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403 - Forbiddeen

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  1. Great. And have a method to delete the images inside MP? or clean up old MP?
  2. Hello. I want to delete all pictures that was not more used... we have a tools to verification which image is in use?
  3. Like this? ^^^^ ---- When I try to register, I can still register, I would like it to redirect the registration to community A
  4. Without wanting to seem rude, however in the topic I already said that I have already made the connection between the forums, but I want to limit the registration of community B to use data only from community A, allowing both login and "registration" in community B. I already followed this guide, but thanks anyway.
  5. I have two communities. Community A (server), and Community B ("slave") I would like to ensure that only registrations and logins from Community B are handled by Community A, meaning I do not want to allow members of Community B to register themselves. Instead, I want them to only be able to use accounts from Community A to log in and "register" in Community B. Is this possible? If so, how could I accomplish it? Note: I have already linked Community B with Community A.
  6. I've visited your website... do you accept USDT? i want to know which model you recommend me to did what i want.
  7. Thanks for your suggestion.. then it's possible... but will not be 'indexed' like i want. This filter type it's possible to set per category? i already have a pages with a lot of news... i want to set only on one category this rules... its possible?
  8. Hello, i want to create a blog like a wordpress... where it's possible to create a filter by two or more fields. example: i want to post a tricks about games, this game run on PC, Nintendo and Xbox. I want to set this 3 options. When my visitor filter by Nintendo... will display all content inside the blog with this tag. I don't want to use the default tag system, because if i click... show all content... like topics, downloads etc.
  9. I hope it is not exclusive to Cloud subscription, but for all customers. Spectacular addition.
  10. Like Test Posting I want to create a topic/category where only those who created it can see their own topic and others' topics will not be visible.
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