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Posts posted by Charles

  1. Courses is available on our Creator Pro, Team, Business, and Enterprise plans.

    Courses is not available on Beginner, Creator, or Classic plans. Please contact us if you would like to upgrade your plan to include Courses.

  2. I assume we would handle this just like we did for v3, v4.0, v4.1, etc. that have reached end of life. We generally give people a LOT of warning and then finally pick a date way in the future that they have to upgrade. We're talking years though. I am afraid I do not have a clear answer to give you on such specifics that are many years away 🙂 

    As end of life approaches, you will get a lot more information on how to handle the upgrade. And, of course, by 2025 or 2026, v5 itself will be more mature. We might even be on v6 by then, who knows!

  3. 10 hours ago, iamART said:

    Will there ever be plans for this feature to be available to self-hosted customers?

    Live Topics is available on Creator package and up. It's not available on Beginner or Classic (self-hosted) plans. Feel free to contact us to discuss changing plans.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Chris027 said:

    When using an app for fun, this kind of thing got me excited.

    I use IPS for my business, so this means nothing but problems and tons of work coming soon. My community likes stability and hates change just for change sake. V5 sounds like a bunch of change, even for everyone who wants to maintain the same experience for their communities. 

    The best way to kill a community is to refuse to keep up with new ways that people consume content.

  5. 39 minutes ago, LiquidFractal said:

    Really?  I'm no expert but I find the last part of this sentence hard to believe given that there are many gaps in IPB functionality which necessitated the Marketplace community in the first place.

    Luckily we are the experts in seeing usage trends 😉

    34 minutes ago, LiquidFractal said:

    I'm not sure what you mean here.  As far as I know IPS never "validated" the "safety" of any third-party app; they only checked to make sure that devs weren't using existing code contra IPS rules.  The "safety" of 3rd-party apps has never been Invision's responsibility (and for good reason!).

    Trust me. You have no idea how many problematic things we prevented from being published in the Marketplace over the years.

    PSA: you might want to use multi-quote when doing many replies 🙂 

  6. I respect your unique viewpoint but I am afraid I do not see that in practice 🙂 

    We have many enterprise clients on our platform and they specifically do not want anything third-party. They see it as a security risk. When I speak to prospective clients they never ask about such things.

    In fact, most enterprise clients specifically disallow any outsourcing or external code being added to their community setups in the contracts we have with them.

    We get people switching to use from Discourse all the time. Again, I can see how you might see it that way in your specific case but, on a broader scale, it is just not what we experience.

  7. 2 minutes ago, D-Trox said:

    Does this mean that this feature will be completely withdrawn for owners?

    If I like the market place on my site, will I still be able to use it? 

    And will the "Providers Directory" feature be available to us (cloud and not cloud host)?

    Thank you

    You might want to re-read the post 🙂 

    Your existing Marketplace items will be transferrable to the authors of those items so you can keep using them. The changes have nothing to do with cloud vs self-hosted.