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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. This was changed over a week ago. When you log into the client you will see your purchases under the "manage purchases" tab. Click on "manage this purchase" and you will see it at the top of that page
  2. Tickets are not stored in your client area any longer. If you wish to keep a copy of these, you would need to keep a copy on your emails, of which are sent with each response. With regards starting a ticket, you can still do this by selecting your license then selecting Create Request on that page. However we would encourage the use of this forum you have just posted in, which is fully staffed
  3. I have been playing with this myself to see what is going on, and logged this as a bug internally as it doesnt seem right to me either
  4. You wouldnt do a fresh installation there. What you would do is restore that backup to your new hosting. As you are on likely a higher version of PHP than that version will cope with, the site will likely be broken at that point, but will be back online once you have upgraded. Once done, upload a fresh set of files from your client area, and visit /admin/upgrade to run the upgrader. You can see how to move your site here if you need more instruction on that part Also, please ensure you have checked to ensure you have all compotents needed before you proceed to the upgrade step, using our requirement checker
  5. Glad to hear you got it sorted there. Could I ask, did you fine the same with your other issue?
  6. I shall refrain from comment. Every time I say one browser is the worst, its like another tries to compete to break things faster
  7. Also please check that mod_security or any other security on your server is not blocking this. I suspect this may well be the case here
  8. Unless you are using a mac, that would indeed be correct as your browser will not auto play them. It's a browser function rather than one with the software
  9. There seems to be no community at the licensed URL you chose for the ticket here. Has your URL changed? Could you let me know the URL?
  10. I see this is a bug for which a fix has been submitted for review.
  11. Just a heads up to let you guys know this has now been resolved. Thank you for reporting the issue
  12. Just quick update to let you know that this has actually now had a fix applied and is awaiting developer review, so will be in a future release. Likely the next release
  13. Ive actually just create a ticket on this for you, as I cant replicate any longer on the latest release
  14. Please go to Support in the top right of your admin CP, then click on clear cache. Once you have done that test again, and if its still an issue, try disabling all 3rd party items and testing this
  15. If it's a theme you have created for yourself, its likely changes in your globalTemplate which mean its not been updated to the latest. You would need to revert that template and reapply your changes, which would likely resolve the issue. If it's one downloaded that someone else has made however, I would advise contacting them as there may be a lot of change
  16. Thank you for your feedback. Of course this is a very new feature, and Im sure there will be things which we find could be better implemented as time goes on. I will get this passed on to our developers to see if we can have this worded a little differently.
  17. No problem at all. Glad you have what you need
  18. Glad you managed to get it sorted out in any case 🙂 Gotta love browser caching at times.
  19. I will move this over to community support, as there may well be other customers who can assist you with your customisation needs.
  20. Also as mentioned above, please check which pages you are clicking on the links on that area leading to an incorrect location, and let us know these pages. We can then take a look
  21. It will actually send it in smaller batches, but repeatedly and immediately until they are sent. So essentially, yes.
  22. Just to note, once you have done that, click elsewhere in the ACP to see the change
  23. Sorry, I should have stated email host there, but thats very helpful, thank you
  24. There is no quicker way to add them than going into the Admin CP. As with any other area of the software, setup items need to be created in the admin CP. The create menu is for your users, not for items you set up as a site.
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