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Marc St

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc St

  1. In the same location as you set it as default, there is a list of usergroups that can use it. I believe Im actually seeing that theme. Please update your access details on file, and let me know the user you are logging in as to test
  2. Its not a bug there. You were correct in your previous statement. Its simply the colour of the image meaning that level of greyscale makes it all pretty much the same
  3. Try here Members>Content Moderation>Spam Prevention>Spam Defense I suspect you have it set up in there under one of the spam levels
  4. Thats the one, yes. It sounds like you have a theme manually selected for yourself. Im not seeing a default unaltered theme when I look at your site. What theme are you trying to use?
  5. You need to ensure that tasks are running, otherwise the rebuild will never complete. We would suggest setting this up as a cron job on your server. Please see the following guide on this
  6. This is a misunderstanding of that function. It switches peoples theme if they have manually selected a theme. To set it as the default, you need to edit the theme, then set it as default using the switch provided
  7. Our developer documentation can be found in the following location https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/
  8. Also check your constants.php file if you have one
  9. Our pricing for the new cloud products can be found on the following page https://invisioncommunity.com/buy
  10. Please update all access details on file, we can then take a look. We also need the name of that user, so we have one to go through
  11. Our block is intended to work in this manner. If you dont wish for it to be cached in this manner then you would need to add your code somewhere outside of the item that is being cached.
  12. Glad to see you have the issue resolved there 🙂
  13. Its actually more likely to be an issue with the way they have cloudflare set up. The issue is that its not getting back to their hosting
  14. Im not sure why you would want an older version? Unfortunately, being from such an old release, you may well have issues. We havent supported the release you are upgrading from for a considerable amount of time. I may be able to get hold of a 3.4 release if you want to upgrade to that first of all if you want to try that? We would not provide support for 3.x versions though unfortunately.
  15. If this is a test instance, I would advise that you revert and try this again in the first instance. If you are then having issues still, yes you can update with your test instance details
  16. Please update all access details on file. We can then take a look at the issue for you.
  17. Glad to hear you now have that issue resolved
  18. As mentioned, I would need to know who you are logged into yourself. Is that the same account as you have on file?
  19. From the message there, you dont have permission to access promotions which is a moderator permission. If you can provide your username and ensure access details on file are up to date, I can certainly take a look to see what is happening for you if you believe you have already checked those?
  20. To explain further here. The feature itself you have used is indeed working. However you have placed it in a location in templates that isnt havent the effect you intended it to. In this case it's a location that is caching.
  21. This may well be something outside the scope of normal support, but if you could please explain further what you mean here, I can move this to the relevant location if needed
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