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Marc Stridgen

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. We would not delete support topics, however if you can point out where you believe there is sensitive information, I can certainly remove that for you EDIT:- I see what you mean there, and have removed all those with sensitive information.
  2. A -200 error is a generic error thrown by something called plupload, and is always an issue with server limitations. This will generally be memory_limit or upload_max_filesize on your PHP settings, but may be others. You would need to check your server error logs to find what is causing the issue there
  3. You would ned to post that up as a suggestion within our suggestions area of the community. This isnt something that is broken or settable within the platform
  4. Please try the above in the first instance, and then if you have any further issues, please let us know. (Let us know if that works too of course)
  5. If they are updated somewhere outside of the marketplace, you need to contact the author of that item.
  6. Thank you for letting us know. Ive set that as the solution 🙂
  7. Please check your google analytics code added in System>Integration>Google Analytics. You have added google ad code in there rather than your analytics code, which is what is causing the issue
  8. We wouldnt usually document items related to server items, but I will make a note to see if I can add a note there somewhere. Cloudflare is quite a common cause of many issues, which is why its shown in the admin CP
  9. the first URL mentioned, actually redirects to the new one. You need to ensure your servers are not blocking facebook requests. From the above, it seems that they are
  10. I see this has now been resolved on your ticket, and was a 3rd party plugin. 🙂
  11. I have created a ticket for you. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible.
  12. At present, your PHP memory limit is too low. It needs to be set to 128M or more.
  13. This has now been resolved in the 4.6.9 version which has just been released. Please feel free to let us know if you are seeing any issues after upgrading
  14. This has now been resolved in the 4.6.9 version which has just been released. Please feel free to let us know if you are seeing any issues after upgrading
  15. This has now been resolved in the 4.6.9 version which has just been released. Please feel free to let us know if you are seeing any issues after upgrading
  16. This has now been resolved in the 4.6.9 version which has just been released. Please feel free to let us know if you are seeing any issues after upgrading
  17. This has now been resolved in the 4.6.9 version which has just been released. Please feel free to let us know if you are seeing any issues after upgrading
  18. This has now been resolved in the 4.6.9 version which has just been released. Please feel free to let us know if you are seeing any issues after upgrading
  19. This has now been resolved in the 4.6.9 version which has just been released. Please feel free to let us know if you are seeing any issues after upgrading
  20. This has now been resolved in the 4.6.9 version which has just been released. Please feel free to let us know if you are seeing any issues after upgrading
  21. This has now been resolved in the 4.6.9 version which has just been released. Please feel free to let us know if you are seeing any issues after upgrading
  22. This has now been resolved in the 4.6.9 version which has just been released. Please feel free to let us know if you are seeing any issues after upgrading
  23. This has now been resolved in the 4.6.9 version which has just been released. Please feel free to let us know if you are seeing any issues after upgrading
  24. This has now been resolved in the 4.6.9 version which has just been released. Please feel free to let us know if you are seeing any issues after upgrading
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