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  1. Yes, maybe I just have to add them to a group. Not too many people.
  2. Hi Earlier this year we had a product in our store for a limited time. Is it possible to create a new product that are only available for those members that purchased it? They were not put in any group. I will create a bulk email to them, and there I can filter only those with that previous product. But can it be visible to only them, or only those with that link? I think it either is available in store, or its not? Thanks.
  3. Hi In Pages we can specify in a database that we want to automatically add a topic, and we can set some html for each field we want to add to the post. But I cannot find a way to add the record image. Is it possible? Also, the link to post that is generated, can I add a button class on it for example? Thanks.
  4. Probably, but that is beyond my knowledge. I understand somewhat how I can manipulate the article template and show some stuff like a link to author, but will not be able to add functions to display the authors latest entries in database.
  5. Ok, so I probably need to create a link on my page that send the viewer to the authors profile page with "prefilled" activity content filter. Like /index.php?/profile/username/content/&type=cms_records5&change_section=1
  6. Would it perhaps be possible to create a custom block that checks the author of currently viewed article? I have a block now with custom content that lists ALL articles/entries which loops through the records like so: {{foreach $records as $record}} //output record image {{endforeach}} Maybe I in this loop can check that the current records author is the same as the author of the "main" article/entry being viewed? I just do not know what kind of "variables" are available to look at.
  7. Hi Is there some (easy) way of listing the other articles of the author of the current article/entry ? For example have a list of the last 6 articles or similar? If not, any advice how to create something like that? Thanks.
  8. Sorry, I didn't realize it was for tech support for the platform only 🙂 Thanks for moving it!
  9. I have a field in pages field_18, which is a checkbox set. When I list values in my template, they usually are printed like this: Label: check1, check2, check3 I change to custom format in display options because I "need" it in a table, and I want each checkbox checked to be a link where it's filtering for that specific checkbox. So I've tried to do the stuff below. Not very sure of what I'm doing, but it is sort of working. I do, however, have a hardcoded url there. I just use the url I get when doing such a record filter manually. I wonder how to do this more dynamically, for example if I change the name of the page I do not have to change all of these fields. <tr><td>{$label}</td><td> {{$myarray = explode(',', $value);}} {{$myidarray = explode(',', $formValue);}} {{foreach $myarray as $id => $entry}} <a href="hardcodeurl&advanced_search_submitted=1&content_field_18[{$myidarray[$id]}]={$myidarray[$id]}&&&&sortby=primary_id_field&sortdirection=asc&record_type=all&time_frame=show_all"><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_style8">{$entry}</a></span> {{endforeach}} </td></tr>
  10. Did you figure this out? I have the same question, as I have several "content" (editor) fields, which really should be searched as well. I have some checkbox sets and regular text fields which would have been nice to be able to search, but the content fields are more important.. Edit; I do not think it's even searching the title field...
  11. basicRelationship is not something I see in the templates I have. Is it something that I need to create somehow?
  12. Hi I'm currently trying to "port" a PHP application I'm using in our forum to a regular Pages page. I'm creating several fields, and one I'm looking at now is a field for "database relationship". So I'm linking this database to a similar one. I'm getting the data as link to the other database. Is it possible to instead get the record image and display the link on that. Maybe there are something that can be done in the custom display view format? Or maybe in the page record template itself? If it is sort of an object, maybe I can get the image from that? Thanks!
  13. Thanks, I will try to port this to Pages then 🙂 By the way, do we any kind of import routine or do I need to create something myself, for example use REST to move data from old app to Pages? I also see I can add a Editor field, and even populate it with default value (even HTML) and therefore I can make "templates" for the user.
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