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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. You can open each article in the ACP and assign a member.
  2. What? The topic? So every image has the same title? You first said the ALT tag, which usually doesn’t contain anything meaningful unless changed manually. I still have no idea what you are asking.
  3. Nothing to fix. It’s just a newer/longer kind of IP address. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6_address
  4. I wonder what that means when one has multiple licenses. Have at least one active?
  5. What are the settings for this block? Is it maybe limited to only show featured records from some forums?
  6. What’s wrong with the Topic Feed / Post Feed blocks?
  7. Yes, but you have to manually change every instance of the word “club” in all language strings. That’s several pages of language strings. You would also need to customize the club URLs. (I wouldn’t really recommend it.)
  8. I see Headstand and InvisionHQ have all their files deactivated. What’s going on?
  9. If it is enabled, you will see the link to disable it. If it is disabled, you will see a link to enable it.
  10. Use the checkbox in the topic view to select all the posts you want. There is no limit of how many posts can be selected. Once a selection was made, there will be a button bar with possible functions like hide, merge and split.
  11. On the front end, you can drag the Member Statistics widget onto any page. In the ACP, there is a similar widget for the Dashboard.
  12. I only know this from websites left open and active with extensive background activity, like a live JavaScript stock chart or video playback. I am not sure how a forum should produce this. Stuff like Google Analytics is just processed once during the page load. It doesn’t create the permanent energy drain that is typical for that warning. You might need to narrow down the pages where this happens and what users are doing or not doing. Maybe some ad slot creates permanent JavaScript activity? Or something like that. In addition, it might help to ask them about hard and software used. I guess for a very outdated Mac, many website can be too much.
  13. The main issue is that a privacy policy isn’t a generic disclaimer. It must describe how a website ACTUALLY handles personal data. And that is not defined by IPS. It’s defined by how the owner acts in regards to personal data, which settings they chose in the ACP (e.g. regarding IP storage), which of the many possible 3rd-party services one uses (Google Analytics, Cloudflare, Zapier connections …), how the hosting company stores data and so on. None of that can be covered in a “standard privacy policy”. It’s all highly specific to a certain website. As a result, it’s probably better to not even have a standard privacy policy. It might do more harm than good by giving users the false impression it could be enough. And by the way: describing how personal data can be deleted is not a new issue nor a Facebook issue. With GDPR it has been required for years.
  14. The regular subscription option for each forum does that.
  15. ACP → Community → Clubs → [your club] → Edit → Privacy.
  16. This looks like a reveal effect applied while scrolling. The content isn’t actually loaded step by step as far as I can see.
  17. The custom fields offered on the database form page depend on permissions and the category they are activated for. So, it that sense, they can be “selected”. I am not sure what you wan on top of that. Maybe give a specific example so it more clear?
  18. Support topic for this Pages template set: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/10051-pages-supergallery/
  19. True. I can replicate that. It’s treated as if it would be a non-image attachment. Testing here: WEBP: JPG:
  20. You need to be more specific or link an example. What’s the error message? Is the file not being generated? 404? Permission denied? …? In general, the support is global. It should work everywhere or not at all.
  21. This code … $recordClass::getItemsWithPermission( array(array('category_id=?',$record->container()->id), … Results in “Column 'category_id' in where clause is ambiguous” in developer mode. How can I make the call unambiguous? I haven’t found anything about using aliases in such a call with getItemsWithPermission and prepared statements. (Manually adding the column name works of course, but I am not sure that’s the cleanest and recommended solution.)
  22. It’s regular text characters, so you can’t easily prevent it. Disallow it in your rules and apply sanctions if users use it anyway.
  23. Yes. The styling library working in the background expects HTML and treats < and > as parts of tags, even when they are part of the PHP template tags. I deliberately didn’t post a specific example, because I was hoping there could be a general solution, not just a work-around for a specific case I would post. Just to be clear: the code works. It’s the dynamic styling that breaks, making coding in the ACP unnecessarily difficult.
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