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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Theme customisation is outside the scope of our support unfortunately, and this is what you would need (either that or a plugin to do so) in order to add the log out item to your main navigation, rather than in your user dropdown menu. If you are looking to attempt this yourself, the logout link can be found in the core->front->global->userBar template . Look for <li class='ipsMenu_item' data-menuItem='signout'> and the make up of the link is below there
  2. While in an ideal world, there would of course be no security issues in any application, people will find ways to exploit any software. This is simply the nature of software. Everyone from small one man developers, to large multi billion dollar companies will experience these. Even the likes of apple released security fixes only 2 days ago, and are the largest company in the world at the time of writing.
  3. This looks to be resolved in the upcoming 4.6.7 release which is currently in beta. I can replicate what you are saying on my test 4.6.6 instance, but not on the 4.6.7.
  4. Please could you check if this is happening only on that browser? If so, which browser is that you are using?
  5. There is no facility for this within the software at present, however I have moved this topic to our suggestions forum, so that it may be considered for future releases
  6. Sorry to see you were having issues there. I have corrected this on file, and logged in to ensure its still sorted on your admin CP side for you.
  7. There would be no way in which to change that to work as it was previously unfortunately, no.
  8. While the file name saving may be part of the same issues we are looking at (will let you know on that), there have been no reports of templates showing from other themes. What is happening in the case of this one is its actually showing customised because the filename that was exported as exported incorrectly for some reason. Could you confirm if this is what you mean (it showing customised)? Also, could you let me know what operating system you are using, and how you are editing the files (what program)?
  9. On both 4.4 and 4.6 there has been a logo. Nothing has actually changed there. What may have changed is how that logo is displayed. Its not clear on what you are trying to do here, but if you are looking to display the logo area outside of the standard, you would need to theme that accordingly. With the unread markers, I believe you may be referring to the topic streams you have set up on the home page. That is correct, and is a change as per design. The reason for this is that those blocks are cached, and so previously could actually be incorrect
  10. Its quite possible. This is actual footage of him using pages
  11. It's almost like opentype has used pages a couple of times 😉
  12. That is something that shows when you have achieved a rank in your set achievements. Please see the following guides on these. Note, when you first upgrade, you will have background tasks which are recounting these, so they will not show until those tasks are complete
  13. I'll move this over to community support for you as there may be others who also have more ideas. Its not something we have within the software outside of the pages application solution mentioned. But that doesnt sound like what you are going to need here
  14. As mentioned above, that appears to be caused by a 3rd party item there
  15. I believe I have just answered your ticket. Based on what you have said in your ticket, the realism is here that your site is too large for the hosting you are using. The only way in which you are going to reduce that is by losing content. You really need a hosting company that can accommodate the requirements of your site. Have you thought about our cloud hosting at all?
  16. Unfortunately this is not something I am able to provide personally. I can move this to our customer hardware support area as there may be someone on here who is able to assist you with that who has a similar setup. I dont have one to hand personally I would be able to take a look at Doing some quick looking around, it looks like these are the WHM instructions for setting up PHP instances https://docs.cpanel.net/whm/software/multiphp-manager-for-whm/
  17. You would need to contact your hosting company to see where you would set this up on your particular set up.
  18. Using built in and custom blocks within the pages application, gives you a powerful way in which to build up pages with the right content for your consumers. In this guide, we show how it is possible to build a single page, showing different content to different groups of people. Our Aim Our aim in this guide is to have a single page that shows differently to people who are logged into your site, as it does to guests. To do this we are going to set up the following items Create 2 custom blocks for guests Create a custom welcome block for logged in users Build a page to show content and these new blocks Custom Blocks Our intention here is to have 2 blocks of information to show to guests, which we will display side by side, and one block which will show full width as a welcome block to members who are logged in. So to start we will go to the following location of our Admin CP, and select to create a new block Pages->Page Management->Blocks New block For this exercise we will be using the editor blocks so that we can add some custom content. New Editor Block Guest Blocks We need to ensure we give the block a recognizable name, as we will need to choose this on the front end later. We will be calling our blocks 'guest info', 'guest info 2' and 'welcome block' Block Naming Move on to the content section, and add some content for your first guest block. For the sake of this guide, we will just add an image and some dummy text Guest Block 1 Once done, click on save, and you will be given the permissions screen to add your permissions in. Here we want to add in permissions just for guests to be able to see, as when we add it to our page, we want this to be suppressed from anyone who is not logged in Guest Block Permissions Repeat this exercise again, and create another block named "guest info 2" with different content, but the same permissions, so that we now have 2 blocks we can place side by side. Member Block Now we have created our guest blocks, we are going to create a single block named 'welcome block' which will span the width of the page, and welcomes our logged in members. Create a block and add some welcoming text Welcome Back Block Once you create this and save, we want to add the opposite permissions to that of the guest blocks. We only want logged in users to see these. Logged In User Permissions That is our custom blocks created. You could then go ahead and create as many blocks as you like, showing to the groups you need them to show to. Now on to creating the page itself. Creating the page To create our page, first we will go to Pages->Page Management->Pages and sect to Add a new page from the link shown below Add Page Once we have done this, add a name for your page, and then save. In our case we will simply be calling it "Home" Home Page Once added and saved, we need to go to edit the page itself, and add our blocks on. So we will now click the page builder link which is shown here Page Builder Link Once in the page builder, we are going to use the block manager to add blocks to the page. We need to remember here that blocks will only show to those who have permission to see some content within them. This is how we will achieve a different view for different people. First we can drag over a guest signup widget. By definition, this will show only to guests. We can add a short line of text to this for now, but you can of course add anything you wish Using the Page Builder You add to this by clicking on the edit button once its dragged to the page. We are just going to add "we would love you to sign up to our community" as shown Adding Guest Content Next add in a topic feed block anywhere on the page. As blocks follow the same permission rules, it will only show guests what they are allowed to view, and our members can see everything they are allowed to also. Once that is added, we will now add some custom blocks, as shown. You can add these anywhere you wish on the page. You will see where I have added them for this example here Adding Custom Blocks Once added you need to edit each of the custom blocks, and select the custom items we created in the first part of this walk through. In this case I have used the welcome block you can see at the top, and the 2 guest blocks at the bottom. The Result The result of this, is that when you click save, you see different content as a guest than you do as a logged in member. Below are the 2 different views for our example. Here you see the guest signup block, the topic feed showing only guest available topics, and the 2 guest blocks we created Guest Page View Once logged in, you see the view is very different. We now see the welcome block for our members, and just their topic feed. Member Page View You could add moderator only blocks if you wished, or blocks for your sponsors and more to create more unique experiences for different sets of members
  19. Provided there are no further issues at that point then yes. It will depend on what has been causing the huge amount of logs, and whether that itself is causing issues with getting in there. We will know once you have resolved that table
  20. Yes you can do that if needed. As soon as you see entries then starting to be made in those logs, take a look in Support and click on System Logs to see what is being logged.
  21. The answer to that question would be to correct what is causing those error logs. We would only know that once we are in the ACP and can take a look. You can restore that table without the data if needed. We can then take a look at what starts being logged and resolve from there
  22. It certainly should be something that your hosting company can restore easily, yes
  23. We do not have telephone support unfortunately. You need to contact your hosting company on this. The table ibf_core_log is missing from your database, so you need to restore this table from your latest backup. That is what is causing you issues
  24. I have escalated the ticket for you now so that we can see whats going on for you
  25. FTP and admin login we would need Please could you check the FTP ============= Status: Resolving address of {redacted for security} Status: Connecting to {redacted for security}... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Command: USER {redacted for security} Response: 331 User {redacted for security} OK. Password required Command: PASS *********** Response: 530 Login authentication failed Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server ============
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