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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. It should work, but you will still have to deal with two permission sets which can potentially be conflicting. “Don’t change any supporter permission” doesn’t mean that the primary group permissions don’t affect anything. There is no way to turn the permissions off. It’s probably easier to just have two primary groups. Create the second by copying the first. And if you ever want to make changes, apply them to both.
  2. Yeah, like I said: if you prevent (listing) access, you prevent (listing) access. Users will not even get to the custom error messages. I do not think there is a way around this. As I said: you could consider letting people see the file list and then hit the custom error messages later.
  3. Well, there is the category setting: You might need to revise your permission settings though. There is a difference between viewing categories/file records and downloading the files. If you prevent users from seeing anything, then that’s exactly what will happen. Users might not see specific error messages, if they are not allowed in a specific section to begin with. That’s intentional.
  4. The behaviour of this block seems to have changed with 4.7. Instead of putting multiple images next to each other (as with all other IPS carousels), there is now only one image visible per “page”, leaving an awkward amount of white-space.
  5. It’s understandable that you don’t like this change as it prevents you from doing something you have gotten used to, but please keep it honest and factual. This was already answered. Clearly and thoroughly. So why ask it again? This is actually a dishonest debate tactic. By keep asking it, even though it was already answered, you are trying to suggest there is no good answer. And you know this how? So far, from the 27,436 active clients you are the ONLY ONE who mentioned a clear need to make drastic changes to the core CSS files. So it is questionable to suggest that “many” will turn away, when you have no foundation whatsoever to say that. You are likely just claiming it to give your position more weight.
  6. But are we sure it’s not a bug? Hcaptcha should auto detect the language of the system and I can confirm that this is not working. If I use an hcaptcha demo site like this, the captcha is shown in German. But if I open the registration form of my German IPS community, everything in the captcha is shown in English. So, it looks like the difference is caused by IPS’ implementation. For now, I fixed it by changing the template. <div class="h-captcha" data-hl="de" data-sitekey="{$siteKey}"></div>
  7. Details about my Pages customizations as paid job can be found here: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/opentype-r55/
  8. You can create a custom Page Builder template and then call that. But keep in mind: these templates only affect the red area, nothing else. For any other layout, you would indeed need to create manual HTML pages.
  9. You change the columns by editing the numbers in the grid class, e.g. “ipsGrid_span6”. You just need to be sure the columns add up to 12. For example: ipsGrid_span6 + ipsGrid_span6 ipsGrid_span4 + ipsGrid_span8 ipsGrid_span4 + ipsGrid_span4 + ipsGrid_span4
  10. Maybe ask in the community help section or have the topic move there? I’m sure other there are many who deal with large files and also use Cloudflare and S3.
  11. Don’t add hard-coded styling to posts. Add CSS classes to your theme and then call them with the custom button. Clean, simple and global. You will also have to white-list your classes in the editor settings.
  12. I don’t think that discussions going in circles is something that would require moderation. I only step in when things escalate, because that can be very damaging for a community.
  13. Yeah, that shouldn’t be possible. You can’t remove just the original post independent from the topic. The content can be emptied of course, which is prevented by setting the edit time to a low value.
  14. There is no difference between topic (first post) and other posts/replies. Just remove delete/hide from the regular member group entirely. It will almost always cause more harm than good. I only give my premium members the option to hide (not delete) posts, because they are usually the trustworthy long-term members.
  15. Tracking the events should work out of the box with a Pages database and custom fields. But putting the data of multiple records together in a meaningful way would have to be coded from scratch. Pages records are just meant to be viewed as they are. There is no calculation, no merging of data or anything like that.
  16. https://www.consumerprivacyworld.com/2022/05/german-supervisory-authorities-online-traders-must-allow-guest-access-for-customer-orders/
  17. Sure, and I am not asking for a drip campaign checkbox. I am asking how to have a proper workflow for everyone involved. The technical ability alone to push an email through Zapier isn’t enough.
  18. There needs to be freely given, specific, informed consent. That is why I have an opt-in checkbox for bulk mails during sign-ups, but there is no checkbox for a drip campaign or similar uses. So, as a user, I have not freely given consent, I have not given specific consent to the drip campaign, nor am a properly informed about having my personal data processes by third-party providers (like Zapier/Mailchimp…), which is certainly relevant in regards to GDPR. Google got a $50 million fine a while ago because of this. They did ask for consent, but the kept it too vague. The distinction between ads and “helpful information” also doesn’t exist this way. If I run a website as a business, then everything I do is a business activity. If I try to keep my users active with drip campaigns, that a business activity. It doesn’t matter if the specific email tried to sell something or not.
  19. As mentioned before, I don’t see how these options can be implemented legally. How do these methods ask for consent to receive multiple emails in the future? How do we get consent to have the email (i.e. personal data) routed through multiple 3rd-party services in the background? What happens if users turn off notifications/bulk mail in their account? How do we stop the drip campaigns then? What happens if the user deletes their account entirely? It’s 2022. This approach of “you registered, now we can shower you with emails” luckily ended when GDPR became legally binding. I don’t like to be on the receiving end of such unwanted emails and therefore I also don’t want to send them out unless it is legal and there is proper consent.
  20. Then you can probably convince IPS to add that feature natively, because I am not aware of such a feature in Invision Community. 😉 I replace the language strings “email_reg_complete” with a long welcome message. The default “Welcome to %s and thank you for joining” is rather pointless but it goes out anyway. So I make use of that.
  21. Agreed. Minor corrections: viewing alone doesn’t create an invoice, but starting a checkout. The invoice should be created at the last step of the checkout when the users clicks “place order”. That’s when the purchase becomes legally binding for both sides. It is NOT necessarily the moment of payment, as there can be payment options like “manual wire transfer”. The invoice wouldn’t be delayed in this case. It still belongs to the moment of the purchase.
  22. It’s not “useless” just because you don’t like it. Everything that Randy said was indeed reasonable and justified. NGINX isn’t supported, so if you have problems with it, you are not getting support (here). It’s as simple as that. Your only argument, which you repeat over and over again is that it “used to work before”. But that argument is flawed, because the fact that it used to work before doesn’t mean that IPS is responsible to keep unsupported features working. If anything, you were lucky that it used to work before. Let me try it with an analogy: You use a foot path along my house where I placed a sign “private property. Use at your own risk”. When I decide to completely shut that path down after a couple of years, you can’t say “but I always use that path. You must continue to let me walk there”. It doesn’t work like that.
  23. Pretty sure this is working as intended. You can see it here on the forum as well.
  24. Such claims need to be tested scientifically. There is no way to test this for yourself and actually come to useful conclusion. Any effect of such a change, positive or negative, will be subtle and there is no way to assess the difference yourself. You will be “primed” to perceive the supposedly improved text as better and possibly come to that conclusion just because of this priming. That’s why science uses double-blind tests, where you don’t know what is actually being tested. And reading speed isn’t reading comprehension. Even if the method would actually make you faster, it doesn’t mean you actually understand the text just as well as when you would read a normal text. There are also confounding variables, like the font weight. The website shows a very light text and then the “bionic” text with some letters being bold(er). Maybe the problem with the light text is that it is just too light and the reading improvement comes from the bolder letters – not their “bionic” distribution. Such things must be taken into account and tested for. And from my experience with reading research, the entire premise is highly questionable. The focus points we use while reading depend on many things: personal reading experience personal understanding of the specific sentence you are reading the text layout (typeface, length of line …) the reading conditions (reading distance, lighting …) This “bionic” approach tries to force focus points on all readers of a text, independent of their reading experience and how good they understand the text. I don’t see how that can work. If the focus points don’t match what one personally needs, there can’t be a positive effect and it is actually more likely to see a negative effect caused by forcing focus points in the wrong locations. But I guess the makers of that product don’t really care as long as they can sell their API access. If they would care, they would have started with proper scientific testing, not with sensational claims distributed through general media outlets.
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