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Marc Stridgen

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. If you can submit a ticket to our sales team, we 'may' be able to quote for that
  2. I will move this to our community support area, as this would be outside the scope of support. However essentially the language string is simply replaced with whatever you enter.
  3. You cannot cancel an upgrade that has already been started, other than restoring the backup taken prior to that upgrade
  4. Your hosting company will see that error, as the items its looking for have not been written to disk. The reason its not been written to disk is a writing issue on the server. As a courtesy I have created a ticket to see if someone can provide you with a little more information there to give to your host, however this is unfortuanetly a hosting issue, not one with your software
  5. I have moved this to the self hosted guidance forum for you, where it is better placed for someone to assist
  6. This does look to be in the next release.
  7. I have just created a ticket for you on this, so we can get some details which are not appropriate to share in public
  8. If you have exactly the same issue, you need to restore the folder you deleted there first of all. If you havent deleted anything there, you dont have the same problem. Please detail your issue in a new topic in that scenario
  9. Im not seeing any issues when not logged into your site. If you can update your access details on file, I can certainly take a look
  10. As mentioned in the message itself there, the issue is that the sysytem cannot make a directory on your server
  11. Generally it would be 777 for all folders in uploads (including the folder itself) unless you are using suPHP suExec. In that case it would be 755.
  12. There is no built in way to do this, however what Sonya mentioned above should do the trick
  13. There is no way in which to reset permissions on your server through the software. That is a server related item, you would need to ask your hosting company about
  14. Excellent. Glad to hear you got the upgrade done there
  15. I have split this into a new topic for you. You would upload these to your server, in the location your site is installed. This is something that you should know as a self hosted customer there. If you are unsure, you would need to contact your hosting company. Please could you provide more information on the incorrect cache management you are referring to? There is no information on this. This would actually indicate caching on your server (usually opcache or varnish) which is showing incorrect files. There is no way programatically for the software to know this. A 501 error is one thrown by the server rather than the software. Usually as a result of resource issues, but can be from other issues. Given it restarts correctly, that would indicate resource issues. This is a plain vanilla web site, the only plug-in is a language file - en even that update goes wrong with a 501. After which I hope it is installed correctly, but not really sure. When you say this is running on a synology NAS, this would indicate it is not being run at a hosting company as such, is this correct? Where is this being run? I can completely understand the frustration, however from the above, these unfortuanetly do point toward hosting issues. Especially if you are experiencing this on every update. We have thousands of clients update constantly without issue.
  16. Before anything else, please check this with no 3rd party items activated, and also ensure you are using the latest release of the software
  17. The redis instance is not able to be connected to by our software in this instance, which is something you would really need to contact your hosting company about
  18. This is correct. Somewhere your server is not allowing the creation of directories
  19. We would not delete support topics, however if you can point out where you believe there is sensitive information, I can certainly remove that for you EDIT:- I see what you mean there, and have removed all those with sensitive information.
  20. A -200 error is a generic error thrown by something called plupload, and is always an issue with server limitations. This will generally be memory_limit or upload_max_filesize on your PHP settings, but may be others. You would need to check your server error logs to find what is causing the issue there
  21. You would ned to post that up as a suggestion within our suggestions area of the community. This isnt something that is broken or settable within the platform
  22. Please try the above in the first instance, and then if you have any further issues, please let us know. (Let us know if that works too of course)
  23. If they are updated somewhere outside of the marketplace, you need to contact the author of that item.
  24. Thank you for letting us know. Ive set that as the solution 🙂
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