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Marc St

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc St

  1. I will need to get this looked at further by our developers, so have created a ticket for you. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible.
  2. Not on the starter pack, no. As per the description and limitations of that package, custom items are not allowed on the starter pack
  3. We would advise all tables are running on INNODB, yes Could I ask here, are you referring to converting 3.1.4 invision? I ask because this being the case, the issue on your other ticket would likely be that you have had ip.content installed
  4. Before we continue, have you just upgraded to 4.6?
  5. You shouldnt have ant /applications/cms folder at all. Have you got a folder of that name? I notice you have submitted a ticket. Please respond to that ticket and we can take a closer look at this
  6. Please provide a link to the item in question, then we can take a look for you
  7. Please go to your admin cp, go to support, and select "clear cache". It looks like it might be a cache issue, as I noticed you are missing other javascript elements on the page too
  8. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  9. Do you know how to check if there is anything showing in console at the time? Have you checked your server error logs also?
  10. I am referring to the invision database there. Please check those are INNODB
  11. When you visit your client area and select your license, if you click on support it says there if you have a non-technical accounts query, you can use the contact form. That said, I am not seeing any tickets under the email associated with your license since last year. Have you perhaps submitted under another email? If so, could you please PM me that email so I can take a look to see what happened there? That said, if you are having problems with contact at any point, you can always post up here to state you are trying to get in contact on an accounts question and cannot. We can then create a ticket on your behalf.
  12. Sorry, Im not sure what you are asking there. However I believe it may be this you are looking for Take a look at the "control when ads show" section
  13. I would suggest first of all ensuring all your tables are INNODB, rather than MyISAM.
  14. What table type is that table using? Are you using all INNODB tables?
  15. The support tools are those under support in the admin CP. You cannot run any of these items via rest or cli. There are 2 things which will rebuild items. Clearing cache in the support area, or disabling and reenabling an application
  16. No, the only way to do that would be to click clear cache in the admin CP
  17. That would indeed indicate an issue with writing some of the items. It sounds like its items in the uploads folder rather than in the datastore that you would be looking at
  18. Taking a look there, you would need to contact your ad suppliler, as its their code which is determining how and when it shows. With what you have done on the software ad area, you have just set the ad to appear above the header
  19. I would need to know the name of the ad that is showing incorrectly. I can then take a look for you
  20. Actually it doesnt. If you narrow your screen, it will narrow that image only. So the proportion would also change
  21. As mentioned in your other ticket, you need to delete that package and download a new one, as that would indicate there are some /applications/cms items that shouldnt be present
  22. That is already cleared, but isnt what is causing your issues. Your issue is that you have some CMS files and dont have others. You dont actually have pages on your license. You would need to do this from a fresh download, rather than the one you are using there
  23. Unfortunately as this is something you have modified, we are unable to assist with this, as this is custom code and the block you are using and amending isnt really built to be used in the manner you are using this.
  24. You would see "CMS" which is actually the pages application. You dont add items via tar. As mentioned in the documentation there, you upload a fresh set of files, then visit site features>application where you will see it in the list available to install. If you are on the latest release with all patches added, you can actually just upload applications/cms if you wish
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