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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Unfortunately, the account now does not have access to the ACP.
  2. Thanks! Could you please disable Two Factor Authentication for our account?
  3. Nope, that would constitute the same in what I was looking for. Thanks. If you could please add access details to your Client Area for your community, I can take a deeper look at this. However, this is quite odd that it would happen on one server but not the other. To confirm, you're editing the same Pages record?
  4. Support tickets would be accessed through your email inbox now. I'm afraid, there are no means to view them in the Client Area any longer. We changed how our clients start support recently. As a self-hosted client, you should have received an email with information detailing those changes.
  5. You are not using InnoDB tables but this should not impact the result as each server it is not. Is this the same exact installation on each server or is it a brand new installation on your non-live environment?
  6. This issue is not specific to Edge so you may be seeing it in other browsers.
  7. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce this on my test installation. Please disable all third party applications, plugins, and switch to an unmodified theme then test again. Something is either missing or removing this from your installation. If the does not help, please ensure our IP addresses can access your ACP: and
  8. Could you please elaborate on your issue(s) that you're seeing in Edge? The original issue in this topic has not been resolved yet here just to keep in mind 🙂 .
  9. Which announcement type did you originally select which doesn't show on the homepage? I see you're also using a custom theme so I would recommend testing this on an unmodified theme too.
  10. You're most welcome! Glad we could be of assistance 🙂 . Please reach out again if we can be of assistance in the future.
  11. First, I would recommend disabling all third party applications/plugins to see if there is a conflict. From the error stack, I don't believe so but a good first step to confirm this is indeed coming from an issue rooted in our core software. Second, please check to ensure that the uploads folder and all sub-folders of uploads are writable on your server. This is generally 777 but if you run suPHP or suexec this is 755. Please also ensure that the correct user/group is assigned to all folders/files in your installation directory. If you are unsure how to perform any of this, please reach out to your hosting provider. Once this is done and all are set correctly, please clear cache by going to ACP -> Support (top right) and then on the right-hand side click "Clear System Caches." Please let us know if that does not help.
  12. To confirm, this is on the latest release of 4.6.7? I am only able to receive the initial mention and not the mention on edits. I would advise disabling any third party applications/plugins you have installed and test again on an unmodified theme.
  13. Hit the nail on the head here. Thanks, Randy! Only one small footnote, on our Cloud, there may be infrastructure reasons that we ask you to upgrade to the latest release. Not super frequent but do happen and we always recommend staying up to date no matter where you're hosted.
  14. Please feel free to post the error code if/when you encounter it again.
  15. As mentioned in the message there, you would need to update your Privacy Policy to include the items they're wanting there. This, unfortunately, does not directly relate with technical components and is more legal side so I would recommend reaching out to your attorney if you have any questions on your privacy policy. If you have any questions on our software or the data points used in our software from Facebook, please let us know.
  16. Have you tried clearing your browser's cookies completely? Unfortunately, I can't reproduce this using Basic tracking in Edge myself with my staff account or client account so wondering if something local is throwing a wrench into the process. If that does not help, do you receive this in other browsers? Please also include the error code if you encounter this again.
  17. Thanks for reporting this! We will investigate the issue and if a fix is required, one will be made in a future maintenance release. Thanks again!
  18. Thanks for reporting this! I too am seeing this in Edge so I did report this to our developers so they can further investigate what is happening here specifically with Edge Vs Chrome and other browsers. We will investigate the issue and if a fix is required, one will be made in a future maintenance release. Thanks again!
  19. What is your question or issue that you're facing? We'll be happy to help 🙂
  20. So you're still seeing this in Edge? Just trying to understand what is happening here.
  21. You will want to go to the ACP -> Pages -> Blocks -> Create Block -> select custom -> select Manual PHP as the content editor:
  22. I would advise checking for .htaccess or local php.ini files in your installation directory which are implementing PHP 5.6. A server can run multiple versions of PHP and often there are files like this present setting specific directories to other versions. Regarding the original issue, this is a server problem (as Marc mentioned). You mentioned GoDaddy was no help, was that in relation to the PHP version issue or this? If the latter, I would suggest going back to them and asking them to re-investigate. If you do have mod_security enabled, have them temporarily disable to test.
  23. Setting the storage engine to InnoDB will indeed help with performance. However, it may not be the end all bullet. You will want to talk to your hosting provider about changing your tables for you to InnoDB. I would also recommend disabling any third party applications/plugins and switching to an unmodified theme when evaluating performance. This will allow you to set a baseline for your performance on the core software and then evaluate the third party add-ons on top of it one-by-one. It could be one of these third party add-ons is not performing well on your server or is expectedly doing something that is a little more resource heavy. If none of the above helps, you will want to re-evaluate performance with your hosting provider with all third party items disabled. If the hosting provider finds something very specific which is a software error or slow query. We would require the proper logging to diagnose. However, generally, performance issues typically lie on the hosting side of things and they have the tools/resources to help you resolve them.
  24. If your links contain index.php and are not being rewritten to exclude it, you would want to check the Rewrite URLs setting in ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization. Please ensure you follow the instructions (in the description of the field) to apply the .htaccess. (please note: .htaccess only works with Apache web servers. If you run something else you will need to have a server administrator write these URL rewrites for you) With that said, the index.php should not be impacting anything from the meta tag editor. However, we would need to know the URL which you are finding these links on and if they are a part of the software or manual.
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