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Everything posted by opentype

  1. I think the problem is that you make the free membership a “subscription product”. Just let it be the default member group without a subscription. Many website do it like you ask: there are different tiers and “free” is one of them. With Invision Community, there is a default member group and then users can choose to get a paid membership.
  2. I can’t see how. The main advantage of the email delivery is to reach the people who don’t actually visit the community frequently. With a delivery to the message inbox, the number of people reading the newsletter would go down drastically, because many would never log in to read the message—or they would get an email notification for the message, which defeats the entire purpose of moving the newsletter from email to the inbox. There are other ramifications as well. Each message is stored separately, so a newsletter to 20,000 people would be stored 20,000 times. (Preventing that would probably require major changes to the PM system.) And people would be temped to reply, as it is a personal message to them, but as admin I might not be willing to read hundreds of private replies … If I want to reach the people who are already online, I could just post news as a forum post, an announcement, a Pages article … there is no need to make it a personal message. If too many people unsubscribe from the email newsletter, that just points to the newsletter not being interesting enough.
  3. Yeah, look at the same page after logging out. It will probably show the “Sorry, no permission” message. Which by the way, does not mean you cannot share that link. It just means that Facebook cannot retrieve any useful information from the link and picks up the error message instead.
  4. No. Member to member is limited to file downloads. Services can’t be sold this way.
  5. Probably bots. The Google captcha (if used) is not a big problem for them. I solved this problem by switching to the 3rd-party implementation of hCaptcha.
  6. That’s why it never gets fixed. IPS just pretends there is no issue with excuses. The expiration isn’t the point. It’s the fact that an existing expired invoice on file blocks future purchases, which is very clearly wrong and not how ANY other subscription service on the planet is working. If I subscribe to a newspaper and cancel it, I will always be able to start FRESH in the future. Of course I am. It’s what I want, it’s what the newspaper wants. Why would the software prevent it for now reason against my will and the provider’s will? The Washington Post or Netflix aren’t saying “oh, your subscription expired 5 years ago, so you will never ever be able to start a new subscription”. That would be insane. But it is how IPS has coded it. And that it even fine in the sense, that things like that happen. It was probably an honest mistake to set it up like that originally. But it is not fine to not own up to it and correct it after admin after admin runs into this problem for years, loosing money because people willing to continue a subscription can’t and just give up. Not letting invoices expire is a work-around at best, it’s the not the proper solution. If someone would let the subscription expire and they did not use it for years, the SHOULD be starting fresh with with any product and the current conditions, maybe even higher prices, because their subscription has expired years ago. Why should I set it so that they will forever be able to pick up the old subscription just so users don’t run into this problem of not being able to continue a subscription at all. This is objectively flawed. An expired invoice is meaningless. It should not block people from buying the product like a new subscriber. Anyone with expired subscriptions should get exactly the same offers as someone who never had a subscription to begin with.
  7. Yeah, it’s a know issue for years. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/463463-issue-with-subscriptions-and-inactive-users/?do=findComment&comment=2867831
  8. You need to change the permissions here in the Applications section: This is the most important entry. You can completely hide profiles from guests and search engines this way. You might want to go through the other entries as well, as the user names can appear in widgets, in search and other places. Keep in mind that images remain publicly accessible after these changes and it might take weeks or months until they disappear from search results. You can request a removal for specific images from Google if necessary.
  9. Amazingly, that means to mass-collect personal data (like IP addresses from guests), which should violate the GDPR itself.
  10. The Pages database relationship field is great for collecting more complex data that doesn’t fit in simple lists. But the field is not very user-friendly. First of all, it would be great to bring back more input options as in 3.4. At the moment, we only have the “type-ahead” input. But that means users need to know what record they want to link to upfront and they need to learn that they have to start typing to find it. For the majority of databases (which don’t have thousands of entries) a drop-down menu would be a better choice. It would clearly tell the users their choices without any guesswork about the entries or how to get to them. But my main problem is the fact that the field has no option to deal with missing entries. As admin I understand it and can deal with it, but for the users, it’s way too confusing. The field should show an option to create a missing entry, preferably inline without having to leave the page. Real-world example: A user creates an entry in a book database with links to an author and a publisher database. If an author is not yet available in the author database, it should be possible to create the external author entry instantly and preselect it right from the form creating the book entry. That’s what users would expect. I can’t tell them: first go to database B, C, D, and E and check if your related entries already exist and manually create them if necessary. Only then go to the main database to create your record A which links to B, C, D, and E.
  11. I noticed that I can no longer properly link a Pages category page on Facebook. The header contains an “og:url” linking to the page, not the category that was actually used. Facebook seems to prefer that information over the correctly set canonical tag and pulls the wrong information from the page, ignoring the category entirely. I can replicate it with any Pages database with categories on any installation and with any template.
  12. For Pages there is this 3rd-party solution by @All Astronauts
  13. I think the NaN is just a language pack problem. I know this from my German community. It tries to show the progress percentage but fails, because it doesn’t get a proper value (NaN = Not a Number). If you switch to English, this problem would probably disappear. I don’t think this is related to the upgrade stalling.
  14. Outgoing database links come from a theme template called “basicRelationship”. Incoming links are defined in the display template assign to the database. So, that would be the most straightforward way to change the comma-separated lists to something else. Of course you can also do it all manually and load the records that are saved in the database relationship field—provided you are building a custom template that is not meant for multiple databases.
  15. Yes, but who owns the channel? If it’s the site owner, they are responsible for any content the users might upload. Get 3 copyright strikes and all videos are gone forever. Again, it’s just not meant to be free API storage.
  16. Please post the exact error message. That orange box is explained here: https://www.opentype.space/superdocs/ips-community-tips/pages/you-can-only-have-1-category-to-store-records-in-the-database-directly-r1/
  17. Those platforms aren’t really made for this kind of Website-API-Website use. They are meant to build channels for individual accounts on their platform. A better example for a dedicated API video service would be https://www.cloudflare.com/products/cloudflare-stream/
  18. Discourse trust levels to automagically moderate content and lift restrictions over time. https://blog.discourse.org/2018/06/understanding-discourse-trust-levels/
  19. I wouldn’t want to mess with the ID generation by the software. But a small tip: you can quite easily add prefixes or suffixes to it. That’s what I do to clearly identify my various shops and make the identifiers unique. All you need to do is change the language string “invoice_number”. The change will be shown everywhere the invoice number is used. In the ACP and on the invoice print-outs.
  20. I know that @simonle had created custom themes with a sidebar navigation. Maybe he is available for such a job. In theory, you could also have an app or plugin created which only overrides the navigation, so you don’t have to maintain a full theme forever.
  21. Yes, sounds like a perfect case for a Pages database. The custom fields you can set up in the ACP also come with a few layout options. Check the Display Option tab for the fields. For images, you probably want to create separate upload fields, not just rely on an editor field with attachments. The basics are explained here in the IPS Guides section: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/suite-applications/pages/core-concepts/introduction-to-pages-r149/ For in-depth video instructions, you can check out the online video course in my signature.
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