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Release Notes v5

Invision Community 5 Bug Tracker





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Thank you for reporting the bug there, and for the detail you have got to in order to show what is happening. I have added this to our internal bug tracker so that it can be resolved in a future release.
  2. The SSL Certificate set on your server expired on 7th October. As a self hosted customer, you would need to contact your hosting company to resolve this issue for you
  3. Please check these as you appear to have display name set as the login details, and your site only uses email
  4. If you choose to keep your own, as it seems you have there, then the new default set would not be added to your system. I can certainly go ahead and add those as a cloud customer if you would like me to go ahead and do that? Would you like everything in the ranks/rules/badges areas removing entirely and replacing with the new default sets? With yours, as a self hosted customer you would need to do this using the files in your download. You can find the XML import files for these in \applications\core\data\achievements
  5. Friendly URL would indeed be good for SEO, yes. If you are seeing index.php then it is indeed because you dont have friendly URLs switched on within System->Search Engine Optimization
  6. You can change this by using the constant UPGRADING_PAGE example define('UPGRADING_PAGE','/path/to/page.html'); If you are not sure how to use constants, you can see this here
  7. Makes sure you actually have the warning system switched on. If you do not have this switched on, you will not see the warnings and restrictions section mentioned above
  8. Your screenshot isnt showing on the link there, so I cannot see what you are looking at. The advantage to using rewrites is that they are more human readable to your members.
  9. We may well have different caching levels on here to what you have on your own community, so wouldnt worry about that one
  10. I have created a ticket for you on this, so our developers can take a closer look for you.
  11. Haha, the fact you find it useful is enough for us 🙂
  12. Please could you update your access details on file, and we can then take a look for you?
  13. I have moved this to our developer connection forum, as this would be outside the scope of our standard support. I havent taken a look myself, but will have a look later if I get some time
  14. Check to ensure you have the warning system enableed in the admin CP. If you do not have that enabled, this would cause you not to be able to see the warning and restriction section on a users profile.
  15. Glad you have what you need there. Feel free to ask any further questions, but please bear in mind we cannot assist with the customisation itself
  16. There is no way in which to stop the background tasks once they are started. You would need to await its completion, then move them back to wherever you need once that is done if needed. The other other option is to revert to you backup. Stopping them would leave your site in a state where some things are set to one and some are set to the other
  17. You can switch this off here if you are unsure where it was you did this
  18. Excellent to hear. Thank you for letting us know.
  19. This is specific to your account, and so have created a ticket for you so that we can get this resolved.
  20. Just thought I would come back to this to let you know we have added a quick case study for people who want to achieve this using the pages application. Of course if there is anything you feel would be good to add in there, feel free to let me know.
  21. Are you referring to for an indivdual here? If so, you can see these from the users profile. If you click your own profile here for example you will see your badges and reputation at the top. You can click any of those to give you the full listing. With users in general, you can show what people are earning as they earn them by adding the "Recent Achievements" block to any page you would like it to show.
  22. Glad to see my colleague managed to get that resolved for you. Seems it was a bit of an odd one in which we were not fully able to pin down what caused it, so needed some manual intervention. This one it doesnt seem is related to the same problem, on speaking to our developers. I would encourage you to check if there was actually a space after the name when its named in the ACP. Im sure you have already checked that, but need to make sure, and others may have seen that happen to them. All I can say at this point is if you can replicate the issue, please reach out and we can get a ticket opened for you.
  23. I see my colleague managed to get that sorted for you. As mentioned, we have also added improvements there to prevent reoccurrence of this particular issue.
  24. There is no way in which to selectively delete posts which are over a set date for a specific user like that, however you can indeed delete the user entirely if you wanted to do so. Doing this would allow you to use the username again.
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