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Marc Stridgen

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. It does need to be noted that custom titles were actually removed some time ago. Have you been through this?
  2. That is correct. Once removed, they are only able to join again if invited by the club leader, as per description on removal.
  3. You need to provide more information here as to where it is you are seeing this
  4. There is no way to do this within the core platform. I have moved your topic to community support, in case there are others who may be able to provide custom solutions for you.
  5. I have removed your images. As mentioned above, these contain personal information. The error you're experiencing is unfortunately due to a "crashed" database table. It is important to understand that while there are several reasons that a table crash might occur, it is always caused by the server. For example it can be caused by the server being improperly shut down or restarted, hard disk drive failure/errors, improper repair attempts on a database, etc. The Invision Community Suite cannot, in itself, cause a table to crash. Repairing a crashed table is a simple process, however we strongly recommend that you contact your hosting provider and ask them to repair it. If we were to attempt a repair, or you were to attempt a repair yourself, it could cause further complications, and it is important regardless to report the issue to your hosting provider so that they can investigate and resolve any server issues which might cause the problem to happen again. We hope you are able to quickly resolve this with your hosting provider.
  6. From what has been said there, your database simply hasnt been recovered yet, as its not the data they just restored
  7. You would need to check your code there, and check that table. I am unable to replicate this issue with a core table in any way
  8. Im not sure what it is I am looking at here. You appear to be showing that the page is loading data. Which is what I would expect to see
  9. Thank you for reporting this issue. We have an open bug report for this, and will have this resolved in a future release
  10. Sorry, please could you reword this, as Im unsure what to mean here.
  11. Im not sure what you mean here. Are you seeing this with the latest beta also?
  12. As that is verification of your domain yo uare having problems with there by the way. I would advise you contact them if you are unable to do that. We cannot assist you with being able to verify your domain name with microsoft if that is what they are asking
  13. No problem. Once thing I would say from what you have said there, check when you have things like backups running on the system. It being between a specific time can often be other things which are using resources on the environment
  14. You would simply hover over it, then click the one required. If you mean, how do you use a different one as the one that shows up before hovering, then it's the first in the list it shows. You would move whichever one you wish to the top of the list
  15. Before we go through any further, could I please check you have gone through the instructions in the following guide? In answer to your question, you will find errors by selecting support in the top right of your admin CP, then selecting Support, then System Logs
  16. Just taking a look, it seems whatsapp integration is something that is upcoming on zapier, so this is not available as of yet https://zapier.com/apps/whatsapp-messenger/integrations
  17. There is no way within the software itself, but have you looked at potentially using zapier integration for this?
  18. There would be no way in Which To do that without customisation unfortunately. There are also individual elements which are clickable within those, so its not something that would generally be advisable.
  19. No problem. Of course you could simply attach an mp3, which auto embeds. But I dont believe this is what you are looking for in this instance, given your comparisons
  20. There is no way in which to do this at the present time. You may want to add to the following topic on this
  21. I have split this off into its own topic, as the other was related to week views. Do these reappear when you select "all calendars" at the top?
  22. If you are the standard search, you need to be aware that mysql by default is limited to 4 and above chars in searches. So in order to search for 3 letter words, you would need to have your hosting company amend your mysql full text settings. Your hosting company will already be aware, however these are ft_min_word_len and innodb_ft_min_token_size
  23. That is correct, as fluid view is a different thing than the forum itself. Its essentially home page view of content.
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