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Marc Stridgen

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. Please see the following guide on how to translate items on your site
  2. Because subscriptions are intentionally a cut down simpler version of a renewable product. If you wish to use these kinds of things, you would use a renewable product
  3. Please could you provide more information. What games are you referring to? Are you uploading these as attachments or to the downloads application. Are you seeing any server error logs?
  4. Thank you for letting us know. I have opened an internal bug report for this, so we can get it changed in future releases.
  5. I have created a ticket for you. Please respond to that ticket with what you need
  6. 5.6 is the minimum. We would recommend using the latest stable release of the platform though.
  7. You would need to post in the suggestions forum for that, if you are requesting something being added.
  8. Topics would be left generally to help others. In the case of this one, the issue is a 3rd party steam item.
  9. That would be correct if they have a link for it, with a key like that. There is no way around that. However I would say, they cannot get that link unless someone provides it to them
  10. It wouldnt do that if the store module itself is still active
  11. In a similar vein, you can post this up as a suggestion within our suggestions area should you wish do see this in a future release https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feature-suggestions/
  12. There isnt, as there are multiple categories in a very custom pages database there. So there isnt really a single follow button for new items. As far as updates, that would be edits. There is no function to follow edits anywhere on the platform It is worth noting, most will be edits anyway. Its only when there is a new item entirely that a new guide would be added, generally. (There are exceptions of course)
  13. We need exact URLs when these issues are occurring if possible, then we can advise accordingly.
  14. It looks like you are hitting yoru curl timeout settings there when downloading. You would need to contact your hosting company to increase this
  15. It's the creation date for that item. That item coming up in your search for example may be a reply. So it shows the date of that reply. It would not to the last update date for the topic. There is no way in which to do that without modification
  16. Glad to hear your new hosting company is assisting you with the migration there, and hope things go well for you
  17. Adding it like that would indeed be custom. You can however add a dropdown menu from the menu manager. It wouldnt be laid out like that though https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/getting-started/setting-up-your-menu-r27/
  18. Thank you for reporting this. I have reported this as a bug internally, and this will be resolved in a future release of the software.
  19. I suspect it may well be. Sorry we couldnt help there, but as we cant see the issue, it can be difficult to diagnose
  20. While I understand what you are saying there on the theme, please test this on a default unaltered theme in the first instance. It may well be that you are missing something there
  21. Could you please check on your server to ensure that no caching is enabled on there. If it is, please disable while testing this.
  22. I would need to know who you are on the site in order to take a look at this. Also, who you are trying to send it to
  23. No problem at all. Glad you got what you needed there 🙂
  24. You dont have searching switched on for that database, which is likely to be your issue
  25. You will get new content only if there is new content. It will send you what is on that stream each day. There havent been any updates there, so it will indeed show the same
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