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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. You’ll want to check the email error logs to see what is being reported there and then contact your email provider if there is an issue being reported by the email server. I’m afraid, server support is outside our scope of support but happy to move this to the community-based server forum if there are no questions with our software.
  2. Thank you! @Artem Lesin, you do not have a license URL assigned in our Client Area. Please go to ACP -> System -> License Key -> re-add your license key. This will hopefully correct the issue. If not, please let us know your URL and we can add it to see what is happening here.
  3. Sorry, we can only provide support in English. While I was able to translate your text here, I am unsure what the error message says. If you can post here the English translation of the warning message, we can assist.
  4. Hi there, @Stan Jensen! Few things have changed around here (as you can see 🙂 ), you should have received an email detailing these changes to the email address on file as you are a self-hosted client. The main avenue of support will be through our forums here: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/497-help-support/ . However, self-hosted clients will still have email support till 2022 (please see your email for exact date as it will depend on your license expiration). It is worth noting that the support policies have not changed, just how you start a support request. Looks like we have an accounts and sales inquiry from you in our ticket system but no recent support tickets. I have replied to you to see what you require assistance with. If you did not receive any of the above emails, please ensure that the email address on file is accurate and check your spam folder please 🙂 . Please also note I've moved this to our Help Support forum so we can keep better tabs on this topic. Furthermore, on your original subject, are you still having issues with the download extracting when upgrading? Please ensure that your file permissions are set correctly and the owner of each folder/file is owned by the correct group/user for your web server.
  5. Things seem to be working fine here when clicking "Support Request" in the Client Area. If you're not getting a popup modal with options for forum or submitting a contact request after clicking the Support Request button below, you may want to clear your browser's cache:
  6. Did you perform the troubleshooting steps mentioned in my post?
  7. I moved this to our Feature Suggestion forum to be evaluated as tabbed topic feeds is not something we have at the moment.
  8. What would a "category" be defined as to you? I may not be understanding from the screenshot provided here. There are various ways to filter topics in a Topic Feed and tags can be used to find similar topics in that respective block as well.
  9. Correct. If you're utilizing Windows, it would be them which needs to update their emoji font.
  10. Sorry for any confusion but can always reach out here in this forum or in the Client Area location above.
  11. Just to add on to what Mark said, while you are more than welcome to use your software on version 3, it is extremely recommended to upgrade to the latest release of version 4 as version 3 is no longer in development and no longer receiving security releases or bug fixes. Let alone the infrastructure (PHP, MySQL, Apache, etc...) which is required to run version 3 also is no longer supported by their respective authors so it is highly recommended to upgrade our software and your infrastructure so you are not at risk, and receive bug fixes, support, etc...
  12. Have you looked at our Guide here which covers the setup of our OAuth2.0 login handler?:
  13. Only Pages Database record will have the ability to have comments/reviews. Standard pages will not.
  14. Please read the following guide for information on using our software as the server and WordPress as a client with our built-in OAUTH login.
  15. This is simply drawing your attention that you have a third party theme in the event you were encountering problems. If you’re not, nothing to worry about 😉
  16. Just out of my own curiosity, is this something that has just come to light or something you've been dealing with for a while? There may be solutions like @Randy Calvert said with blocking requests from countries you don't service up the server/network chain. I've also moved this to our Feature Suggestion forum so we can get this considered for feedback.
  17. Doesn't seem we have an URL on file for you or you are using a local instance. Could you please verify that rewrites are working by enabling rewritten URLs and following the instructions in ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization. Some local development servers require a little effort for rewrites to be enabled so want to ensure they're working and not just a false positive here.
  18. Assuming you are seeing this as a logged in user and only impacted by the block/sidebar cache, there is a task which updates statistics like this. As you're using Traffic to run background tasks, it could be this isn't updating super quickly but is eventually when the task is ran again. Additionally on top of this, you're using a plugin to reformat numbers. A good way to test this would be to do the following: Disable all third party applications/plugins/ Make a post. Navigate your site for a good 10 minutes. Did that resolve your concern? If so, re-enable applications/plugins and try again. If it's back, it's a third party application/plugin which is related. If it's not, then you may wish to switch to CRON for running background tasks (ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration) if you have high expectations of these statistics every ~5 minutes as they are programmed to.
  19. Trying as Randy suggested would be a good idea. If not, we would need the URLs that you're on which you see this.
  20. Please be aware that Litespeed server is not supported or recommended so you may encounter issues running this setup. Please ensure that your server is not running mod_security or other security modules which may be blocking the request made here. (You may need to check with your hosting provider if you are unsure). Please also check that the code in which you're placing is valid.
  21. Glad to hear you at least got this resolved for now. If you run into this again, I would recommend checking permissions again and ensuring your folders/files are owned by the proper group/user for your web server. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.
  22. You're very welcome. Glad to hear you got this resolved.
  23. Correct. Node permission error, the user does not have access to the item in question.
  24. Unfortunately, at this time, it is an either or scenario. You can sort by Most reviewed or Highest reviewed. With that said, creating a suggestion in our Feature Suggestion forum may be a good idea here to provide some feedback on that. With that information out of the way, I cannot reproduce on a default test instance the second half of what you're reporting here when you're sorting by "Most reviewed" and getting the weird sorting results (I am assuming "Votes" are reviews 😄 , if they are not may need to check whatever handles that custom operation). May wish to try to disable any third party applications/plugins and switch to an unmodified theme then try again. If you're still having issues then, it may be something more specific we'll have to look at.
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