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  1. I sent again, check your inbox, spam, etc. It was sent correctly on my end.
  2. I responded to your email but did not get any reply. Did you get the files I sent?
  3. @Jim M I need to send some sensitive data, can I send you a private message? I think I might have found a hole somebody is using to overwhelm the MySQL
  4. Appreciate, as this is not good time for me to upgrade anything in my env.
  5. It is always high. I tried disabling customs, same. FYI, my test copy run on 4.7.14 with same set of custom hooks and has no problems. I tried isolating the issue by disabling different elements and from what I determine now it seems to be MySQL. Will consider in some future but for now I would prefer to fix issue on current version, since I still use "compatible one".
  6. Looks like with 4.7.17 MySQL gets overwhelmed. Can the change be related?
  7. Hello, Has anyone noticed high CPU usage on 4.7.17? I upgraded while ago and noticed CPU usage in my case raised on web host serving that version where test forum that still runs on 4.7.14 is OK.
  8. Anyone managed to fix Discord tab in Member Group settings? It does not appear.
  9. Hi IPS, Can you bring and option to next release allowing us to disable send of email/notification upon upload of new file version in Downloads app? The option is useful to avoid useless spam of member's mail box and to avoid misleading notification of "new version". Happens we need to reupload specific version of file, e.g. to correct some file mistake we did, change that does not require everyone to re-download a file. There is no need to bother members every time in such situation. A simple on/off toggle upon upload of new version would be very useful. Can you please bring it to nest maintenance release? Thank you.
  10. I am getting similar issue but with resource images. Any finding? random images getting lost randomly.
  11. What I mean is that the ACP session timeout setting does not work SO when it gets terminated after default 3600 seconds the 2FA timeout setting has no effect if I want to set it greater than 3600 seconds. In other words, one bug affects two features.
  12. Yeah, that's why I said I can't make an use of 2FA timeout because ACP session timeout is not respected.
  13. I have set 2FA timeout to 12, then changed to 1 day.. I am still prompted to fill 2FA security code every 1h. I connected it because you say 2FA is being reset once session ends. So, if ACP session is closed (after default 1h) the 2FA still will be requested.
  14. It does nto work well because of this "The user will always be prompted again on a new session." and this as long as I am unable to configure ACP session timeout the MFA timeout is useless.
  15. I also experience the same issue. Configured via constants.php \define( 'ACP_SESSION_TIMEOUT', 86400 );
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