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  1. I am wondering which version of Maria DB will work for the new IC 5. The admin panel says I won't be able to upgrade unless I have MySQL version 8.0.13 inatalled, however my host (and many others) only offer Maria DB. So, what Maria DB version will work for IC 5? Thank you.
  2. I'm a moderator on our site. In the Moderator CP > IP Tools > IP Address > Posts, I notice that when I go to that tool/utility, I can see the title of the posts that members post, even if I don't have access to that sub-forum, which to me, this should not be possible. If you don't have access to a sub-form, you should also not be able to see the topic titles within the Moderator CP > IP Tools > IP Address > Posts utility. The same applies to the Moderator CP > IP Tools > IP Address > Polls, etc. There should be no title at all, similar to what is in the Moderator CP > IP Tools > IP Address > Private Messages list, on that Private Messages list, you cannot see the title of the Private Messages in that list. In my opinion, the same should apply to the IP Address tools; if you don't have access to those posts, topics, polls, etc, you should not be able to see the title of those topics, posts, polls, etc, for privacy/security. Because some titles of posts/topics give away the subject matter, which can be a breach of privacy in some instances.
  3. I just performed the upgrade with PHP 8.1 and everything worked fine with no errors. It must have been the PHP 8.3. The Extractor->extract(0) utility must not be the same in PHP 8.3 than in 8.1. Thanks for the help, everyone.
  4. I was running php 8 3 also. I will downgrade to 8.1 and retry the upgrade again to the forum.
  5. Don't know if you all saw this. Here's what the log says... Fri, 15 Mar 2024 10:16:06 -0500 Exception::0 Could not list the files in the zip #0 /home3/wveiuz42/public_html/memberforum/admin/upgrade/extract.php(643): Extractor->extract(0) #1 {main}
  6. Upload to where? Every post I see says to upload the files, but never says to where. Here's what the log says... Fri, 15 Mar 2024 10:16:06 -0500 Exception::0 Could not list the files in the zip #0 /home3/wveiuz42/public_html/memberforum/admin/upgrade/extract.php(643): Extractor->extract(0) #1 {main}
  7. I am having the same problem. This is the first time auto update has not worked for me. Something must have changed in order to not be working for many of us anymore. I set my tmp directory to 0777 permission. Still doesn't work. I had to to go to /admin/upgrade and exit out of the upgrade process in order to gain access back to the forum due to forum being paused in upgrade status. I've never done a manual upgrade, so I'm stuck without this upgrade...for now.
  8. Is it possible to create a group using the API Rest tools? I see no documentation for group creation, only functions for group deletion and getting group information.
  9. I've noticed that when GETting the topic information via an API call, if the poll is closed (i.e. [closed] => 1) the poll data (topic) is not returned in the call (nothing is returned). Even if the poll is closed, the API call should still return poll data from topic. However, if the poll is still open (i.e., [closed] => ), the API call returns poll data back to the calling script just fine.
  10. I just confirmed and this is indeed the case. I reconfigured the string, using phpMyAdmin, in the core_polls table to the following for this poll: {"1":{"question":"Choose ","multi":0,"choice":{"1":"Yes","2":"No"},"votes":{"1":0,"2":1}}} And it worked successfully and tallied the votes correctly. However, when the core_polls table field is set to this... {"1":{"question":"Please place your vote.","multi":0,"choice":["Yes","No"],"votes":[0,1]}} it does not work! So, @Stuart Silvester's example, no longer works as of about February 2023. When creating a poll via API, you cannot put this below (note the 'answers' array keys)... /* poll variables below */ ,'poll_title' => 'Cast your vote' // poll_options: Array of objects with keys 'title' (string), 'answers' (array of objects with key 'value' set to the choice) and 'multichoice' (bool) ,'poll_options[1][title]' => urlencode('Make your choice, either Yes or No:') ,'poll_options[1][answers][0][value]' => 'Yes' ,'poll_options[1][answers][1][value]' => 'No' ,'poll_options[1][multichoice]' => '0' ,'poll_public' => '0' // bool Make the poll public ,'poll_only' => '0' // bool Make this a poll-only topic You must put this below (again, note the 'answers' array keys)... /* poll variables below */ ,'poll_title' => 'Cast your vote' // poll_options: Array of objects with keys 'title' (string), 'answers' (array of objects with key 'value' set to the choice) and 'multichoice' (bool) ,'poll_options[1][title]' => urlencode('Make your choice, either Yes or No:') ,'poll_options[1][answers][1][value]' => 'Yes' ,'poll_options[1][answers][2][value]' => 'No' ,'poll_options[1][multichoice]' => '0' ,'poll_public' => '0' // bool Make the poll public ,'poll_only' => '0' // bool Make this a poll-only topic This appears to be a bug with the code as it worked before, and now it doesn't unless it is configured as I've shown. You cannot have the array key starting with poll_options[1][answers][0][value] because the '0' is submitted to the system and it doesn't know how to handle or count the the '0' as a legitimate value or response when someone votes.
  11. I don't know why, but your string inside the database is different than mine. And your choices are not the same as mine. Note, you have 1 for Yes, and 2 for No. {"1":{"question":"Choose ","multi":0,"choice":{"1":"Yes","2":"No"},"votes":{"1":2,"2":1}}} Mine is a simple Yes, No. It was configured this way due to a post submitted, here. Where @Stuart Silvester explains how to create Yes/No polls using API. And in his post he states, /* poll variables below */ ,'poll_title' => 'Cast your vote' // poll_options: Array of objects with keys 'title' (string), 'answers' (array of objects with key 'value' set to the choice) and 'multichoice' (bool) ,'poll_options[1][title]' => urlencode('Make your choice, either Yes or No:') ,'poll_options[1][answers][0][value]' => 'Yes' ,'poll_options[1][answers][1][value]' => 'No' ,'poll_options[1][multichoice]' => '0' ,'poll_public' => '0' // bool Make the poll public ,'poll_only' => '0' // bool Make this a poll-only topic Note the answers are configured with the answer array starting with 0 for Yes, and 1 for the No answer. 'poll_options[1][answers][0][value]' => 'Yes' 'poll_options[1][answers][1][value]' => 'No' Is it possible that if someone votes Yes (which is sent as a "0" to the system to process), the system doesn't know what to do with the "0"? Should the poll be set up like this in order to count the vote? 'poll_options[1][answers][1][value]' => 'Yes' 'poll_options[1][answers][2][value]' => 'No'
  12. I've disabled all plugins and 3rd party customizations during the testing and it still happens. I can create a separate Admin account for them giving them access to the points of interest...I've done it before.
  13. So, I really don't know what to do from here. This is no longer random, but every instance on a simple Yes/No poll, the Yes votes are no longer getting tallied. I'm a paying customer but I don't know why I can't get support from the developer of this software. I'm a little frustrated at this point. I've done everything told I should do, yet the bug exists.
  14. After further research, I noticed that it seems like "Yes" votes are not getting recorded or tallied, but "No" votes are. In the database "Yes" votes are recorded as "0" and "No" votes are recorded as "1", simply because the "Yes" is the first choice and "No" is the second choice. It seems these "0" aren't getting counted and added properly in the database. Please refer back to my original post in this thread... {"1":{"question":"Please place your vote.","multi":0,"choice":["Yes","No"],"votes":[0,1]}}