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Thomas P

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  1. Thanks
    Thomas P reacted to Stuart Silvester in PHP8.0   
    Yes, PHP 8.0.x is. it is PHP 8.1 that isn't officially supported yet.
  2. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: our new theme service is alive!   
    Hey team, happy Hump Day! I'm super excited about our new theme service and wanted to share the news with you. 
    I come in peace! With that said, I want to be transparent with you that this theme service is for those on one of our standard plans. If you've been contemplating moving from self-hosted to our hosting, give me a shout and I'll personally help you get set up. 😇 
    I wrote a blog post about the importance of branding, so just want to put that on your radar.
    I can personally attest to the power of awesome branding (if I do say so myself). I run a community, and members tell me all the time how much they love the theme / branding. It was created by our very own @Ehren, who will be working with you and me to dream up something you love for your community. 
    I know this may be coming off a bit salesy, but I really do love this new theme service, think it offers a lot of value and I hope you'll consider it. 
    If you'd like a little more information, check out our new theme service page. If you have any questions, drop me a line here and I'll respond!
    As always, here's a list of updates/fixes made by our developers in the last week:
    - Updated HTMLPurifier to 4.14.0.
    - Removed stripe.js from non Commerce related pages.
    - Fixed broken "reveal author" buttons when an anonymous user is deleted.
    - Fixed an issue where moderator logs may show untranslated content types.
    - Fixed few issues in archived QA Topics.
    - Fixed an issue where expanding nodes in the advanced search form node selector element could be slow or time out.
    - Fixed an issue where achievement ranks and badges were not exporting using the correct language.
    - Fixed the breadcrumb navigation inside Clubs.
    - Added support for IndexNow.
    - Bing Sitemap Support was removed because they deprecated the service.
    - Fixed the insert existing attachment page jump form not working in bulk mail.
    Looking forward to hearing what you think. 😊 
  3. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Sonya* in Export/import translations for achievements?   
    Is there any possibility to export translations for rules and badges? It seems, that exporting function only exports translations for Ranks. No translations for badges and the comments for the reason are exported. Is it possible to import translations into another community? I have tried to import Ranks and import function has replaced the ranks in English as well. What I need:
    translate rules, ranks and badges export all translations import all translation in other community (without replacing English)
  4. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Sonya* in Export/import translations for achievements?   
    Sorry, I've meant the "Optional public explanation for why this badge was awarded" in Rules.
    What do you mean by "custom language"? When I download a database in ACP using English, then English strings for database description, fields names etc. are included in database XML file. If I switch to another language in ACP (e. g. German) and export the same database the same way, then I get XML file, that contains German strings for the database. Are these custom strings?
  5. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Daniel F in Export/import translations for achievements?   
    That's already included in the export.
    Nice catch! It's happening for rules, but not for badges and ranks. I have filled a bug report for this.
  6. Thanks
    Thomas P reacted to Miss_B in [Mad] Multiple Accounts Detector   
    Yes, it works with the current version as of now of php 8 as well.
  7. Like
    Thomas P reacted to dutchsnowden in Upgrade 3.4 to 4.6.9 error converting UTF8   
    Thanks to all the team for such prompt help!
    You are all rockstars!
    Thanks, I need it!
  8. Like
    Thomas P reacted to flimmer in Rare badges   
    We are currently using more or less the default set up for achievements, but have excluded some larger groups (only paying groups will earn achievements). The 'rare' setting seems to be set based on the total membership base, including those groups that are excluded. Is this correct? Shouldn't 'rare badges' be calculated based on the included groups?
  9. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Pleeb in 4.6: How to restore custom member titles   
    I was able to solve this using member groups, group promotions, and this plugin:
    I was already using it to prevent spammers from signing up with 0 posts then editing their profile fields with URLs; what you can do, is create a special member group that promotes a member to that group on say, 500 posts.  Then simply enable this field for that membergroup to edit.
  10. Thanks
    Thomas P reacted to BankFodder in Current ranks – and – Reputation   
    Thanks very much indeed for this rapid response.

    I'm afraid that I'm very chary of mucking around with the theme and we keep ours as a standard theme but with colour changes.

    Any time we get any problems with third-party routines, the first question is always whether we have a custom theme and so I prefer not to go there.

    I rather hope that somebody will come along with a plug-in which will deal with the matter – and of course it would be nice if the Invision team didn't assume to "know what's best" for their customers and the probably millions of people who rely on those forums for one reason or another.

    I understand that at the top of the Invision development tree are 11 developers. I'd be interested to know what the decision-making process is when they decide to change long-standing forum cultures and not even allow Choice.

    Seems a bit Republican to me.
  11. Like
    Thomas P got a reaction from sobrenome in OpenSearch support as an alternative to Elasticsearch   
    do you need the Amazon fork of Elasticsearch? 
    Same thing, Amazon created it due to license issues, right?
    We used Sphinx Search with IPB for many years, ES runs as fine for us.
  12. Like
    Thomas P got a reaction from sobrenome in Elasticsearch Version 7 & IPB?   
    Hi Stuart,
    ok, thanks for the details,
  13. Like
    Thomas P got a reaction from sobrenome in Elasticsearch Version 7 & IPB?   
    Hello IPS users and fellows,
    is there anyone running or using ES 7 services successfully with IPB 4.4.x (latest)?
    If someone knows when IPB is going to support ES 7 I would be thankful, too. We have a new box which supports ES 7 natively and don't really want to downgrade the stack manually...
  14. Like
    Thomas P got a reaction from evcom in Pagespeed: Eliminate render-blocking resources?   
    Hello IPS fellows,
    anyone achieved to get rid of the Pagespeed drawback?
    As it seems there is some potential to change CSS behavior to prevent blocking site loading...
  15. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Jordan Miller in oooh, new portal!   
    🥲 Appreciate that! 
  16. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Charles in oooh, new portal!   
    @Ehren and @Jordan Miller did a great job designing and writing the new site.
  17. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Ehren in oooh, new portal!   
    Haha thanks, I've actually been lurking around here for almost 2 years now as a staff member! 🙂
    Yeah, this is just for the Invision site for the moment. Version 4.5 included a pretty significant redesign, so I imagine we'll stick with that for a while before doing another revamp. When that time comes, if this new design is still appealing to our visitors, I'm sure we'll use it as inspiration for a new default theme.
  18. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Ehren in oooh, new portal!   
    Thanks for the feedback! These areas should now be fixed.
    With that said, I wasn't able to reproduce your first two issues @Askancy so hopefully it was just a temporary issue which has fixed itself. Let me know if you continue to have issues though and I'll be happy to look into it! 🙂
  19. Thanks
    Thomas P reacted to Marc Stridgen in theme differences tool - this site   
    Thank you for letting us know. I will make our developers aware of this so that it can be looked into.
  20. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Zone Plate in Best caching method for BIG board   
    I downgraded to 7.6.2.  Did you delete the db search index?
  21. Like
    Thomas P got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Best caching method for BIG board   
    just use (i.e. upgrade to) Redis:
    Second try elasticsearch (ES) instead of plain MySQL based Search, you can use it on the same server(s) or offload ES to an external service:
    There are more tidbits in the a.m. article 😉
    Works well for us, good luck,
  22. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Square Wheels in Is Tapatalk access a good idea?   
    Not needed to see how it will look on a mobile device.  Make your browser window as narrow as you can on your computer.
  23. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Jeffrey Roberts in [] WhosOnline widget didn't work   
    I have 1 minute of caching time for Cache sidebar, header and footer blocks.
    I get the feeling too that caching seems to be broken.
  24. Like
    Thomas P reacted to daffyy in [] WhosOnline widget didn't work   
    I downloaded the latest version again and the problem is solved.
  25. Like
    Thomas P reacted to AlexWebsites in 4.6.x with php 8   
    This has been fixed in 4.6.4 by IPS
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