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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Did you manage to get this sorted @Howard L Martinez ?
  2. Are you still seeing an issue here @DanielFb ?
  3. Did you manage to find a solution for this? @403 - Forbiddeen
  4. Are you still seeing this @livegames.co.il ?
  5. This does sound very much to be a safari related problem, rather than one with your site here. If however you are seeing anything once you have done the above, please let us know.
  6. Are you still seeing issues with this @livegames.co.il ?
  7. @realspezz I see my colleague responded to your ticket there. Just following up to make sure you saw that response?
  8. Please go to support in the top right of your Admin CP, then select "clear cache". Once you have done this check again. It looks like its simply a cache issue you have there
  9. This is usually caused by issues server side. Check for mod_security issues being logged first of all. Also, I would highly advise you upgrade your site. You seem to be significantly behind on updates there
  10. There isnt really much we can add to what facebook themselves have stated there. You need to edit your privacy policy to state how a member of your community would request data deletion. Even if that is a "contact x", that information must be present as per facebooks policies. Once done, you nee to let facebook know to review it again. You can see how to amend your privacy policy on the site here
  11. The renewal term was originally to change to 12 months, however based on feedback, this was reverted to 6 months. So unless you happened to pay a 12 month invoice in that small period of time it was set, it will be 6 month from the time you last renewed. Aa mentioned by opentype above, you can check this on your client area
  12. Just to confirm, this has now been fixed internally and should be in the next release.
  13. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  14. I would say here, if you cannot run those queries manually, you need to contact your hosting company to see why. You should be able to run those queries on your database, and if you cant, then that will indeed cause you issues.
  15. Another thought here, check with your host to see if you have any external caching, such as cloudflare, varnish cache etc. If so, disable those
  16. As mentioned, I would wait for your other ticket being looked at first of all. It may be its being looked at currently and that is causing you issues. It may be related to the issues you are having. I am not seeing any speed issues on my end when on your site though to be honest
  17. Have you checked in your system logs to see if you have any logs relating to that item again? Did you remove that plugin entirely?
  18. There would indeed be a rebuild going on if you have just upgraded. I would suggest awaiting your ticket being addressed before going any further
  19. No problem. We can then see the outcome of your ticket and go from there
  20. You would need to delete them all, or at least delete the rules which give them out. The only other way would be to switch off the achievements didn't entirely.
  21. When you upgrade, it will rebuild. So initially users will indeed have 0 points until its completely rebuilt. So as long as your own ranks are there, it would rebuild. As they aren't, I have created a ticket for you and will get that looked at. With badges, you can delete and they will indeed no longer be awarded. Any already awarded would disappear. It should indeed keep existing ranks, but not the existing ranks system. I think that is the confusion there
  22. I think there is some confusion here over what was selected. Keep would be to keep your existing ranks. It would not keep the existing system itself. That has changed in the new version and cannot be reverted to the old way of working. 1 - Ranks have gone - I can see its now using the default rank set. I will need to create a ticket and get that escalated for you to see what has happened. If you had few ranks, it may be worth deleting them and simply re-adding. If you had many however, I can escalate if needed. Let me know 2 - Yes, you can delete the badges that are there if you wish. 3 - Yes, this has changed entirely. You would be best to take a look at the following guide for how the new system works. There is actually a lot more you can now do with the system than you could previously, so you may actually find it to your advantage. You could have course delete all the rules and have the "one point one post" rule set, which is essenially what happened previously. There were not points as such before. It was simple number of content
  23. Yes, that has gone. But it did exactly the same as that form. The only difference is you cannot see history any longer there
  24. If you are referring to the bubble there, while we do tend to be quite quick on support, its not live chat. It does the very same thing and adds a ticket as the form you are filling in there. Have to admit, I'm quite happy to know you felt it was live 🙂 Means we are responding fast enough
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