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Marc Stridgen

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. Im working on your ticket at the moment This has now been escalated for you so that we can see whats going on
  2. The problem is indeed the data. That table still cannot be accessed at all. When you attempted a manual recreation of it, did you ensure you added your prefix as mentioned? I would suggest also contacting your email host to see what us happening with those emails, as they are being sent and you are not receiving them
  3. Please do, then provide access details and we can take a look
  4. You would need to restore it from your own backup, not create from the above. Have you done that?
  5. Blocks are cached, so if an item is deleted or moved, it would take until that cache is cleared for it to be removed
  6. ModCP > Deleted Content is where you would look, as mentioned above. If it's not there, then the only way you would be able to restore it would be to restore your database entirely to an earlier point in time. You can set up whether items are 'soft' deleted from System>Settings>Posting, within your admin CP.
  7. Please update all access details on file. We can then take a look at that for you
  8. I would need an example member to take a look at. If you can provide this, we can take a look and see what is happening for you
  9. Im not seeing any issues on your site at present. Have you since reverted this?
  10. I have just come on here to send a PM to you directly. Please check your spam filters, as we have answered each of your support requests. The issue you have there is a missing table. You would need to restore that from your last backup. As mentioned above by Randy, that is the official support area. You are posting in community support here, which is why you were only getting responses from the community.
  11. There is no way in which to remove this on a blanket thing. This is a user preference in their account settings. If it's the fact its appearing on the streams though, you can stop that happening by editing your Activity Stream Settings. This is in System>Content Discovery>Streams>Settings
  12. The above is indeed correct Just as you have done so there. Post up in here, and we will respond Im not actually seeing the image you posted. But as mentioned, just post in here
  13. Could I please clarify here, do you actively have a rule to demote if they have posted less than x period too? I ask, as it would not automatically remove a previously applied promotion. It's a one way tool, so if you wish for it to work the other way too, you would need to also add that as a rule
  14. As mentioned above, this is not something that is possible at present.
  15. Before we continue here, could I ask when it was that you run the reindexing? If you havent already, please reindex after upgrading to 4.6.9
  16. We dont clear cache on content delete or hide, so it would persist until cache is cleared
  17. You cannot use subfolders on the cloud platform, so you would need to use a subdomain as you suggest there. Its something we would manage for you. We would simply need to be provided backups at the relevant points in transfer (we would let you know at the time when needed), and add CNAME entries to your domain we would provide. With regard moving back if you wished to do so, we could provide a backup of your uploads, any other files specific to your site, and the database. We would also provide instructions on what to restore to get your site online. Of course how tricky you find that would depend on your own ability.
  18. My first bit of advice here would be to ensure all are updated to the latest release. Then with regards the elastic issue, we would need to take a look. If you can let us know which site as an example, we can take a look
  19. The only way in which to remove that would be to update that application. There is no other way. The number itself shows how many items there are with an available update, so its showing what its designed to show
  20. You can prune members if there is some criteria to search for them with. You would go to the cog icon in the Admin CP on the members list, search for the members you wish to remove, then use the prune link provided. Note, I would highly advise on making a full backup before performing this action
  21. It sounds like your issues are down to permissions. Especially given you state that there is a problem with gallery items being accessed, and it saying they are not present. Are you using a different instance of PHP? By this I mean suPHP for example, where you wasnt before. I ask as the permissions would be different in that case. In answer to your questions You 'may' be able to use the new, but I would advise on using the original. Especially since you already have issues. You can clear the contents of that folder, with the exception of the index file. If its any problem there, then that would resolve it While you should be using INNODB tables for all tables, its unlikley that would cause the issues you are describing. Make sure of course any constants.php file and htaccess has no references to old locations. The constants.php file especially if you have one
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