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Rebecca Jorgensen

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  1. @opentype I read this a few times.... A database “lives” on a page. It’s just a widget and an admin can easily remove that widget accidentally. However it happened, just add it back and everything will start working again. I added the database back as a widget and it's online again. Oh my heck! what the weird! Not sure why or how it was removed. totally random. Crazy one thing can affect the whole viewing on all the other pages. Thank you for the added comments and help - appreciate it.
  2. What's weird is that it's across the whole site - not just one page. The widget is in place, it's configured correctly, but not showing now. What I am seeing is that the 'record feed' widget isn't in the left sidebar any longer. So if I delete the current one on the page and want to add a new one to refresh it - where would I find this?
  3. What does this mean? I need to add a new database for each category that the articles are placed under?
  4. @opentype @Marc Stridgen why would this work and now all of a sudden not? I've not had any issues with it working till now. just totally confused... I went and looked - all permissions are good. here's a shot at my database.
  5. In fact, now that I am looking more into the site - none of the articles are showing. They all give an error of you don't have permission or sorry the page does not exist. The articles are in the backend and are still ok - but throwing errors on the users side.
  6. I've been using the record widget for at least 6 months with no issues. Beginning yesterday the widget is not working - it shows on the edit of the page, but when you finish the page it's not populating. No updates on the site, I'm totally baffled. How do I get this to show properly again? I don't see it as an option either on the left side where all the widgets you drag and drop are located either. Am I using something that was discontinued? What can I use moving forward?
  7. I am going through and trying to update the active members list. There are many that are NOT active any longer and need to be removed. I'm wondering if I can remove everyone and then upload a csv file for active members list? Is this possible? I have the correct members pulled from the subscription / payment processors - so I know who's active.... but the current active list in the community has not been cleaned up in years. Would I move everyone on the current active group to another group and then upload or add the correct active members to the active group? I really would like to not have to go through 2k active members list to find the 300 that are really the active members. Suggestions on how to make this happen? Should I add another active group for the correct members list? But how do I get the full is of members there without adding individually. thank you for the help.
  8. done! looks like whatever it is is cleared now. no errors are pulling and no more errors in black across the top of screen. it's good. thank you so much for your help!
  9. I believe I have updated it to the new information. thank you!
  10. I wasn't able to because it wasn't showing on the dashboard in the admin area. I uploaded it via ftp file upload. Seemed to be just fine when it was uploaded. Didn't have an issue with it. So I thought.
  11. SELECT * FROM `blog_categories` WHERE category_parent=0 ORDER BY category_position IPS\Db\Exception: Table 'patchworkposseplus_community.blog_categories' doesn't exist (1146) #0 /home/dh_qsu7z3/community.patchworkposseplus.com/system/Db/Select.php(388): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*patchworkposs...', Array, true) #1 /home/dh_qsu7z3/community.patchworkposseplus.com/system/Db/Select.php(286): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #2 /home/dh_qsu7z3/community.patchworkposseplus.com/system/Node/Model.php(224): IPS\Db\_Select->setKeyField('category_id') #3 /home/dh_qsu7z3/community.patchworkposseplus.com/system/Node/Model.php(180): IPS\Node\_Model::nodesWithPermission(NULL, NULL, Array, 'category_positi...', NULL) #4 /home/dh_qsu7z3/community.patchworkposseplus.com/system/Node/Controller.php(111): IPS\Node\_Model::roots(NULL) #5 /home/dh_qsu7z3/community.patchworkposseplus.com/system/Helpers/Tree/Tree.php(130): IPS\Node\_Controller->_getRoots(NULL) #6 /home/dh_qsu7z3/community.patchworkposseplus.com/system/Node/Controller.php(99): IPS\Helpers\Tree\_Tree->__toString() #7 /home/dh_qsu7z3/community.patchworkposseplus.com/applications/blog/modules/admin/blogs/blogs.php(54): IPS\Node\_Controller->manage() #8 /home/dh_qsu7z3/community.patchworkposseplus.com/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\blog\modules\admin\blogs\_blogs->manage() #9 /home/dh_qsu7z3/community.patchworkposseplus.com/system/Node/Controller.php(69): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #10 /home/dh_qsu7z3/community.patchworkposseplus.com/applications/blog/modules/admin/blogs/blogs.php(44): IPS\Node\_Controller->execute() #11 /home/dh_qsu7z3/community.patchworkposseplus.com/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\blog\modules\admin\blogs\_blogs->execute() #12 /home/dh_qsu7z3/community.patchworkposseplus.com/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #13 {main} This is what is seen when I go to the community / blogs I disabled the plugins and nothing has changed. Prior to loading up the blogs files - I did the overall update. There was no error after the update and before adding the blog files SYSTEM ERRORS- 09/21/2023 12:55 PM uncaught_exception SELECT * FROM `blog_blogs` LEFT JOIN `core_sys_lang_words` ON word_key=CONCAT( 'blogs_blog_', blog_... 09/21/2023 12:55 PM uncaught_exception SELECT * FROM `blog_blogs` LEFT JOIN `core_sys_lang_words` ON word_key=CONCAT( 'blogs_blog_', blog_... 09/21/2023 12:53 PM uncaught_exception SELECT * FROM `blog_categories` WHERE category_parent=0 ORDER BY category_position IPS\Db\Exception:... 09/21/2023 12:53 PM template_error IPS\Db\Exception (1146) SELECT * FROM `blog_blogs` WHERE blog_disabled=0 AND (( FIND_IN_SET(4,blog_groupblog_ids) ) OR blog_... 09/21/2023 12:53 PM template_error IPS\Db\Exception (1146) SELECT * FROM `blog_blogs` WHERE blog_disabled=0 AND (( FIND_IN_SET(4,blog_groupblog_ids) ) OR blog_... 09/21/2023 12:53 PM template_error IPS\Db\Exception (1146) SELECT * FROM `blog_blogs` WHERE blog_disabled=0 AND (( FIND_IN_SET(4,blog_groupblog_ids) ) OR blog_... 09/21/2023 12:53 PM template_error IPS\Db\Exception (1146) SELECT * FROM `blog_blogs` WHERE blog_disabled=0 AND (( FIND_IN_SET(4,blog_groupblog_ids) ) OR blog_... 09/21/2023 12:53 PM template_error IPS\Db\Exception (1146) SELECT * FROM `blog_blogs` WHERE blog_disabled=0 AND (( FIND_IN_SET(4,blog_groupblog_ids) ) OR blog_... 09/21/2023 12:53 PM template_error IPS\Db\Exception (1146) SELECT * FROM `blog_blogs` WHERE blog_disabled=0 AND (( FIND_IN_SET(4,blog_groupblog_ids) ) OR blog_...
  12. Not sure what to do- uploaded all the files correctly and now the site it showing a few errors. What is the steps to take care of these? I checked to make sure the theme wasn't in designer mode. Any plugins, extras that I have are current.
  13. ok. I was thinking you uploaded from the admin area - it's not mentioned in the support files that it's the ftp area. I will do that. I just updated to the latest version this morning and all is well with it, so I will go with the uploading the blog file as you mentioned. thanks for the clarification!
  14. Where would I find the area to upload the file? It's a zip and not a .tar so I am not able to upload it in the applications area. If I go to url/admin/intall it says there is nothing to upgrade same with url/admin/upgrade feeling a bit confused- I can unzip the file, but none of the files included in the zip are .tar either
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