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Improving search results

Thomas Hop

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Hello everyone,

I have a question about possibly updating the search we use on our forum. 

We currently use the default MySQL as search engine and we noticed that whenever we use for something the results are not like we want, our forum members even resorted to searching what they want in google plus the name of our forum, which have gotten them a lot better results. 

Now I was wondering if there were maybe plugins, settings or other things I can do to improve the search?


search options.PNG

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On 6/16/2021 at 8:04 PM, wegorz23 said:

We have the same problem. Search works very poor. Search by title is corrupted. Even if we set to 100 or 1000 times higher then posts its... posts are still higher then titles.

This is an historical issue; many people are dissatisfied with the native search function (and I'm being somewhat polite).  Many people are also dissatisfied with the "solution," which was to port it out to third-party software which is not an option for everyone.

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10 hours ago, liquidfractal said:

To jest kwestia historyczna; wiele osób jest niezadowolonych z funkcji wyszukiwania natywnego (a ja jestem nieco uprzejmy). Wiele osób jest również niezadowolonych z „rozwiązania”, które polegało na przeniesieniu go do oprogramowania innych firm, co nie jest opcją dla wszystkich.

We also tryed elestick, but it can randomly crash after about 2-4 hours. Thats why we added some intermediate solution, added google search as second.
Also now its the best way to fast and simple fix the problem. 

Its beta 0.01 but it work great.



Edited by wegorz23
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On 6/20/2021 at 5:28 PM, sobrenome said:

Have you tried elastic search?

We have now, but the results seem to be even worse now. This might be because we aren't using the right settings, but we can't figure out what's wrong. Does anyone maybe have advice regarding this?

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It depends on your content. Post your settings and describe how are the usual topics on your community.

You can give more importance to fresh content or not. Higher ranking to titles or not. And make the inicial search for a phase using all words or search for each one individually.

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