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Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB


Mobile APP Poll  

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Yes, also wrote about it:

On 10/25/2017 at 8:57 PM, Mr 13 said:

I hope IPS will take a look to Progressive Web Apps and Credentials API. If this will be supported then all users be able to create their own apps (via webview) just in a few clicks if they need to (and even if they don't need to have separate app, Progressive Web App still will be available for all visitors).

It's easy enough to implemet but gives very huge advantages comparable to classic(native) apps.


On 11/5/2017 at 9:53 AM, Mr 13 said:

I would also like to mention that IPS apps are already almost ready to work as PWA, only some final preparations should be done. Here's some additional info on this in case if it would be useful:

General: https://developers.google.com/web/progressive-web-apps/
Basics: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/your-first-pwapp/#0
PWA Testing tool (lighthouse): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/lighthouse/blipmdconlkpinefehnmjammfjpmpbjk

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Adjust mobile design:

Then create the progressive web app (PWA) with common requirements:


My community is begging for an app, and I already lost ~60% of member traffic to Facebook and WhatsApp. Why? Not because my content isn't good enough anymore, but my members use my contents, and afterwards, go on with live messaging/meetings (which is an elemental part in my industry) via Facebook and WhatsApp and I lose control. I can do nothing against it. My competitors don't have contents, but they have active Facebook and WhatsApp groups. The FB/WA messaging functions are way better, and my users require an app icon to remember my site as well as push notifications to their mobiles. Not having an app is blocking my success factors extremely. I'm already considering buying an app development for my WordPress pages (which seems to be cheaper as many developers already did it for the WP platform...), but that would be the point to lose the power an IPS app would have. I'd prefer an IPS app, but I don't have ages to wait for one. We need to speed up any arrangement.

I'd be willing to pay, too!!!

Edited by Cyboman
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We do not have to wait for the official version, we can create a group to hire a developer to do it for us. Check out this site from the link below, it's a PWA theme store for wordpress. If it is possible to do this in wordpress, it should be possible to use in IPB.


Another plugin to WP:


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1 hour ago, Silnei L Andrade said:

We do not have to wait for the official version, we can create a group to hire a developer to do it for us. Check out this site from the link below, it's a PWA theme store for wordpress. If it is possible to do this in wordpress, it should be possible to use in IPB.


Another plugin to WP:


Thanks for sharing this awesome Tools. Agree we don't have ages to wait 1 or 2 years ?

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39 minutes ago, balwant said:

I just wondering Mobile app is huge opportunity for revenue . Till Now Even No IPB developer submitted marketplace plugin for mobile app :sad:

WHY ??? 



Most are only proficient in php, html, JavaScript, and css. Writing and supporting an app written in objective C and/or Swift is an entire different skill set, never mind the fact that most sites won't use a generic app, they require a white label app. 

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Learn how to build a PWA in 5 minutes
One of the most important characteristics of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) is the “progressive”. You don’t have to implement every feature of a PWA to consider your site a PWA. Instead, the idea is that you implement a range of steps, each making your app better for your end users.

This blog post makes a key assumption. There are many developers out there who want to make their apps progressively better, but they want to do it in 5 minutes or less. And that’s what this blog aims to show you.


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1 hour ago, Firdavs Khaydarov said:

I started developing an iOS app a month ago. But I'm too busy and haven't finished yet.

Hi @Firdavs Khaydarov Thanks for reply. I know you spent lots of time on native app solutions and it is quite frustrating when new tech things come out everyday and developer have to learn some of them everyday. Big company can afford to maintain and develop native app solution. But now they are again migrating to web based solutions that more cheap and easy to maintain in long run.

I guess you are only developer who know both IPB and Mobile app :) it will take you couple of days to implement PWA for IPB. But revenue stream regarding IPB mobile app is huge :) it would be totally worth for you :) IPB mobile APP would be Gold mine for any developer :) Mark my words

Please Help IPB community :)


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Hi Guys PWA for WINDOW 10. Just Think Your Forum PWA app installed Your community Memembers window 10 PC :) Possibilities are Limit less ?

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13 minutes ago, Aiwa said:

If it's so easy... Why haven't you done it? The possibilities, and money to be earned, are limitless! 

because i am not programmer and IPB expert i am just posting for hope IPB TEAM listen and develop for all community members "THE possibilities, and money to be earned, are limitless! " for IPB Team not for YOU ( @Aiwa) and ME. !!!!

If you really "code for Fun" then why not develop some mobile app for IPB and show IPB community how much fun u really have ?



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Because creating a mobile app that will require untold amounts of support, for which IPS themselves have already tried and failed once, links earlier in this topic, doesn't really sound fun.

Thought I made that clear earlier when I explained the mobile app history with IPS. 

But my point stands... If it's so easy, spin up time to learn the dev side should be simple for anyone. Isn't their slogan something to the effect of "anyone can do it"? You qualify as anyone. 

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