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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Looks like you are using a custom URL setup in the storage configuration. Typically, these are used for CDNs or abnormal hosting configurations. If you aren’t using either, you can remove that or edit it in the storage configuration ACP > Files > Storage Settings > Configuration
  2. Are you viewing as yourself or another user? Is that user an administrator? Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this as a regular member when an administrator is anonymous. However, I can see my own online status when anonymous.
  3. I apologize for the delay in someone responding to your concerns/questions. My reply was merely to correct the confusion from other members stemming from this topic. Someone will be with you as soon as they can to address your concerns.
  4. Sounds like something is not working correctly then. I created a ticket for you in our system (you should receive an email) to further investigate what is happening here.
  5. Has the deletion queue completed in the background process queue? You can check this by going to ACP -> System -> Dashboard -> should see a block with "Background Processes." If it has not, you will need to await this process to complete and that will then fully remove these forums. If you are seeing any errors or issues with the background process, please let us know.
  6. Support is still available for all. Just how you obtain support has changed. Support will be available via our support forum and is completely staffed by our support team. You can submit a topic as you previously submitted a ticket with an issue. We have the ability to transfer your topic to a ticket for items which need to be escalated or warrant it. So far though, things are going great on the forum 🙂 Our priority support is available for purchase which does include email support, along with same-business-day response time and software upgrades performed by us.
  7. Very interesting topic and while I fear, I may not be a direct help, as there are a lot of things which may be better served from a hosting perspective or otherwise fall outside our scope of support, I hope clarifies some of what you asked. (Of course invite others to chime in.) The biggest impact of the "score" that I see a lot are actually from third party services/resources being integrated. This includes all around from your server, to within our software, to even Javascript you load into the software. Even using Google's own PageSpeed tool, it will flag and bring down your score for using AdSense and some more of it's own products (which I always thought to be ironic). Everything will need to be weighed on whether or not you need the integration and what impact it brings to your goals. There are some items like "Remove unused CSS or Javascript", "Eliminate render blocking resources", etc... basically, anything that requires editing our core code will not be something which we support so these items would be up to us under our support policy to help improve. While, I do not believe this may have been the answer you were looking for, I hope it helps.
  8. Sounds good, @sadams101 ! Please feel free to respond to the ticket or here when you want us to take a look or have any follow up questions.
  9. We sent a ticket in asking for access details to your community to further investigate what was happening here as a colleague was able to reproduce this. You should have received an email with the information requested but if not, could you please update your access details in the Client Area? Thanks.
  10. Please be advised I have transferred this to a ticket so a technician can investigate what is happening here with your Cloud Community. Thanks for bringing this up 🙂 .
  11. Is this happening still, Nathan? Do you have any browser extensions?
  12. Does this happen each visit for them? Are they the only ones encountering it? Is there a link they’re clicking or bookmark? Are there any URL parameters after your domain? Trying to understand if anything is unique about how they’re accessing than myself or others which would render this. I, myself navigated to and around then back to your homepage but didn’t encounter this.
  13. Please apply the latest patch in the Support center (click support in the top right of the ACP). This should resolve this for you but please let us know if it doesn’t.
  14. Sorry. Similar to our last design, we only will use it here on our website. It is a quick taste of what is certainly possible when theme-ing and developing with our software 😉. Of course, with saying that, the only things that are radically different are the header/footer. The rest is pretty much the default theme that ships with the software with some basic color tweaks.
  15. What version of ElasticSearch? Is ElasticSearch setup for read only and delete?
  16. The decision on the ACP support request button is still being decided as there are a few ideas. Once that has been fully decided, we will let you know. With anything private in nature we recommend directly reaching out to us on our contact us form. Alternatively, if a support topic naturally starts heading in a direction where something is more private, you can straight up say that and we can transfer it to a ticket. We won't ask for these items (like logs, credentials, etc...) we will transfer it to a ticket.
  17. What are the dimensions of the image which was uploaded? We do not resize the image thus, in past, I have seen rather large sized images uploaded which results in what you’re stating here.
  18. Any communication from us will be sent to your email. We did receive your support ticket and you will receive a response via email when we respond back. I understand things may be a little confusing right now but please bear with us in this change. You're more than welcome to start any issue with your community here in the Forums and we can transfer it to a ticket if a technician determines it necessary. This will be the eventual flow.
  19. Thanks for reporting! We have this on our list, we’ll get that sorted soon 🙂
  20. Unfortunately, that specific editor toolbar button is for size so will put in inline CSS for font-size. There may be a CKEditor plugin for specifically H1/H2/H3, etc... However, you might be able to do like we did here and create your own custom button with a little HTML:
  21. We are interested in taking a look at this more closely if there are no custom elements installed, something is wrong which we would need to correct. We have submitted a ticket for you 🙂 .
  22. Being able to create paid files is on the member group so they would be able to perform this anywhere applicable, including Clubs.
  23. Facebook made just some changes which required some changes on our end and are included in a patch in 4.6. The issue isn't with login of existing users but rather a new user "registering" via the Facebook login provider.
  24. Tons on our website here: Main website Guides Release notes Our blog Providers Plus the guide has it's own examples
  25. Pages is our Content Management System(CMS) application. Has a lot built into it. I would suggest starting in our Guides to get a feel for what it can do: Can create static and dynamic pages, build Databases to create an article system (or other custom data types), custom blocks/widgets, and more.
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