When working with theme templates, there is a Revert button. When we click it, we get a warning and we can safely restore the stock template.
When working with Pages templates (Pages → Templates) a Revert button exists in the same spot, yet, behaves completely different. It actually DELETES the template, even without warning, potentially making the entire template set unusable with no way to add the missing template back to the template set.
To replicate:
create a Pages database template (e.g. Record template)
edit a template (e.g. Record → Record)
it actually shows a delete button now and the template is marked with an orange “C” instead of a green “I” (what do those stand for by the way?)
now leave the template section and come back
now the same template will be shown with a red M and the “revert” button appears, calling an “?do=delete“ action.
To sum up the bug report:
The Revert button should get the correct label “Delete” and and a warning dialog explaining that deleting a template could permanently damage a template set.
Feature request:
Having an actual Revert button for a template in a template set would be welcome. I can create an entire template set at any time. Why can’t I revert a modified template back to the unmodified state, just as with theme templates?