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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Hello, Please update your access details on file, including the Admin CP location. We can then take a look for you
  2. Unfortunately, if this is happening on non invision pages also, it seems this is an issue in your browser, rather than that of your invision community.
  3. What you are seeing there has actually been patched. You would need to apply that patch in your Admin CP under the support section to correct this. Alternatively, you could await 4.6.7 which will be going out shortly.
  4. As mentioned above, there are suggestions in for those already, but these are not something that we have at present
  5. If you have someone who is developing for you, then they could develop SSO for this purpose. There are developer guides in which you can find here https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/ However, if the software you are having created is created to use OAuth2, you can simply add this as a login handler on your site
  6. In the default, they show at the top of any forum when pinned, but not separated into their own box as mentioned. When you say "at the top of the page" could you explain what you mean? I ask as you mention you cannot see them until the subforum is open. That is correct as you cannot see any topic until you open the forum they are in. However thats with the exception of when viewing the site as a feed on the front end. Also, depending on your aim, you may be able to use a block. For example, I have seen on some sites, pinned topics have been put in a block on their sidebar using the topic feed. We cannot comment on the specific theme you are referring to there. For that you would need to contact the author
  7. Completely understand you being desperate for assistance there, but unfortunately the issues you are having there are with your mail services rather than with the software. As a self hosted customer, once the mail leaves our system, it would be for the mail system to deliver those messages. You have seen yourself, the email is getting sent. The most likely scenario there is that its getting caught in their spam, so it would be well worth getting that checked first of all. There are no access details on file for me to check, but also check to ensure the domain you are sending from has SPF and DKIM records in place. This can cause them to be returned by receiving email services. That again would be a hosting thing though, so if you need more assistance with that you would really need to contact them on this. Sorry we could not be of further assistance there
  8. Would you mind letting us know the solution to your issue there? Just as there may well be others with the same issue as yourself 🙂
  9. I see the issue here was that there was no permission on the parent category for those users. Glad to see my colleague was able to pin that one down for you
  10. Glad to see we managed to get your issue resolved in the ticket there. For future, it is always advisable to take full backups before performing any large operation so that you have something to go back to. Glad to see you back online though
  11. I see from your ticket this is indeed a bug in your case, but has been resolved on your site there. Glad to see there was a resolution for you. I see it will indeed be resolved for the next release, for anyone who is still experiencing this
  12. I have created a ticket for this for you, and will get you moved over to our cloud platform as soon as possible
  13. I dont seem to be able to replicate this. Could you let me know what version of safari it is? Also, please could you confirm if this is happening only on your custom language pack?
  14. I have split this into another topic, as it doesnt appear to be the same as the other user was reporting. Do you have a specific page you can show me on this? Also, have you disabled all 3rd party items and tested as this is actually the most common cause of what you are seeing here
  15. On taking a look at your system, I would advise on disabling all 3rd party items again for a while, then monitoring to see if this is still happening. You have errors from Mark 'notification read from toast' which are showing up once every few seconds there. Also, please ensure you have updated all optional patches showing in the support area.
  16. We don't seem to have any URL on file for you unfortunately. Please update your access details within your client area, including the Admin CP location. Once this is done, let us know and we can take a look to see whats going on there for you Just a note, looking at your screenshot it does not look to say [$title] there by the look of it. If you are looking to add something other than what the title of that field is, you should not add it in square brackets. This may be what your issue is
  17. Before we look further into this, could I confirm if you have any modified email templates? If so, please revert these to there default state and test this again. Also, please disable all 3rd party items and test with a default unaltered theme. With regards access details, please update these in your client area. Do not send via the pm system
  18. You need to upload a fresh set of files from your client area, then run the upgrader again from /admin/upgrade . For some reason not all files have been unpacked there, so it hasnt actually upgraded forums and calendar. Until you do that, you will not be able to enable those applications again
  19. Could you please confirm you are on the latest release of the platform, and that you are using a default unaltered theme with no plugins activated? Also, please check to see which pages you are on when you believe it to be showing incorrectly. We can then take a look at that
  20. Glad to see you have what you need there so you can get installed Thank you 🙂
  21. There is no way in which to move items from blogs to forums in the native platform at present
  22. You mention that its simply because of the size of your uploads folder you mention this. Do you have any specific files you believe have not been deleted there? Files are deleted on task when not used by any part of the system, so should be removed.
  23. This was actually responded to in the message above by my colleague. At the time you posted there, we did not officially provide support via the community. However it does seem it was missed there. I will respond to that now for you so we can get it sorted
  24. When you say it doesnt work, what exactly isnt working? Are you referring to automatically embedding? If so, that is actually correct. It will only play in safari as its an apple movie standard. The issue however was that it wouldnt download in other browsers instead of embedding. That is what was resolved. Please could you clarify?
  25. Please update these in the client area rather than via pm, as this is a secure area. Please do not send details via the PM system.
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