null, $joinContainer = false, $joinComments = false, $joinReviews = false, $countOnly = false, $joins = null, $skipPermission = false, $joinTags = true, $joinAuthor = true, $joinLastCommenter = true, $showMovedLinks = false) must be compatible with IPS\\Content\\_Item::getItemsWithPermission($where = [], $order = null, $limit = 10, $permissionKey = 'read', $includeHiddenItems = IPS\\Content\\Hideable::FILTER_AUTOMATIC, $queryFlags = 0, ?IPS\\Member $member = null, $joinContainer = false, $joinComments = false, $joinReviews = false, $countOnly = false, $joins = null, $skipPermission = false, $joinTags = true, $joinAuthor = true, $joinLastCommenter = true, $showMovedLinks = false, $location = null) in /home/admin/web/unofficialmills.co.uk/public_html/forums/applications/chatbox/sources/Rooms/Chat.php on line 131, referer: https://unofficialmills.co.uk/forums/admin/upgrade/?controller=upgrade&key=ff426687ba24603d6c294c27a8dc2313
  14. Thanks. Incidentally how do I remove the antispam application if it is that?
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