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    SeNioR- reacted to AlexWebsites in Highlight : SEO Plugin > avoid Google Panda penalty   
    Glad its working out! Can you share any metrics that show off these results, in terms of an organic search traffic boost? I'm just not that convinced you need a plugin when looking through analytics on all my sites, when google does a real good job of not indexing thin content. However, I'm always looking for ways to increase organic search traffic if it make sense. 
    Trick is...How do you fix thin content and promote the posting of rich content. I do make sure I'm using a block under my topics for similar tagged content and I also use a second plugin to display a similar content block. This all ads relevant content to the page and internal linking to other topics.
  2. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Matt in Highlight : SEO Plugin > avoid Google Panda penalty   
    What happens if the question posed is short, and less than 100 words but the replies are rich and valuable in keywords and education?
  3. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Durango in Highlight : SEO Plugin > avoid Google Panda penalty   
    I would like to hightlight a plugin i recently ordered to @DawPi :
    This plugin automatically adds a noindex to all topics containing less than XXX words (lets say 100 words for instance) you can update the number anytime and reset the noindex
    This is a powerful SEO plugin that helps to avoid Google Panda penalty that might happen on communities with large numbers of thin content topics
    I recommend it !
  4. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Jordan Miller in Classifieds System   
    Congrats!! Jealousssss. Is your store up and running already? They told me they wanted to see mine in action before they'd approve me. I'd love to see your Classifieds page! Down to PM me a link? 👼 
  5. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to OurWarPaint in Lost CP Access   
    Somehow I have seemed to accidentally change the only admin user on our site to a different user group, and now I can no longer access my Admin CP. How can I regain access to my Admin CP?

    Problem has been solved by setting the group id for the profile to 4 in core_members through phpmyadmin.
  6. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Meap in Upgraded ubuntu to PHP 7.4.3 now errors   
    Ended up being php-xml somehow having uninstalled itself after an upgrade.
  7. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Dreadknux in PAGES: 'Copy to Database' Improvement Suggestions   
    Hi guys
    Long time InvisionCommunity user, almost-first-time poster. 🙂 I've been using this software to power my community forums for about 15+ years now and I'm looking to take the next step by building an integrated site for my users. I recently purchased the Pages app to experiment with it - the idea is that, one day, I might migrate a long-running Wordpress blog into Pages. With that in mind, I had a few ideas that would greatly help with improving workflow and ensure more consistent connectivity between Forums and Pages. I hope you'll consider them!
    To keep things concise, my ideas here are focused on the 'Copy to Database' feature of Pages (I do have other ideas but this is the biggest area of concern for me - I'll post the other suggestions in a separate thread).
    My Setup
    In AdminCP > Pages > Databases > Articles > Forums, 'Post Topic' and 'Use Forum For Comments' are enabled. Post Topic is enabled because not every article we write will be sourced from a forum topic or Copied to Database, and we want to make sure that all news stories we write have an associated topic posted (i.e. if a topic does not exist already, we want to create a topic, but if a topic does exist we want to Copy to Database and use that particular topic as the news story's associated topic) Use Forum for Comments is enabled because we want to always marry the comments in news stories with the replies in the associated topic. We never want this feature to be disabled.  
    My Scenario
    A regular user in my community discovers some interesting news that they may have read elsewhere, and posts a topic on a particular forum. A member of my community's "News Team" usergroup sees this topic, notices that our Articles database has yet to cover this news topic. The News Team member chooses to 'Copy to Database' the original topic. The original topic is written in a way that works fine for a community environment, but it needs editing in order to read well as a news article. So the News Team member modifies the original topic content to suit the tone of voice we want to present within our news stories.  
    The Issues
    When the News Team member posts the news story, a duplicate topic is made (in the forum selected in AdminCP). This has the result of confusing the community as there are now two separate topics in which to submit replies/comments to.
      When rebuilding synchronised topic content, the original topic's content is modified to match that of the news story which was created from it. This is not desired behaviour; if copied to database, the expectation is that the original topic remains the same, with any edits made for the news story living solely on the page record/database.
      There's no topic meta to illustrate to users on the forum that a news story was created from it.  
    The Solutions:
    1. 'Post Topic' Override (per Record basis)

    A simple checkbox could be added to a record creation page, if the 'Post Topic' setting is enabled for that database in AdminCP. What this will do is ensure that a topic is not created when the record is created. This will be useful for users who want to use an existing topic as the basis for a record's comments/replies without splintering it into a duplicate topic elsewhere. However, some users might find posting a duplicate topic useful (for instance, they might want to dedicate a specific forum for record entries), which is why having this as an ad-hoc option is the best solution here.
    2. AdminCP-level Option to Keep Topic/Record Content Separate

    Provide a toggle which allows the content in the Original Topic to remain unaffected/does not sync with the copy written in the Page content. I would have thought that this would be standard behaviour, so it's surprising that it's not. I doubt many community members would appreciate their topics being edited without their consent, so this option would fix that issue. This could be a new setting added to AdminCP, which applies to all records made in a database (as illustrated above).
    3. Add Topic Meta to Copied Topics
    Upon using 'Copy to Database', have a setting/toggle (default setting: On) that automatically inserts a new Topic Meta box in the original/source topic, detailing that a user has used the thread as a basis for a new 'record/story/article'. Clicking the Meta box could dynamically expand it, revealing an excerpt of the new story/record/article (Title, Author, Date, Excerpt, Link to Full Article). Some ideas as to how that would look like below.
    Idea 1:

    Idea 2:

    This could also be a setting in the Database options page in AdminCP. A feature like this would be a more elegant solution when copying topics to databases, instead of simply syncing the topic content and record content to be identical. It can also allow users who create interesting topics to see that their posts have been considered worthy of interest from the moderation/news team. You could even tie Achievements/Points/Rewards to this - users who create topics that a moderating team deems interesting for a story, could be awarded points for 'sourcing' the content.
    Hopefully these suggestions are worth considering and implementing in a future update. I know the next update of the Core app is at the forefront of the development team's minds right now, but I think these would be great QOL updates for the Pages app that can make it even more unified with the Forums/Core. Thanks for reading!
  8. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Adriano Faria in Hump Day: 4.6 Beta 3 is live!   
    Has the anonymous post changed in Beta 3.1? It's showing like a Guest and the rank is back, which can identify people.

    The first post is Beta 2 and the last is Beta 3.1.
  9. Like
    SeNioR- got a reaction from sobrenome in Improving user status in hovercard   
    Hovercard has already been improved.
    This field has been removed to improve optimization to make the hovercard load faster. 
    I've never paid attention to this field, more to the online status.
    The online status next to the username looks clearer so I will agree here. 👍
  10. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Nathan Explosion in (NE) Contact Us - check sender   
    v1.3.0 has been submitted for approval
    FIXES None NEW Added ability to perform an IP address check against abuseipdb.com CHANGES Moved 'Settings' to its own page  
  11. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Sonya* in Best SEO Tricks?   
    I have some checklists.
    HTTPS - right from the start and redirect 301 for non-HTTPS The domain should be either with WWW OR without WWW. But not both. Again redirect with 301. Set up Friendly URLs Translit plugin to replace ö, ä, ü (no idea if it helps for SEO, but I don't like special characters in URLs, especially if there are only special characters like Cyrillic 😃). Connect Google Search Console to see what Google thinks about you Load sitemap.php in Search Console, here I can see nicely if something is not running correctly, not indexed or whatever. Change the title of the start page (no Home or Forums), but so that every user understands what it's all about. If you have some important landing pages, then change title on them as well A welcome block on the home page, short and to the point, what this is all about. (I've seen many forums where I have not understood what they are about). NO huge header/image slider, so that every page looks the same and the content begins below the fold. Content:
    Create articles in Pages (quality over quantity), you do not need 100 articles with 1 click a day. Write 5 with 20 clicks a day 😉 Fill out ALT tags for all images in the articles (double-click on the image, even if it's annoying, it helps) Use H2-H5 tags in the articles via editor plugin, create TOC at the beginning if the article is too long Link to trust sites, like Wikipedia, Unis, studies etc. This would give you more trust and Google like if you are trustworthy Sign all articles with real names and put short BIO of the author if possible, photo is even nicer If you enable Forum for articles, make sure that no duplicate content is created (article page itself plus forum topic that repeats the same thing again - this is IPS default and bad for SEO!). The best idea is not to show the forum to the guests, they can see the article and comments, there should be enough, forum only for members for Google E-A-T: add an about-page in the footer of the project, where the project is described in more detail, best to mention names and achievements of the people involved. See where you can place a link. Less is more. Better 2-3 trustworthy sites than 100 links from junk sites. Watch the search terms in Search Console and Analytics. If a search term is on the second page of the search result, it is worth to write an article about it. In this case, Google already considers the project relevant for this search term. It needs just a little push. Social Media:
    Create channels/pages in all relevant social media Regularly promote new content (it can give additional links if people share it somewhere else)
  12. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in Get username on external page   
    When you use the insert output plugin, then file is then included. As a result, it has access to the IPS4 Framework, so you could do:
    <?php echo \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->name;  
  13. Agree
    SeNioR- reacted to Ocean West in Leader Board Top Members needs an update...   
    Would be nice to see the Badges & Ranks and Achievements on this page. 
  14. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to bfarber in Registers an unload listener   
    We have a general SEO audit/review planned and this is on the list.
  15. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Davyc in Hump Day: 4.6 Beta 3 is live!   
    I can confirm this does not happen in Firefox, but it does in Google Chrome.  I don't use Firefox, generally, but downloaded it to test this out 🙂
  16. Agree
    SeNioR- reacted to Jim M in Allowing guests to view their own topic awaiting approval   
    This is not currently a feature. Guest viewing is a little complicated in this case as we can't really ensure it is the individual who posted is viewing like we can with a user. However, if this is something you'd like to see, I can move this to our Feature Suggestion forum, if you'd like?
  17. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Matt in Option to delete own account   
    We have considered this and we would only make it so the member could request it, but not actually do it. There'd need to be a cooling off period, etc. Easy in the heat of the moment to delete everything and then ask for backups the next day.

  18. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Ehren in Big Blank Area   
    This is caused by an incorrect suffix on your group name. The prefix is:
    <strong><font color="#cc0000"> And the suffix is:
    The font tag is deprecated and the strong tag is not closed properly. You should change the prefix to:
    <strong style='color:#cc0000'> And change the suffix to:
  19. Agree
    SeNioR- got a reaction from CoffeeCake in Allowing guests to view their own topic awaiting approval   
    Hi, there is some way to let guests see their own topics that are pending approval?
    For example, if our forum requires accepting new topics and we add a new topic as a guest, after adding it, topic does not display in the forum view, which can be confusing and some people may think that the topic has not been added.

    Yes, there is a note at the top but not everyone sees it.

  20. Like
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Edjazoli in Improving search results   
    Hi Thomas. Your settings look fine. 
    To be sure, see the documentation: Searching your community
  21. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Stuart Silvester in Has member title been removed?   
    Member titles are moved to a custom profile field regardless of the option you choose. They will continue to exist in a profile field unless you delete them.
  22. Agree
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Grafidea in Hump Day: 4.6 Beta 2 is live!   
    Does 4.6 support .svg for reactions, category icons? 
  23. Like
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Steve Jabba in How do you add a Clickable HTML hyperlink button ?   
    You can use the built-in classes to change the background color
    ipsButton_link ipsButton_veryLight ipsButton_light  ipsButton_negative (red) ipsButton_positive (green) ipsButton_intermediate (orange) example
    <a href="YOUR_URL" class="ipsButton ipsButton_negative ipsButton_medium">YOUR TEXT</a> or customize the button using inline CSS styles
    <a href="YOUR_URL" style="background:blue; color:yellow; font-size:30px;" class="ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_medium">YOUR TEXT</a>  
  24. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Steve Jabba in Adblock won't allow affiliate links to open - how to stop?   
    go to ACP --> SYSTEM --> Settings --> Posting.
    Now go to Links Tab.
    Uncheck "Force posted links to open in new windows?"
  25. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Ocean West in constants.php   
    This was added in IPS 4.4 or 4.5.
    Adding backslash means "load from the root namespace for performance reasons".
    Using the root namespace allows PHP to use Opcode to run the function which can be much quicker.
    More: Strange Whoops! on 4.4.1
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