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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. I have a site with over 80 people paying for a “product subscription”. I want to send the top ten users a little gift. How do I find out who they are without opening each user manually and checking the details. I am looking for highest-paying or longest running product subscription. (The Top Customers section in the Statistics doesn’t help me, as this is based on all sales, not just the product for supporting the site.)
  2. No, there was no file update, maybe an update of the description.
  3. There is nothing wrong with staying informed about the entire product line. After all, some admins will be interested in switching to the cloud offer, if it provides features or benefits they might want. So, they want to get that information as well. We just need to be able to easily tell which new feature applies to which plan.
  4. I wrote an article about it a while ago. https://www.opentype.space/superdocs/ips-community-tips/pages/use-pages-to-verify-apple-pay-through-stripe-r30/
  5. Well, that’s the “marketing talk” way of saying it. It’s already in black and white on the pricing page: https://invisioncommunity.com/buy
  6. It’s a standard feature with several templates to choose from. (But be warned: it’s for the homepage as requested. It won’t apply to individual categories.)
  7. We can only skip the news, if it is indicated to whom it applies. Scenario A: “Streaming is coming (to enterprise plans)” I am not not on that plan, so moving on. Otherwise it will be scenario B: “Streaming is coming!” Getting exiting. Having to research the details. Finding out to whom it applies. Being frustrated. So, it’s very much about how the news are presented.
  8. I really don’t understand what is going on. For the last several years I had a $30/month package covering the entire software suite. It was discontinued and I looked at a $54 plan, but it introduced new limitations like “no external apps”. Just months later, that plan is gone as well, and it’s at least a $99 plan. But that again removed crucial features. So just to keep the existing site going as it was, I would have needed to go from $30 to $169 now. That’s a price increase of over 560%! That is insane. To be clear: I fully understand that private companies choose their market segment. They don’t owe it to the public to be cheaper, offer free service or anything like that. Not even if other products in the same field are cheaper or free. But a company does owe something to their existing client base, especially with a company like IPS where 100% of the revenue comes from one product and therefore entirely from the existing client base. There needs to be some kind of trust that both business partners are in a win-win partnership and that there is a willingness to keep it this way. We are your existing clients. We pay for the product, so it should be built for us and around our needs and at least somewhat around our financial abilities. Because, at the moment, I honestly feel like an idiot if my license fees pay for the development of features today, which I will not be able to use tomorrow, because they are reserved for some higher plan for a future big corporation client. I should at least be able to keep using the product I know with roughly the same features and roughly with the same price I knew and accepted when I made the original purchase. Otherwise there is no reason to have any trust in the software provider. And even if I try to stick with the software, how am I supposed to plan for the future of current and new licenses, when price increases of over 500% can happen at any time? It’s easy to say one cares about their customers, but everything that happened since last year regarding plans and pricing betrays any such promises.
  9. At the moment, I would wait to see what this new “Page Builder” thing is that appeared on the Pricing page. Maybe that replaces all the current ways we deal with custom pages.
  10. It’s a tricky situation. If they add these stylings as a default, it would break all the uses where that is not wanted or useful. I will often just wrap everything in <div class="ipsBox ipsPadding"></div>. That is usually enough. My online course talks in detail about such issues and how to solve them.
  11. As reported by a customer and I can replicate it as well. Installation instructions: Result: The product isn’t part of the results.
  12. Tip: Create the block in the ACP as Pages block. That way, nothing you do on the front-end can kill it.
  13. That’s possible with Pages databases. Here is a product where I use that list of records (“lessons”). https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8663-pages-superdocs/ Here is a product which has next/previous buttons for database records: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/10051-pages-supergallery/ But there is no easy way to enroll into such “courses”. Member group permissions can be used of course, but that get messy very quickly, if each course needs its own member group.
  14. They can change it. The step is just skipped for convenience. The members would need to click on “Step 1”, which would bring them to the skipped part where the address can be changed.
  15. That’s intentional. The account is only created when you set the manual payment to “approved”. Also: Invoices are already created during checkout, so it’s normal to have incomplete orders because users never finish the checkout.
  16. What blockt type is it? Things to check: Make sure the plugin is installed under System -> Plugins If self-hosted: Make sure you are not in developer mode Make sure you are creating a block that is supported by SuperBlocks: Pages: Record Feed Forum: Topic Feed Post Feed Calendar: Upcoming Events Clubs: Club Feed Download: Files Feed Blog: Entry Feed Gallery: Image Feed Album Feed For all these block types, SuperBlocks should be available like this: If none of that helps, I would need ACP access to check out what is wrong.
  17. It’s how PayPal Billing Agreements work. The PayPal user authorizes PayPal to automatically send a specific amount repeatedly with a certain time interval to a service provider. That works fine. But if the service provider wants to change anything about the price or the time interval, it gets problematic, as the Billing Agreement is locked in with PayPal. (And for a good reason. As a PayPal user I don’t want to suddenly see an automatic payment be twice the amount for example, as I never agreed to that.) So, the best solutions are to either never change the price and terms of a Billing Agreement or to not use it at all. If you do want to make changes to existing Billing Agreements, then there is no other option than to cancel the Billing Agreements and let users agree to new prices and terms.
  18. Which problems exactly? This should work as you need it. Either a member purchases the product with an active account or a guests purchases it, which will necessarily create an account for them. I don’t think hiding it from the store is what you need, as you say specifically that existing members should also be able to buy the product.
  19. Only by customizing your theme templates. The link for the button is generated in the index -> index template.
  20. Or at least not with Billing Agreements. That’s what I do. I offer Stripe (with various payment methods) and PayPal, but only Stripe has the option for automatic payments enabled. PayPal is still available and used a lot, but it will only create a new invoice when a subscription period ends.
  21. If you want to stick with free fonts, you can get them from Google Fonts. That is a safe source.
  22. You would define it in the custom.css for your theme. body, html { font-family: 'my-custom-font', Arial, sans-serif; } or h1 { font-family: 'my-custom-font', Arial, sans-serif; }
  23. You would first need to buy a proper license. What you are linking to is an illegal download.
  24. Please open a new topic. I started this topic to highlight a crucial problem with Commerce which is still unsolved. At least until it is solved, the discussion should be limited to this topic. Other issues would distract from the original point.
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