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Everything posted by opentype

  1. And while you are at it, here is another one effective immediately (actually since July 1st, 2022), which can be seen as related, as it also needs to be accessible for guests: New cancellation process for subscriptions required A new law specifies in detail how online contracts like Invision Community subscriptions can be cancelled when services are offered to people in Germany. The current implementation is not sufficient at all. The law text (in German): https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/bgb/__312k.html Good English article about it: https://www.nitrobox.com/en/cancellation-button-bgb-312k-explained/ The article above provides a blueprint of how the cancellation must be performed. As explained in the article, the law is extremely precise in what is required. Specific buttons which easily accessible, specific fields in the form, a confirmation with print-out capability, an automatic confirmation and ALL of it accessible to guests as well.
  2. Looking at the CSS, it comes from code you have in your custom.css .elGalleryFlexbox_cell { height: 40vh;
  3. Are those replies or new content (like topics, database records)? For the latter, you can just reply and the member will see it.
  4. The cookies page, which is present on every installation, explains the cookies: https://invisioncommunity.com/cookies
  5. Yes. So that won’t be happening.
  6. The template is in the theme is this → cms → front → widgets → categories There is a hard-coded condition there: {{if $counter >= 5}}
  7. You need to give a better description of what kind of page that is, so we can tell you what options apply.
  8. The provided code should already work for that scenario the way it is.
  9. The Pages media function has nothing to do with attachments. You can however use attachments on pages as well – wherever there is an editor field.
  10. If you just have an ID, you need to get the member object for that ID to access the additional data. {{$fullMemberData = \IPS\Member::load($theMemberID);}}
  11. How much time has passed since deleting the user? There are probably actions taking place as a background task, so it might take a while to delete everything.
  12. Just so no one misunderstands this: the slowness comes from initiating the SMTP connection while certain actions like replying to a topic with followers are performed. It is not related to AWS. All external SMTP services will show that problem unless IPS moves those mails to a background task for all situations.
  13. This button is generated dynamically based on the current forum and its permissions. It needs the forum variable to do this and so you cannot move the button to the global template. The forum variable isn’t available there. In theory, you could just create a button with a link to /submit/. That’s what the Create Menu does. Not sure that is a good idea though.
  14. There is no regular html link to add something to a cart, but you can do it in a template or IPS HTML page. Example code: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/440852-pages-superlist-support-topic/?do=findComment&comment=2722526
  15. As I pointed out in (rather frustrating) debates years ago: someone doesn’t understand the post-hoc-ergo-propter-hoc fallacy. Doing X and seeing Y afterwards doesn’t mean that X caused Y. It’s why millions believe in homeopathy, and it’s why some admins believe whatever they happen to do on their website must have caused the ranking changes they saw in the following months. But unless the causal connection is demonstrated, it is not reasonable to accept that connection. Arguments based on that fallacy can and should be dismissed and discussions using such flawed arguments as a premise will usually end up being a waste of time.
  16. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    They are all marked as compatible, but IPS still needs to approve it.
  17. Which isn’t really possible, as I tried to say. In your scenario, the supporters are in a primary group AND a secondary group and you would have to manage BOTH permission sets. There is no way to tell the system to only look at the secondary group. ALL permissions in both groups will have to be set up in such a way where the secondary group always overrides the primary group – that can get messy. If it’s really just about username appearance, you might also look at third-party solutions or a custom plugin. It wouldn’t be hard to create a plugin which styles the user name based on a hidden profile field or something like that. This would avoid having to deal with all the group permissions.
  18. It should work, but you will still have to deal with two permission sets which can potentially be conflicting. “Don’t change any supporter permission” doesn’t mean that the primary group permissions don’t affect anything. There is no way to turn the permissions off. It’s probably easier to just have two primary groups. Create the second by copying the first. And if you ever want to make changes, apply them to both.
  19. Yeah, like I said: if you prevent (listing) access, you prevent (listing) access. Users will not even get to the custom error messages. I do not think there is a way around this. As I said: you could consider letting people see the file list and then hit the custom error messages later.
  20. Well, there is the category setting: You might need to revise your permission settings though. There is a difference between viewing categories/file records and downloading the files. If you prevent users from seeing anything, then that’s exactly what will happen. Users might not see specific error messages, if they are not allowed in a specific section to begin with. That’s intentional.
  21. The behaviour of this block seems to have changed with 4.7. Instead of putting multiple images next to each other (as with all other IPS carousels), there is now only one image visible per “page”, leaving an awkward amount of white-space.
  22. It’s understandable that you don’t like this change as it prevents you from doing something you have gotten used to, but please keep it honest and factual. This was already answered. Clearly and thoroughly. So why ask it again? This is actually a dishonest debate tactic. By keep asking it, even though it was already answered, you are trying to suggest there is no good answer. And you know this how? So far, from the 27,436 active clients you are the ONLY ONE who mentioned a clear need to make drastic changes to the core CSS files. So it is questionable to suggest that “many” will turn away, when you have no foundation whatsoever to say that. You are likely just claiming it to give your position more weight.
  23. But are we sure it’s not a bug? Hcaptcha should auto detect the language of the system and I can confirm that this is not working. If I use an hcaptcha demo site like this, the captcha is shown in German. But if I open the registration form of my German IPS community, everything in the captcha is shown in English. So, it looks like the difference is caused by IPS’ implementation. For now, I fixed it by changing the template. <div class="h-captcha" data-hl="de" data-sitekey="{$siteKey}"></div>
  24. Details about my Pages customizations as paid job can be found here: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/opentype-r55/
  25. You can create a custom Page Builder template and then call that. But keep in mind: these templates only affect the red area, nothing else. For any other layout, you would indeed need to create manual HTML pages.