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Radical Tags


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just purchased Radical Tags. I am struggling at understanding how to properly use the tag editing with colors and aliases.

Are there tutorials or a PDF that explains how this plugin works? Some features are like pretty obvious and straightforward, others are not. It's common to see plugins without any instructions at all. We must remember that not everyone has an IT degree. Any product should come with instructions, that's what I am trying to say. Unless, they are somewhere in the support forum and I haven't found them

Thanks so much for the great tool you've created!

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I just dragged the tag widget to my home page and I have some of questions. I am asking them because I couldn't locate any instructions on how the plugin works, sorry 😞

  • Can the widget be bigger? It's a very little box that can hardly display 10 tags. Can it be taller? The widget doesn't have an option to select its
  • The widget is set to display 25 tags, but there are only  10
  • How are the tags being shown selected? What's the algorithm behind it? Is the number of time used in the topics or the number of times they have been clicked? Or the number of ocurrances? It would be great to have an option to display the tags that are more "clicked" and therefore "more used". A tag that is clicked tells more than a tag that hasn't been clicked at all but added 100 times (probably by me, the administrator)
  • Is there a way to search by tags in the search box?

Thanks so much!


Is there a way to create a stream like "unread content" but using tags... something like "most popular tags"? Something that would be added to the Activity or Activity streams. Thanks so much!


Searching for tags in the search box

Is it possible to search using tags? I've tried to use IPS search box to look for any of the hundreds of tags that I use in my forum but I can't seem to make it work.

What would be the right way to search for a specific tag or tags? Imagine I have 30 topics on "nature photography", how can I search for that tag in the search? I am using the prefix # or the tag name itself, but unfortunately no success. Is this possible? If so, how?

I am also using the auto-complete search from @onlyME it would be great if tags could be detected and used in his search as well.

Thanks a lot


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On 2/2/2021 at 4:23 PM, Makoto said:

Hey @z929669,

Sorry for missing your message. I do indeed have a 4.4 compatible release, though it doesn't receive feature updates anymore.

I can either provide you with this version that you can install manually or I can have a refund processed for you if you prefer.

Hey @Makoto,

Thanks for providing the 4.4-compliant version for me. Will you still be able to fix the "copy settings" functionality in the ACP for this app? We have hundreds of forums requiring various combinations of styled tags and prefixes. Without this function, it would take hundreds of hours adding it all, and it would no doubt be inconsistent. I'm dead in the water without this functionality.

Also, there seems to be no permissions for restricting use of prefixes independent of tags and neither can be restricted to use by specific groups ... unless I'm missing something?

Edited by z929669
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  • 3 weeks later...

Something in radical tags make a bug on boards could you fix it? Or how can I fix it?v4.5.4.2


[[Template forums/front/index/forumRow is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
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Just now, marcin554 said:

Something in radical tags make a bug on boards could you fix it? Or how can I fix it?v4.5.4.2


[[Template forums/front/index/forumRow is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]


I sent a reply to your personal message here asking for more information. Please respond there and I'll be happy to assist you.

On 3/3/2021 at 6:29 AM, Unlucky said:


How do we change the text colour in the prefixes?

When using the basic editor, you should see an option to change the text color in the latest version.

Just make sure you're using the latest release! If you don't see it, let me know and I'll be happy to help!

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4 hours ago, Unlucky said:


Just renewed licence and looking to see where to change this. If you can help that would be great

The text color appears to default to black and with our colors we really need it to be white

At your ACP - Radical Tags - Customize.

Then edit one of the one need to change the font color for.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi @Makoto

I have a new suggestion for a future update. 

Is it possible to filter the tag cloud by date range. 

So actually, my tags growing bigger and bigger 🙂 

But the tags which are used changes from time to time. 

So if i can select a date range, for example from beginning 01/01/21 - today, the cloud shows only which hashtags were used within this period.

And, is it possible to add tool tips for tags, combined with the acronymExpansion

I use tags that need a description. 🙂 

Edited by Sascha Prinz
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2 hours ago, kmk said:

@Makoto is possible add tag as suffixes? 

I think you can achieve this without any code mods. Try this, although I've not tested it in all scenarios. 

1/ Go to Radical Tags > customize > add tag > advanced, and wrap the target tag(s) in a span and add a class, in this case I've called it suffix. (you could also just add the class to the anchor tag, although I did not test this).


Here's the markup for you to cut and paste.

<span class="suffix"><a href="{tagUrl}" title="{tagTitle}" class="ipsTag_prefix" rel="tag"><span>{tag}</span></a></span>



2/ Add some CSS.

Note I've overridden the ipsType_pageTitle class to relative. This sets it as the parent container for subsequent absolutely positioned elements. (More testing needed here to see what the impact is on the title element).

And then instruct the tag suffix container to position itself to the right of the ipsType_pageTitle bounding box. Note the data-editableprefix attribute in the selector to restrict changes to prefixes.

.ipsType_pageTitle {
  position: relative;

[data-editableprefix] .suffix{
    position: absolute;
    left: calc(100%);

3/ Here's where it started:


4/ And here's the result:




Seems to work ok in forums. I just created this tonight, so it's not tested on other content types or beyond my laptop and phone.

Edited by christopher-w
add markup and clarification
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3 hours ago, kmk said:

@Makoto is possible add tag as suffixes? 

Edit to the above.  The CSS only worked for those with permission to edit tags.

This css appears to work for other groups and should also work in topic lists too.

 .cForumTopicTable .ipsDataItem_title{
    display: inline-block;

.ipsType_pageTitle, .ipsDataItem_title {
  position: relative;

.suffix .ipsTag_prefix {
    position: absolute;
    left: calc(100%);

Needs more work for other areas and for other content types.

Edited by christopher-w
css edit
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@Makoto please could you add widget of tags filter that let us enable or disable in specific forum or page? Due we use tags to organize all topis in a forum...we need that widget to enlist all tags, then we just click to tag, or tags to enlist related topics. 

A widget where we click one tag, it enlist topics that contain that related tag and more, if we click on 2 tags, it will enlist topics which contain 2 tags and more

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